Marcos Witt - Las Naciones Proclamen - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Marcos Witt - Las Naciones Proclamen

Las Naciones Proclamen
The Nations Proclaim
¡Oh, Señor!
Oh, Lord!
Las naciones, proclamen, declaren
The nations, proclaim, declare
Gobiernas hoy
You rule today
Las naciones, conozcan tu gloria
The nations, know your glory
eres Dios
You are God
Las naciones, proclamen, declaren
The nations, proclaim, declare
Gobiernas hoy
You rule today
Las naciones, conozcan tu gloria
The nations, know your glory
eres Dios
You are God
Alguien aquí puede decir "amén"
Can somebody say "amen"?
Levántense las naciones
Let the nations rise
Den gloria y honra al Rey
Give glory and honor to the King
Congréguense en los pueblos
Let the people gather
Doblen su rodilla al Rey
Let them bend their knee to the King
Y esperen en Él
And wait on Him
Clamen al Rey
Cry out to the King
Y conozcan al Rey
And know the King
Que es amor, justicia y verdad
Who is love, justice and truth
Las naciones, proclamen, declaren
The nations, proclaim, declare
Gobiernas hoy
You rule today
Las naciones, conozcan tu gloria
The nations, know your glory
eres Dios
You are God
Las naciones, proclamen, declaren
The nations, proclaim, declare
Gobiernas hoy
You rule today
Las naciones, conozcan tu gloria
The nations, know your glory
eres Dios
You are God
Levántense las naciones
Let the nations rise
Den gloria y honra al Rey
Give glory and honor to the King
Congréguense en los pueblos
Let the people gather
Doblen su rodilla al Rey
Let them bend their knee to the King
Y esperen en Él
And wait on Him
Clamen al Rey
Cry out to the King
Y conozcan al Rey
And know the King
Que es amor, justicia y verdad (las naciones)
Who is love, justice and truth (the nations)
Las naciones, proclamen, declaren
The nations, proclaim, declare
Gobiernas hoy
You rule today
Las naciones, conozcan tu gloria
The nations, know your glory
eres Dios
You are God
Las naciones, proclamen, declaren
The nations, proclaim, declare
Gobiernas hoy
You rule today
Las naciones, conozcan tu gloria
The nations, know your glory
eres Dios
You are God
Calle delante de Él, toda la tierra
Be silent before Him, all the earth
Humíllese ante el Señor y su gran poder
Humble yourselves before the Lord and His great power
Calle delante de Él, toda la tierra
Be silent before Him, all the earth
Humíllese ante el Señor y su gran poder (calle delante de Él)
Humble yourselves before the Lord and His great power (be silent before Him)
Calle delante de Él, toda la tierra (humíllense)
Be silent before Him, all the earth (humble yourselves)
Humíllese ante el Señor y su gran poder
Humble yourselves before the Lord and His great power
Dilo una vez más Calle delante de Él
Say it one more time Be silent before Him
Calle delante de Él, toda la tierra (humíllese)
Be silent before Him, all the earth (humble yourselves)
Humíllese ante el Señor y su gran poder
Humble yourselves before the Lord and His great power
Las naciones, (las naciones) proclamen, (proclamen) declaren (declaren)
The nations, (the nations) proclaim, (proclaim) declare (declare)
Gobiernas hoy
You rule today
Las naciones, (las naciones) conozcan (conozcan) tu gloria (tu gloria)
The nations, (the nations) know (know) your glory (your glory)
eres Dios
You are God
Las naciones, (las naciones) proclamen, (proclamen) declaren (declaren)
The nations, (the nations) proclaim, (proclaim) declare (declare)
Gobiernas hoy
You rule today
Las naciones, (las naciones) conozcan (conozcan) tu gloria (tu gloria)
The nations, (the nations) know (know) your glory (your glory)
eres Dios
You are God
Las naciones, (las naciones) proclamen, (proclamen) declaren (declaren)
The nations, (the nations) proclaim, (proclaim) declare (declare)
Gobiernas hoy
You rule today
Las naciones, (las naciones) conozcan (conozcan) tu gloria (tu gloria)
The nations, (the nations) know (know) your glory (your glory)
eres Dios
You are God
Vamos a escuchar el clamor de las naciones
Let's hear the clamor of the nations
أختار أيام ثانية، أبان على شعبي
I choose other days, I reveal to my people
لأجل أن يكون مطراً
To be rain
لأن الأمراض سمي عليه
For diseases were named after him
وصلوا وطلبوا وجهي الذي دعوا
They arrived and asked for my face, who called
فإذا تواضع شعبي للسماء
So if my people humble themselves to heaven
فأغفر خطاياهم، وأسمع من وجوههم عن طرقهم
I will forgive their sins, and hear from their faces about their ways
بأن عينيك كانا مقفيين، اذان مصغيين وأبرئ ارضهم
That your eyes were averted, ears listening and I will heal their land
Ese son las naciones árabes, el que acaba de orar
Those are the Arab nations, the one who just prayed
Dele gloria a Dios
Give glory to God
Las naciones
The nations
Oh Dios
Oh God
Tem misericórdia, Senhor das nações
Have mercy, Lord of the nations
Tem misericórdia das nações, ó Senhor
Have mercy on the nations, O Lord
Porque nós viemos, confiadamente
Because we come, confidently
Ao trono da tua graça ó Senhor
To the throne of your grace, O Lord
Tem misericórdia do teu povo
Have mercy on your people
E socorre, Senhor, a esse povo
And help, Lord, this people
Que busca ao teu nome
Who seek your name
Que busca a tua presença
Who seek your presence
Que busca o teu Espírito Santo
Who seek your Holy Spirit
Que busca a tua unção, Senhor
Who seek your anointing, Lord
Tem socorro, Senhor!
Help, Lord!
Manda socorro, Senhor!
Send help, Lord!
Para todos aqueles
For all those
Que não conhecem o teu nome
Who do not know your name
Que não conhecem a tua graça
Who do not know your grace
Que não conhecem o teu amor
Who do not know your love
Que não conhecem, ó Senhor
Who do not know, O Lord
A tua graça, amor e misericórdia
Your grace, love and mercy
Oh, en tu justicia, Senhor
Oh, in your righteousness, Lord
Na tua justiça, meu Deus
In your righteousness, my God
Tenha misericórdia de nós
Have mercy on us
Clamamos! Clamamos!
We cry out! We cry out!
E clamamos, no nome santo de Jesus
And we cry out, in the holy name of Jesus
Aleluia, amém!
Hallelujah, amen!
Las naciones que hablan portugués
The nations that speak Portuguese
Aplauda al Señor
Clap for the Lord
Las naciones germánicas
The Germanic nations
Oh Herr, habe bitte Gnade mit unsrer Nation
Oh Lord, please have mercy on our nation
In deiner Güte und deinem Verständnis
In your kindness and your understanding
Denke bitte an alle Nationen dieser Erde
Please remember all the nations of this earth
Und wir wissen, dass wir dich sehr brauchen
And we know that we need you very much
Wir haben unsere Fehler erkannt
We have recognized our mistakes
Und unsere Schwächen
And our weaknesses
Und wir wissen, dass wir ohne dich nicht weitermachen können
And we know that we cannot go on without you
Wir brauchen dich in unserem Leben
We need you in our lives
Dass wir dich, ähm, dich brauchen
That we, um, need you
Und thank you for the, wir danken dir Vater
And thank you for the, we thank you Father
Hab Gnade mit uns
Have mercy on us
Im Namen des Vater und des Sohnes
In the name of the Father and the Son
Und des heiligen Geistes
And the Holy Spirit
Oh, Señor
Oh, Lord
Las naciones, proclamen, declaren
The nations, proclaim, declare
Gobiernas hoy
You rule today
Las naciones, conozcan tu gloria
The nations, know your glory
(Tú eres Dios) levante su voz
(You are God) raise your voice
Las naciones, proclamen, declaren
The nations, proclaim, declare
Gobiernas hoy
You rule today
Las naciones, conozcan tu gloria
The nations, know your glory
eres Dios
You are God
Calle delante de Él, toda la tierra
Be silent before Him, all the earth
Humíllese ante el Señor y su gran poder
Humble yourselves before the Lord and His great power
Dígalo conmigo, calle delante de Él
Say it with me, be silent before Him
Calle delante de Él, toda la tierra (humíllese)
Be silent before Him, all the earth (humble yourselves)
Humíllese ante el Señor y su gran poder (calle delante...)
Humble yourselves before the Lord and His great power (be silent before...)
Calle delante de Él, toda la tierra
Be silent before Him, all the earth
Humíllese ante el Señor y su gran poder
Humble yourselves before the Lord and His great power
(Vamos a decirlo una última vez, calle)
(Let's say it one last time, be silent)
Calle delante de Él, toda la tierra (humíllense)
Be silent before Him, all the earth (humble yourselves)
Humíllese ante el Señor y su gran poder
Humble yourselves before the Lord and His great power
Oh, Señor
Oh, yes Lord
Quiero que escuchen este salmo
I want you to listen to this psalm
El salmo 106 versos 4 y 5
Psalm 106 verses 4 and 5
David, ¿podrías leer ese salmo por favor?
David, could you please read that psalm?
"Acuérdate de mí, oh, Jehová
"Remember me, O Lord,
Según tu benevolencia para con tu pueblo
according to your steadfast love for your people;
Visítame con tu salvación
visit me with your salvation,
Para que yo vea el bien de tus escogidos
that I may look upon the prosperity of your chosen ones,
Para que me goce en la alegría de tu nación
that I may rejoice in the gladness of your nation,
Y me gloríe con tu heredad"
that I may glory in your heritage."
¿Cuántos pueden decir amén a eso?
How many can say amen to that?
Ahora quiero que leas Génesis
Now I want you to read Genesis
Capítulo 9 versos 15, 16
Chapter 9 verses 15, 16
Oh, hermano, escuche esto, está poderoso
Oh, brother, listen to this, it's powerful
"Y me acordaré del pacto mío que hay entre y vosotros
"I will remember my covenant that is between me and you
Y todo ser viviente de toda carne
and every living creature of all flesh.
Y no habrá más diluvio de aguas
And the waters shall never again become a flood
Para destruir toda carne
to destroy all flesh.
Estará el arco en las nubes, y lo veré
When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it
Y me acordaré del pacto perpetuo"
and remember the everlasting covenant"
Entre Dios y todo ser viviente
Between God and every living creature
Con toda carne que hay sobre la tierra
With all flesh that is on the earth

Writer(s): Isaac Emmanuel Espinosa

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