Matt Force - 告別 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Matt Force - 告別

我就知道你唔會留低 因為你已經光榮踏上咗通往天國嘅樓梯
I knew you wouldn't stay here Because you have already been blessed to step onto the staircase to heaven
只有記憶會留低 黑暗之中 shining bright
Only memories will linger In the darkness, shining bright
照亮我身邊一切一切 影響得徹底
Illuminating everything around me, affecting me totally
如果你化身一盆植物 喺頃刻之間
If you were to transform into a plant In an instant
你將會為我帶黎靜謐 一切嘅支撐
You would bring me tranquility and support
如果可以再見再高都高攀 九曲十三彎
If it were possible to see you again No matter how high, through twists and turns
波折當三餐 yeah I'll be on my grind 去搵你
Obstacles will be my meals Yeah, I'll be on my grind to find you
樂此不疲 當月光升起我會寫下太陽見證喺筆記
Tirelessly, with the moon rising I will write a testament witnessed by the sun
你好似愛理不理 已經感覺到乏味
You seem indifferent and bored
I think it's because I haven't accepted your eternal sleep
長眠於綿綿泥土 上面世界太糟糕
Sleeping forever in the soft soil The world above is too terrible
植物都變得枯燥 街道都變得污糟
Even plants have become barren, the streets have become filthy
所有人都變得糊塗 荒廢佢地嘅大腦
Everyone has become confused, wasting their brains
一切要歹徒幫佢帶路 行大路 受擺佈 take my bible
Everything needs a crook to lead the way, follow the path, be controlled Take my Bible
Your life is the most essential thing to my soul
Determining my mood, like playing an excellent vinyl record
抑或係一齣電影 所有人見證過
Or a movie that everyone has seen
你嘅堅貞風格鮮明 承載住你嘅生命
Your steadfast style is distinct and carries your life
Countless people have replayed you over and over again beneath the night sky
去到落幕嗰刻先知道冇得再複製 你嘅一切
Only realizing when the curtain falls that they can never replicate you
轉眼即逝無得再返嚟 我知道有人同我一齊
You're gone in the blink of an eye I know there are others who feel the same
冇辦法停止對你執迷 uh
There's no way to stop being obsessed with you
當所有物品獎狀可以拍賣嘅時候代表對你嘅尊重 大開殺戒
When all your belongings and awards can be auctioned, it shows respect for you Go wild
可以向邊個責怪 歪理再歪 我照樣聽住你嘅歌走過每條街
Who can I blame for this? No matter how twisted the logic, I still listen to your songs as I walk down every street
回家再翻看你嘅電影 熟悉嘅風格辯證
Going home to watch your movies again, your familiar style resonates
你獨特風韻 散發在這空間 易辦認 使得我將我心意傾
Your unique charm permeates this space, easily recognizable, making me pour my heart out
心目中The Queen The King of all time
In my heart, you are the Queen, the King of all time
一而再再而三 多番 黑夜嘅星 Blink
Time and time again, the stars of the night twinkle
My heart, as still as water, is gently stirred by you as a dragonfly
泛起漣漪輕吻我額頭 討厭數字69
Rippling and kissing my forehead, hating the number 69
一肚悲憤 還能夠 做些甚麼去將逝去嘅你哋一一挽留
Filled with grief, what can I do to keep you from passing away?
No you gotta go 拍著翅膀嘅佢哋帶你哋飛得更高
No, you have to go With feathered wings, they take you higher
離開人間地獄 瀰漫住臭腥味嘅 dough money 好似 honey
Leaving the hell on earth, filled with the stench of money, like honey
人類好似蜜蜂 killa beez going crazy
Humans are like bees, killer bees going crazy
你捅我一刀 我捅你一刀 eye for an eye 直至雙眼再睇唔到
You stab me, I stab you, an eye for an eye until both eyes can no longer see
個世界有病 根本無得醫 c'est la vie 重新洗牌滿足我嘅 fantasy
The world is sick, there is no cure C'est la vie, let's reshuffle the deck to satisfy my fantasy
亦慶幸你哋一早返上天家 2018 而家
I am also glad that you have returned to heaven early In 2018, now
世界太過 fucked up 同我嘅想像有偏差
The world is too fucked up, different from my imagination
太多喧嘩 太多奴隸 太多犬馬 太多蒙蔽 睜開雙眼睇下
Too much noise, too many slaves, too many dogs, too much blindness, open your eyes and see
呢個世界幾咁 fucked up 每個人抑鬱 鬱鬱不得志嘅我哋已經準備消失
This world is so fucked up Everyone is depressed, depressed, and we are ready to disappear
離開傷心地 我哋傷心地離去 再無辦法擁抱最心愛 只剩低零碎
Let's leave this sad place We leave sadly, unable to embrace our loved ones, leaving only fragments
要去建立新嘅規則 我當係責任 幾多辛酸 幾多低泣
We must establish new rules I take it as a responsibility, with much hardship, much weeping
無看在眼內 放喺心 將佢沉澱放喺作品
Ignore it, keep it in my heart, let it settle, and put it into my work
當我知道閃耀住嘅係眼淚 唔係黃金
When I realize that what shines is tears, not gold

Writer(s): Wong Ching Chun

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