Mexicano - Ladrón Que Juzga Ladron - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mexicano - Ladrón Que Juzga Ladron

Ladrón Que Juzga Ladron
Thief Who Judges Thief
Él tiempo de empezar y analizar
It's time to start and analyze
Quien es el atrevido que me empisa a mi tirar
Who is the daring one who starts throwing at me
E visto que el oponente no da el grado
I've seen that the opponent is not up to par
Seiko da el tiempo pero a mi me luce el rado
Seiko gives the time but I'm the one who shines
Declaro inrayable esta guerra
I declare this war unbeatable
No tengo arma blanca pero tengo yo mi perra
I don't have a blade but I have my bitch
La selva en la que vivo la sobrepaso hey¡
The jungle I live in I overcome, hey!
Metete con migo para que sientas el cantazo
Mess with me so you can feel the blow
El machetaso que trae este boricua
The machete blow that this Puerto Rican brings
Canciones de este tipo los hago pal que se pika
Songs of this type I make for the one who gets pissed off
Que crica te empieso yo a aser en la cabesa
What criticism I start to do in your head
Chupa lambee y besa a traves de mi destreza
Suck, lick and kiss through my skill
Y como resa cuando se les termina ya su tiempo
And how you pray when their time is up
Palabras que me tires para mi son como el viento
Words you throw at me are like the wind to me
Vienen y ban para mi maldiciran
They come and go for me they will curse
Pero nunca podran pero nunca
But they will never be able to, never
Le pido a Jesús cristo que nunca te falte el pan
I ask Jesus Christ that you never lack bread
Y ahora que diran que no estas en mis zapatos
And now what will they say that you are not in my shoes
Enemigos como tu yo los aplasto a cada rato
Enemies like you I crush every time
...ijo e puta¡¡¡¡
...son of a bitch!!!!
Aprende tu leccion que dise como ser tabn p
Learn your lesson which says how to be so p
Hey¡ y agonisas en mi ruta hey¡ y agonisas en mi rutaaaa 
Hey! and you agonize on my route hey! and you agonize on my route aaa
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Él tiempo de empezar y analizar
It's time to start and analyze
Quien es el atrevido que me empisa a mi tirar
Who is the daring one who starts throwing at me
E visto que el oponente no da el grado
I've seen that the opponent is not up to par
Seiko da el tiempo pero a mi me luce el rado
Seiko gives the time but I'm the one who shines
Declaro inrayable esta guerra
I declare this war unbeatable
No tengo arma blanca pero tengo yo mi perra
I don't have a blade but I have my bitch
La selva en la que vivo la sobrepaso hey¡
The jungle I live in I overcome, hey!
Metete con migo para que sientas el cantazo
Mess with me so you can feel the blow
El machetaso que trae este boricua
The machete blow that this Puerto Rican brings
Canciones de este tipo los hago pal que se pika
Songs of this type I make for the one who gets pissed off
Que crica te empieso yo a aser en la cabesa
What criticism I start to do in your head
Chupa lambee y besa a traves de mi destreza
Suck, lick and kiss through my skill
Y como resa cuando se les termina ya su tiempo
And how you pray when their time is up
Palabras que me tires para mi son como el viento
Words you throw at me are like the wind to me
Vienen y ban para mi maldiciran
They come and go for me they will curse
Pero nunca podran pero nunca
But they will never be able to, never
Le pido a Jesús cristo que nunca te falte el pan
I ask Jesus Christ that you never lack bread
Y ahora que diran que no estas en mis zapatos
And now what will they say that you are not in my shoes
Enemigos como tu yo los aplasto a cada rato
Enemies like you I crush every time
...ijo e puta¡¡¡¡
...son of a bitch!!!!
Aprende tu leccion que dise como ser tabn p
Learn your lesson which says how to be so p
Hey¡ y agonisas en mi ruta hey¡ y agonisas en mi rutaaaa
Hey! and you agonize on my route hey! and you agonize on my route aaa
Ladron que jusga ladron es por su condicion por su condicion
A thief that judges a thief is because of his condition, because of his condition
Ladron que jusga ladron es por su condicion por su condicion
A thief that judges a thief is because of his condition, because of his condition
Tengo mas tiros de los que carga mi cañon
I have more shots than my cannon carries
Tengo mas rujidos que un grito de un leon
I have more roars than a lion's roar
Tengo mas fuego que la boca de un dragon
I have more fire than a dragon's mouth
Y dudas para veas para que sientas mi presion
And you doubt to see so you can feel my pressure
De corazon empiesa la masacre callejera
From the heart begins the street massacre
Muchos que dicen que son de la bieja escuela
Many who say they are from the old school
Nunca los vi no estaban por alli
I never saw them they weren't there
Entonces por que dicen que estaban siempre ally
So why do they say they were always there?
No es numero uno si no que mantenerse
It's not number one but to stay
Sigo preparado para la guerra nadie me vence
I'm still prepared for war, no one defeats me
Trae aquí tu cince para aserlo mas chicote
Bring your movie here to make it more chicote
Por que tu y corillo para mi son sopla pote
Because you and the group are blow pot for me
Estaba bien tranquilo buscando yo de dios
I was very calm looking for God
Ahora aguante el sueño de mi voz
Now endure the dream of my voice
Dios mio perdonalos no saben lo que asen
My God forgive them they don't know what they are doing
Come in the World bengan entren pasen
Come in the World come in, come in
Pase mi hen pase mi son
Pass my hen pass my son
No juegen con mis controles por que empiesa la mision
Don't play with my controls because the mission begins
Hey pase mi sin pase mi son no juegen con mis controles
Hey pass my sin pass my son don't play with my controls
Por que empiesa la mision
Because the mission begins
Y si hago una masacre no dejo ningun rastro
And if I do a massacre I leave no trace
Me guillo del cabron como si fuera Fidel castro
I run away from the bastard as if it were Fidel Castro
No soy un comunista yo soy puerto riqueño
I'm not a communist I'm Puerto Rican
Para mi tu eres mi esclavo y para ti yo soy tu dueño
For me you are my slave and for you I am your master
Me desdeño en la materia mas poderosa
I disdain myself in the most powerful matter
Gozosa, sabrosa preguntale a la rosa
Joyful, tasty, ask the rose
Como rozo con mi coso no bajando el poso pero tripioso
How I brush with my thing without lowering the dregs but tripping
Como el oso apetitoso aunque destrozo
Like the appetizing bear although I destroy
A veces bien rabioso cuando saco el mojoso
Sometimes very angry when I take out the moldy
Y como toso cuando me da una pata¡
And how I cough when a paw gives me!
Y venia una brisa y fua
And a breeze was coming and went
Cuando empieso con mi lirica
When I start with my lyrics
Es como estatica maniatica lunatica
It's like static, manic, lunatic
A veces bien sarcastica
Sometimes very sarcastic
Pero jamas es clasica para lños pateticos y analfabetos
But never classic for the pathetic and illiterate
Que se siguen dando duro contra el seto
Who keep hitting the fence
Aquí termina el reto como le someto socio yo
Here ends the challenge as I submit to it partner I
Lo pienso pero e decidido no abochornarlo
I think about it but I've decided not to embarrass him
Por que ellos son numero uno en la lista de los puercos
Because they are number one on the pig list
Soy terco no cogieron el consejo
I'm stubborn they didn't take the advice
Como yo manejo te dirijo hacia el vacio
As I drive I direct you towards the void
Aflotas en un rio con tu descomposición
You float in a river with your decomposition
Me boy no te torturo mas en mi cancion
I'm leaving I won't torture you anymore in my song
Saka saka creiste que me iba allallaiiii
Saka saka you thought I was going over thereiiii
Ladron que jusga ladron es por su condicion por su condicion
A thief who judges a thief is because of his condition, because of his condition
Ladron que jusga ladron es por su condicion por su condicion Ladron que jusga ladron es por su condicion por su condicion
A thief who judges a thief is because of his condition, because of his condition A thief who judges a thief is because of his condition, because of his condition
Ladron que jusga ladron es por su condicion por su condicion Ladron que jusga ladron es por su condicion por su condicion
A thief who judges a thief is because of his condition, because of his condition A thief who judges a thief is because of his condition, because of his condition
Ladron que jusga ladron es por su condicion por su condicion Ladron que jusga ladron es por su condicion por su condicion
A thief who judges a thief is because of his condition, because of his condition A thief who judges a thief is because of his condition, because of his condition
Ladron que jusga ladron es por su condicion por su condicion
A thief who judges a thief is because of his condition, because of his condition

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