Miguel Morales feat. Gabriel "Chiche" Maestre - Mi Gran Amor - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Miguel Morales feat. Gabriel "Chiche" Maestre - Mi Gran Amor

Mi Gran Amor
My Great Love
Se que te roge que no te fueras
I know he's begging you not to leave
Que no te alejaras,
That you wouldn't walk away,
Por qu sin ti la vida no tenia sentido
Why without you life had no meaning
Y te suplique de mil maneras
And beg you in a thousand ways
Mi orgullo te arrastraba
My pride was dragging you down
Para que nunca me perdieras el cariño.
So that you would never lose my affection.
Debo reconocer que junto a ti llegue a vivir un paraiso
I must admit that together with you I get to live a paradise
Acepto que falle
I accept that I fail
Pero jugaste con este hombre que te quizo
But you played with this man I wanted you
No puedo comprender
I can't understand
Como olvidaste lo que nosotros vivimos
How did you forget what we lived
Gracias te doy mujer, por ser mi novia
Thank you I give you woman, for being my girlfriend
Y por estar junto con migo.
And for being together with me.
Quien no acepta el pasado
Who does not accept the past
No vive el presente
He does not live in the present
Fue un gusto conocerte, te deseo mucha suerte
It was nice to meet you, I wish you a lot of luck
Y aquel que este a tu lado abrazalo muy fuerte,
And the one who is next to you hold him very tight,
Dile que me olvidaste, que dejaste de quererme
Tell her that you forgot me, that you stopped loving me
Ya tengo un gran cariño
I already have a great affection
Y me da amor sincero
And he gives me sincere love
Y que por mas que yo lo intente no lo olvidare
And that no matter how hard I try I won't forget
Me tiraste al olvido, no te importo el te quiero
You threw me into oblivion, you don't care about me I love you
Que de mis labios sin temor un dia te exprese
That from my lips without fear one day I will express to you
Aunque sufri para sacarte de mi mente
Though I suffer to get you out of my mind
Hoy por fin encontree
Today I finally found
Miii grann amorrr
Miii grann amorrr
Ya tengo un gran cariño y me da amor sincero
I already have a great affection and it gives me sincere love
Y que por mas que yo lo intente no lo olvidaré
And that no matter how hard I try I won't forget
Me tiraste al olvido, no te importó el te quiero
You threw me into oblivion, you didn't care about the I love you
Que de mis labios sin temor un día de exprese
That from my lips without fear one day to express
Se que mal de mi tu andas hablando
I know how bad you're talking about me
No se que ganaras
I don't know that you won
Pues te aseguro que yo no lo he hecho contigo
Well, I assure you that I have not done it with you
Tus amigos te han felicitado por haberme abandonado
Your friends have congratulated you for leaving me
Veras que con otro ya no sera lo mismo.
You will see that with another it will no longer be the same.
Tus padres se reiran
Your parents will laugh
Por que lograron por lo que siempre lucharon
Because they achieved what they always fought for
Ardillas en el mar
Squirrels in the sea
Por que te juro que de todo estoy curado
Because I swear to you that I'm cured of everything
No se que pasara
I don't know what happened
Si mi guitarra ya no me escucha cantando
If my guitar can't hear me singing anymore
Las ganas de llorar
The desire to cry
No significa que quiera estar a tu lado
It doesn't mean I want to be by your side
Ahy cosas que por mas que intentes no se olvidan,
There are things that no matter how hard you try you don't forget,
Tu fuistes una de ellas que me marco la vida
You were one of them that marked my life
Olo le pido al cielo que dios te bendiga
Olo I ask heaven that God bless you
Ve y sigue tu camino
Go and be on your way
Y encuentra la salida.
And find the way out.
Ya tengo un gran cariño
I already have a great affection
Que me da amor sincero
That gives me sincere love
Y aunque por mas que yo lo intente no lo olvidare
And although no matter how hard I try I won't forget
Me tiraste al olvido, no te importo el te quiero
You threw me into oblivion, you don't care about me I love you
Que de mis labios sin temor un dia te exprese
That from my lips without fear one day I will express to you
Aunque sufri para sacarte de mi mente
Though I suffer to get you out of my mind
Hoy por fin encontree
Today I finally found
Miii grann amorr
Miii grann amorr
Ya tengo un gran cariño
I already have a great affection
Que me da amor sincero
That gives me sincere love
Y aunque por mas que yo lo intente no lo olvidaré
And although no matter how hard I try I won't forget
Me tiraste al olvido, no te importo el te quiero
You threw me into oblivion, you don't care about me I love you
Que por mis labios sin temor un día de exprese
That through my lips without fear one day to express

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