Mikel Urdangarin - Lekandapean - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mikel Urdangarin - Lekandapean

At the Window
Lekandapean urduri
Restless at the window
Otsoek hainbat ulubi,
Wolves howl in the distance,
Herri bakarra bagara ere
Although we are one people
Ikusten dodaz mundu bi.
We see two worlds.
Eztartana zagarie, itzilespitso argie
The hawthorn tree trembles and extinguishes its lights
Batzuentzako gezurre dana,
For some it is a lie,
Besteentzako egie.
For others it is the truth.
Saguek hona ta hara,
Rats from here to there,
Ustu deuzkue ganbara.
They have set fire to the attic.
Lapur handiek kalean dabiz,
Big thieves walk the streets,
Ta txikiek kartzelara.
And the small ones go to jail.
Bele baltzak sosoari
Black ravens to the nightingale
Sarri dabilko kantari
Who often sings
Nozarte egon beharko dogu, tirekail kanpaiari.
We will have to stay awake, deaf to the ringing bell.
Kalean orbela
Dew on the street
Erortzen, erortzen
Falling, falling
Betazpia bentanarean
Frost on the windowpane
Haizeak atean, sirikatsen
Wind at the door, whistling
Eta orbela jausten, jausten
And the dew falls, falls
Munduan kukuak, kuku
Cuckoos in the world, cuckoo
Eta oilarrak, kukurru.
And roosters, cock-a-doodle-doo.
Berba ein behar dogun unean
At the moment we need to speak
Zegaitik gagoz gu mutu.
Why are we mute?
Mirue dau pikondoan
There are cats on the roof
Ta katue sutondoan.
And cats by the fire.
Urrin dauena noiz egongo da
When will the one who lacks
Maite dauenan alboan.
Be by the side of the one he loves?
Animalien arten, bizi gura dot bakean
Among the animals, I want to live in peace
Inoren menpe egongo ez dan
In a FREE COUNTRY that will not be
Subject to anyone.
Hodei artean marmarrak
Thunder among the clouds
Urrun ioakuz antzarak
Geese flying far away
Eurek eroan daiezala
Let them take away
Gure pena ta negarra.
Our sorrow and tears.
Kalean orbela erortzen, erortzen
Dew falling, falling on the street
Betazpia bentanarean
Frost on the windowpane
Haizea atean zirikatzen
Wind whistling at the door
Eta orbela jausten, jausten
And the dew falls, falls

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