Miss Caffeina - Eres agua - En directo, La Riviera, Madrid 2017 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Miss Caffeina - Eres agua - En directo, La Riviera, Madrid 2017

Eres agua - En directo, La Riviera, Madrid 2017
You are water - Live, La Riviera, Madrid 2017
Me construí un palacio de cristal
I built myself a crystal palace
Con pedazos de prisas y ausencias
With pieces of rush and absences
Pinté a mi alrededor un perímetro de seguridad
I painted a security perimeter around me
Para estar a salvo de tu influencia
To be safe from your influence
Rodeado de luz
Surrounded by light
Uno aprende a ser
One learns to be
Lo que la manada
What the pack
Espera de el
Expects of them
Para ser un ser
To be a being
Que no puede morder
That cannot bite
Tuve que alejarte de mis garras
I had to keep you away from my claws
Eres agua
You are water
Es inútil huir de ti
It's useless to run from you
Inundas y arrasas
You flood and destroy
Eres agua
You are water
Es inútil huir de ti
It's useless to run from you
La sed no descansa
The thirst does not rest
Me dibujé una cara de postal
I drew myself a picture-postcard face
Como quien se retira a una cueva
Like someone who retreats to a cave
Por si te volvia a ver
In case I ever saw you again
Esconder mi animal
To hide my animal
No dejarse llevar por la marea
Not to be carried away by the tide
Despues de meses sin ver el sol
After months without seeing the sun
Salí a pasear
I went out for a walk
Y el olor a sal me dio la respuesta
And the smell of salt gave me the answer
Perteneces a este lugar
You belong to this place
Deja de llorar
Stop crying
Ya has llegado
You've arrived
Deja de buscar
Stop searching
Eres agua
You are water
Es inútil huir de ti
It's useless to run from you
Inundas y arrasas
You flood and destroy
Eres agua
You are water
Es inútil huir de ti
It's useless to run from you
La sed no descansa
The thirst does not rest
Solo los valientes saben que es inútil pelear con la tormenta
Only the brave know that it's useless to fight the storm
Solo los valientes saben que es inútil pelear con la tormenta
Only the brave know that it's useless to fight the storm
Eres agua
You are water
Es inútil huir de ti
It's useless to run from you
Inundas y arrasas
You flood and destroy
Eres agua
You are water
Es inútil huir de ti
It's useless to run from you
Un aplauso para Sergio
A round of applause for Sergio

Writer(s): Sergio Sastre

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