Nedeljko Bajic Baja - Snovi Od Stakla - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Nedeljko Bajic Baja - Snovi Od Stakla

Snovi Od Stakla
Glass Dreams
Ako su ovo snovi od stakla
If these dreams are made of glass
Pa mogu da se slome,
Well, they'll surely break,
Neka mi srce pukne sa njima
Let my heart break with them
Nedam ih bilo kome.
I won't give them to anyone.
Ako je ona otrov u medu
If she's the poison in my honey
Taj med sam oduvek hteo
That honey I always wanted to have
I noć s onom pravom bolja je
And nights with the right person are better
Nego s pogrešnom život ceo.
Than a whole life with the wrong one.
Rekli su mi nemoj sa njom,
They told me not to be with her,
Rekli su izgubit ćeš glavu
They said you'll lose your mind
A ja u sebi molim se
But I pray within myself
Da su upravu.
That they are right.
U svetu laži i obmana
In a world of lies and deceit
Na dohvat ruke sve ima cenu,
Everything has a price
A ja i dalje tražim
But I keep searching
Ljubav u svemu.
For love in everything.
Nek sutra sve
Let tomorrow be
Dovraga krene
Whatever it may,
Al' noćas ta lepota
But tonight that beauty
U meni vidi mene.
In me sees me.
Ako su ovo snovi od stakla
If these dreams are made of glass
Pa mogu da se slome,
Well, they'll surely break,
Neka mi srce pukne sa njima
Let my heart break with them
Nedam ih bilo kome.
I won't give them to anyone.
Ako je ona otrov u medu
If she's the poison in my honey
Taj med sam oduvek hteo
That honey I always wanted to have
I noć s onom pravom bolja je
And nights with the right person are better
Nego s pogrešnom život ceo.
Than a whole life with the wrong one.
Rekli su mi dalje od nje
They told me to stay away from her
Ma neću ja to Božija je volja,
But no, God's will be done,
Svakom po zasluzi
To each according to his merits
A meni ne treba bolja
But I don't need a better one
U svetu laži i obmana
In a world of lies and deceit
Svako po nešto od nekoga krije
Everyone hides something from someone
A mene osećaj
But my gut feeling
Nikad izdao nije.
Has never let me down.
Nek sutra sve
Let tomorrow be
Dovraga krene
Whatever it may,
A noćas ta lepota
But tonight that beauty
U meni vidi mene.
In me sees me.
Ako su ovo snovi od stakla
If these dreams are made of glass
Pa mogu da se slome,
Well, they'll surely break,
Neka mi srce pukne sa njima
Let my heart break with them
Nedam ih bilo kome.
I won't give them to anyone.
Ako je ona otrov u medu
If she's the poison in my honey
Taj med sam oduvek hteo
That honey I always wanted to have
I noć s onom pravom bolja je
And nights with the right person are better
Nego s pogrešnom život ceo.
Than a whole life with the wrong one.
Ako su ovo snovi od stakla
If these dreams are made of glass
Pa mogu da se slome,
Well, they'll surely break,
Neka mi srce pukne sa njima
Let my heart break with them
Nedam ih bilo kome.
I won't give them to anyone.
Ako je ona otrov u medu
If she's the poison in my honey
Taj med sam oduvek hteo
That honey I always wanted to have
I noć s onom pravom bolja je
And nights with the right person are better
Nego s pogrešnom život ceo.
Than a whole life with the wrong one.
Ako su ovo snovi od stakla
If these dreams are made of glass
Pa mogu da se slome,
Well, they'll surely break,
Neka mi srce pukne sa njima
Let my heart break with them
Nedam ih bilo kome.
I won't give them to anyone.
Ako je ona otrov u medu
If she's the poison in my honey
Taj med sam oduvek hteo
That honey I always wanted to have
I noć s onom pravom bolja je
And nights with the right person are better
Nego s pogrešnom život ceo.
Than a whole life with the wrong one.

Writer(s): P.stokanovic

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