Ombladon - Tot noi (feat. Motzu) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ombladon - Tot noi (feat. Motzu)

Tot noi (feat. Motzu)
To Us (feat. Motzu)
2006-2007 dupa Cristos
2006-2007 After Christ
Bine-ati venit in Romania, acest loc hidos,
Welcome to Romania, this hideous place,
Fi stapan pe tine, uita grijile,
Be master of yourself, forget your worries,
Toti trag pentru sine, nimeni nu-ti vrea binele,
Everyone pulls for themselves, no one wants what's best for you,
Multi la 4 ace pusi, imbracati in fracuri,
Many on their hind legs, dressed in tuxedos,
Iti mananca coliva cand esti ingropat de facturi,
They eat your food when you're buried in bills,
Cat pla mea poti sa induri in tacere,
How much of my land can you endure in silence,
Cand cu o cutie de pateu faci petrecere,
When you can have a party with a box of pâté,
Nene, sunt bulversat ca dupa primul joit, in fond,
Man, I'm amazed that after the first joint, basically,
E ca pe front, se tine cont decat de cont,
It's like on the front lines, only the account is taken into account,
Sa-ti vand un pont, tine picioarele pe pamant,
Let me give you a tip, keep your feet on the ground,
Ca rand pe rand ne luptam cu mori de vant, pe cuvant,
As we fight windmills one by one, by word,
Copii in curtea scolii o ard la vena si folii,
Children in the schoolyard burn themselves with needles and foil,
Au privirea intunecata, semn clar al bolii,
Their eyes are dark, a clear sign of illness,
La noi, ca la nimeni, se invarte tot cu pile,
For us, like for no one else, everything revolves around connections,
Azi cu pile multe copile se vand pe 2 bile,
Today, with many connections, many girls sell themselves for 2 euros,
Inconjurat de-ai tai, ai de ce sa te temi,
Surrounded by your people, you have reason to be afraid,
Ai grija prietene ca prietenii nu-ti sunt prieteni,
Be careful, my friend, because your friends are not your friends,
Traim in pace, intr-un continuu razboi,
We live in peace, in a continuous war,
Noi nu vrem sa vedem nimic pentru ca asa suntem noi.
We don't want to see anything because that's how we are.
Tot noi, trecem prin viata veseli,
We, all of us, go through life cheerfully,
Cand nu exista fapte bune ci doar interese,
When there are no good deeds but only interests,
Tot noi, ne privim cu ochii plini de venin,
We, all of us, look at each other with eyes full of venom,
Viata e trista dar noi continuam sa ne zambim.
Life is sad but we continue to smile at each other.
Tot noi, trecem prin viata veseli,
We, all of us, go through life cheerfully,
Cand nu exista fapte bune ci doar interese,
When there are no good deeds but only interests,
Tot noi, ne privim cu ochii plini de venin,
We, all of us, look at each other with eyes full of venom,
Viata e trista dar noi continuam sa ne zambim.
Life is sad but we continue to smile at each other.
Ne indreptam fara sens ca directie de mers,
We head in the wrong direction without a sense of direction,
Tara asta a devenit un loc lipsit de interes,
This country has become a place devoid of interest,
Batai pe vise-vise stinse, oamenii isi dau in cap,
Dreams are beaten to a pulp, people are running against the walls,
Pe scara evolutiei am ramas tot in copac.
On the evolutionary ladder, we've remained in the trees.
Pe cultura cica n-avem bani de aruncat,
For culture, we supposedly have no money to throw away,
Romanul trebuie clar educat,
Romanians clearly need to be educated,
Nu stii dar pustii poarta-n cangur la folii,
You don't know, but kids carry joints and foil in their backpacks,
Banu' fac dealerii sa uite ca sunt copii,
Dealers make money to forget that they're children,
Si vad in parc pe bara o pustoaica goala,
And in the park I see a naked little girl on the bar,
Ce se freaca cu-ndrazneala, in loc sa fie-n scoala,
Who rubs herself shamelessly, instead of being in school,
Familii ce-si iau doza de bucurii in ratii,
Families who get their dose of joy in installments,
Traiesc cu multi copii din bani de alocatii,
They live with many children on child support,
E trist ce se intampla, suntem vinovati,
It's sad what's happening, we're guilty,
Tot noi ne semnam sentinte, suntem blestemati,
We, all of us, sign our own death warrants, we are cursed,
2006-2007 dupa Cristos
2006-2007 After Christ
Bine-ai venit in Romania, acest loc hidos.
Welcome to Romania, this hideous place.

Writer(s): ombladon

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