Ombladon - Liceenii Rock'n'roll - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ombladon - Liceenii Rock'n'roll

Liceenii Rock'n'roll
High School Kids Rock'n'roll
Eu... Nu beau...
I... don't drink...
Nu fumez...
I don't smoke...
Nu vorbesc urat...
I don't swear...
Ptu baga-mi-as **** iar mi-a scapat tigarea-n bere!
Damn it, I dropped my cigarette in my beer again!
Nervos ca dau doar de **** cand bag mana-n buzunar
Pissed off, only finding crap when I reach in my pocket
Il iau la bataie pe adrian prietenul meu imaginar
Gonna beat up Adrian, my imaginary friend
Am spart o banca sa fac un ban
Smashed a bench to make some cash
Nu-i niciun ban in randul 4 banca de la geam
There's no cash in the 4th row, window seat
Vad femei urcate in masini tunate voind ****
See women in tuned-up cars wanting sex
Asa ca-mi scot masina-n ploaie sa se tuneze cand tuna
So I take my car out in the rain, let it tune itself when it thunders
O ard mai beat ca vacaroiu, cascati gura ca prostii
Living it up, drunker than Vacaroiu, gape like fools
Io beau pe banii mei, ala bea pe banii vostri
I drink on my dime, that guy drinks on yours
Sunt un sinucigas ma sinucit in reprize
I'm a suicide, killing myself in installments
Fara vize imi trimit creierii pe champs elysees
Without visas, I send my brains to the Champs-Élysées
Am multe vise mizere dupa absint cu bere
Got plenty of miserable dreams after absinthe and beer
In venele mele tensiunea scade rapusa de lene
Tension drops in my veins, defeated by laziness
E prea devreme ca sa-mi fac probleme
It's too early to stress myself out
Viata e scurta deci da-o-n mortii ei de munca
Life's short, so screw work
Nu ca imi pasa, esti varza iti zic de la obraz
Not that I care, you're a mess, I'm telling you straight up
Daca nu bei, nu fumezi, esti treaz, n-ai niciun haz
If you don't drink, don't smoke, you're sober, you're no fun
Refren x2
Chorus x2
Sparti in cap de fum plutim toti peun nor si-o ardem pervers ca liceenii rock'n roll
Stoned out of our minds, we're all floating on a cloud, living it up like high school kids rock'n roll
Ia-o usor nu e loc de-orgolii ai sa fi high... ca cel mai prost din curtea scolii
Take it easy, no room for pride, you'll be high... like the dumbest kid in the schoolyard
Sparti in cap de fum plutim toti peun nor si-o ardem pervers ca liceenii rock'n roll
Stoned out of our minds, we're all floating on a cloud, living it up like high school kids rock'n roll
Ia-o usor nu e loc de-orgolii ai sa fi high... ca cel mai prost din curtea scolii
Take it easy, no room for pride, you'll be high... like the dumbest kid in the schoolyard
N-avem bani ca-i dam pe droguri sau ca i-am baut
We're broke because we spend it all on drugs or booze
Ce-am pe mine am si-n dulap, cand ma-mbrac zici ca
What I'm wearing, I have in my closet, when I get dressed you'd think
Ma mut
I'm moving out
Mi-am trimis t***a la masa ea s-a-ntors de la dracu
Sent my chick to the dinner table, she came back from hell
Da' da-te-n m********i esti ruda cu bumerangu?!
Damn it, are you related to a boomerang?!
"Daca plec, hai vii cu mine? "
"If I leave, will you come with me?"
Nu, iti dau jet
No, I'll give you a jet
"Atunci, vrei sa raman cu tine? "
"Then, do you want me to stay with you?"
Pai daca ramai plec
Well, if you stay, I'm leaving
Nu-s insurat c-am ezitat sa ma trag prin inel
I'm not married because I hesitated to put a ring on it
Sa-mi impart viata cu-o proasta s-o ard penal ca irinel
To share my life with a fool and live it up like Irinel
Eevident ca vrei sa ma faci atent duduie
Obviously you want my attention, lady
Ia zi-mi in ce-ti masori timpul?
Tell me, how do you measure time?
In cocktailuri sau in m***?
In cocktails or in sex?
Orice t***a se suie pe tine cu picoarele
Any chick climbs all over you with her legs
Nu vrea ce e-n pantaloni, iti vrea doar buzunarele
She doesn't want what's in your pants, she just wants your pockets
Omoram timpul tot timpul in centru prin centru
We kill time all the time, downtown, in the center
Dati un ciocan sa-mi indrept comportamentu
Give me a hammer to straighten out my behavior
Eu sunt pentru consumul si legalizarea ei
I'm for its consumption and legalization
Fumez iarba pentru ca am si daca n-am fac rost. Vrei?
I smoke weed because I have it, and if I don't, I'll get it. You want some?
Refren x4
Chorus x4
Sparti in cap de fum plutim toti peun nor si-o ardem pervers ca liceenii rock'n roll
Stoned out of our minds, we're all floating on a cloud, living it up like high school kids rock'n roll
Ia-o usor nu e loc de-orgolii ai sa fi high... ca cel mai prost din curtea scolii
Take it easy, no room for pride, you'll be high... like the dumbest kid in the schoolyard
Sparti in cap de fum plutim toti peun nor si-o ardem pervers ca liceenii rock'n roll
Stoned out of our minds, we're all floating on a cloud, living it up like high school kids rock'n roll
Ia-o usor nu e loc de-orgolii ai sa fi high... ca cel mai prost din curtea scolii
Take it easy, no room for pride, you'll be high... like the dumbest kid in the schoolyard
Sparti in cap de fum plutim toti peun nor si-o ardem pervers ca liceenii rock'n roll
Stoned out of our minds, we're all floating on a cloud, living it up like high school kids rock'n roll
Ia-o usor nu e loc de-orgolii ai sa fi high... ca cel mai prost din curtea scolii
Take it easy, no room for pride, you'll be high... like the dumbest kid in the schoolyard
Sparti in cap de fum plutim toti peun nor si-o ardem pervers ca liceenii rock'n roll
Stoned out of our minds, we're all floating on a cloud, living it up like high school kids rock'n roll
Ia-o usor nu e loc de-orgolii ai sa fi high... ca cel mai prost din curtea scolii
Take it easy, no room for pride, you'll be high... like the dumbest kid in the schoolyard

Writer(s): Guess Who, Ombladon

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