Oques Grasses - El padrí - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Oques Grasses - El padrí

El padrí
The Godfather
Un home trajat, olor a colònia i pentinat
A suited man, smelling of cologne and combed
Inquiet al meu costat, espera pacientment el torn
Restless at my side, waiting patiently for his turn
La seva empresa haurà pensat que fent-lo fora haurà guanyat
His company must have thought that by getting rid of him he would have won
I és un pobre home, presentable i aturat
And he's a poor man, presentable and unemployed
Els meus amics estudiaven mentre que jo instal·lava pisos
My friends were studying while I was installing floors
Faltava pintar la façana i al final s'han quedat grisos
The façade needed to be painted and in the end they've stayed gray
Una psicòloga omplint palets, de llonganisses i de fuets
A psychologist filling pallets, with sausages and whips
Economistes mirant com poder fer cèntims amb l'aire dels pets
Economists looking at how to make pennies with the air of farts
Famílies amb tres cases ara dormen fent bivac
Families with three houses now sleep in bivouacs
Els fills que veien un futur no saben el que els hi ha passat
The children who saw a future do not know what has happened to them
Que el món s'ensorra, perquè el sistema
That the world is collapsing, because the system
Afavoreix els grans quan s'afebleixen els petits
Favors the big when the little ones are weakened
I ens quedarem assentats on puguem creuant els dits
And we will sit where we can, crossing our fingers
Tenim amor i bones intencions però no n'hi ha prou
We have love and good intentions but it's not enough
Apretarem el cinturó, perquè no ho podem tenir tot
We will tighten our belts because we can't have everything
Esperarem a que ens doneu la solució
We'll wait for you to give us the solution
Qui és el que porta aquest banc (Qui és el que porta aquest banc)
Who is the one who runs this bank (Who is the one who runs this bank)
Que no en mai suficient? (Que no en mai suficient?)
Who never has enough (Who never has enough?)
Qui és el que està somrient mentre la gent viu sobre el fang?
Who is the one who is smiling while people live in the mud?
Que surti a parlar, perquè aquí baix estem contents
Let him speak, because down here we are happy
I ens falten els diners que tu encens
And we are missing the money that you burn
I ens falten els diners que tu ens prens
And we are missing the money that you take from us
I ens falten els diners que tu encens
And we are missing the money that you burn

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