Oques Grasses - Passos importants - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Oques Grasses - Passos importants

Passos importants
Important Steps
Records des de
Tracks from
Records des de
Tracks from
Records des de records
Tracks from records
Des de la lluna
From the moon
I un dia marxaré
And one day I'll leave
I m'enviaré postals
And I'll send myself postcards
En una casa de paper
In a paper house
Al mig de la lluna
In the middle of the moon
I un dia jo què (I un dia tu què saps)
And one day I don't know (And one day you don't know)
I un dia no com (I un dia no saps com)
And one day I don't know how (And one day you don't know how)
Un dia
One day
Un dia ho faré
One day I will do it
Perquè a casa meva ens estampem
Because at home we hit ourselves
Contínuament amb el terra
Continuously with the ground
Una vegada i una altra
Again and again
I aquesta és la nostra guerra
And this is our war
Abraçats a les faroles
Embraced by the street lights
Que il·luminen l'avinguda
That light up the avenue
Pujo i baixo vivint sempre
I go up and down always living
Com una bala perduda
Like a stray bullet
Són mentides
They're lies
Les que buiden les persones
That empty people
Són les veritats i els somriures
They're the truths and the smiles
I totes aquestes coses
And all these things
El que ens empenya viure
What compels us to live
Amb totes aquestes ganes
With all these desires
Moltes vegades ens emprenyem
Many times we get pissed off
I continuem igual
And we keep going the same
Moltes vegades no ho entenem
Many times we don't understand
I continuem igual
And we keep going the same
Plorem, riem, vivim
We cry, we laugh, we live
I alguns ratos ens avorrim
And sometimes we get bored
I et dic que els passos importants es solen fer sense roba
And I tell you that important steps are usually taken without clothes
Que els passos importants es solen fer sense roba
That important steps are usually taken without clothes
Que els passos importants es solen fer sense roba
That important steps are usually taken without clothes
Que els passos importants es solen fer sense roba
That important steps are usually taken without clothes
La vida passa, no la passis de dol
Life goes by, don't spend it in mourning
La vida és curta dintre dels teus llençols
Life is short within your sheets
La vida és el que passa abans de la mort
Life is what happens before death
La vida és maca, i més maca quan tens sort
Life is beautiful, and more beautiful when you're lucky
Els moments explicant el què ha de passar
Moments explaining what's going to happen
Els núvols creixen i la pluja caurà
The clouds grow and the rain will fall
I si vols escapar
And if you want to escape
I ens enviarem postals
And we'll send ourselves postcards
I on estàs? (Estic a la lluna)
And where are you? (I'm on the moon)
Quan vindràs (Estic a la lluna)
When will you come (I'm on the moon)
Encantat (Estic a la lluna)
Delighted (I'm on the moon)
Encantat (Estic a la lluna)
Delighted (I'm on the moon)
Estic a la lluna
I'm on the moon
Es', 'tic a la, 'stic a la, 'stic a la, 'stic a la, 'stic a la, 'stic a la lluna
Es', 'tic on the, 'stic on the, 'stic on the, 'stic on the, 'stic on the, 'stic on the moon
Estic a la lluna
I'm on the moon
Es', 'tic a la, 'stic a la, 'stic a la, 'stic, encantat
Es', 'tic on the, 'stic on the, 'stic on the, 'stic, delighted
Estic a la lluna
I'm on the moon

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