Paraziții - Nu in Balcani - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Nu in Balcani

Nu in Balcani
Not in the Balkans
Garcea casca morbid sub casca
Garcea yawns morbidly under his helmet
Putem asocia vizual cu fantoma lui pla fleasca
We can visually associate him with the ghost of his pale face
Europa si-o ia la muie
Europe is taking a beating
Nu vrea sa recunoasca
It doesn't want to admit
Ca si-a vazut doar interesele si nu poa′ sa recunoasca
That it has only looked out for its own interests and it can't admit it
Va lasam si noi vreo 14 ani la mila lu' Stalin
We'll leave you for 14 years at the mercy of Stalin
Sau in lagar 30 de ani pe insula Sahalin
Or in a camp for 30 years on the island of Sakhalin
Inc amuscam si. avem venin
We still bite and we have venom
Hai sa ne trezim!
Let's wake up!
Cand o sa intre Istanbul in Europa, noi o sa iesim.
When Istanbul enters Europe, we'll get out.
Aveti 2 la geografie, suntem la nord de Balcani
You have a 2 in geography, we are north of the Balkans
Si manca. mi. ati pla vesnic, romanii nu sunt tigani!
And eat it. I've told you a thousand times, Romanians are not gypsies!
N. avem regi sau imparati, caci am fost abandonati
We don't have kings or emperors, because we were abandoned
Cand mureau pe front bunicii nostri inghetati
When our grandfathers died frozen on the front
Ati fugit cu totii intr. un exil de lux sa luptati ptr noi
You all fled into a luxurious exile to fight for us
Iar noi acum. ne cautam eroi
And now we are looking for heroes
Post comunistii ne. au vandut si ne. au vandut si tara
The post-communists sold us out and sold out the country
Si vezi copii de 14 ani purtand tricou cu Cheguevara
And you see 14-year-old children wearing Che Guevara t-shirts
Manca. mi. ati pla toti in o mie si una de nopti de vara
Eat it. I've told you a thousand and one summer nights
N. am suflet, n. am sange, n. am apucaturi de cioara
We have no soul, we have no blood, we have no jackdaw's habits
Nu traim in Balcani, studiati istoria reala. Nu cea din scoala.
We don't live in the Balkans, study real history. Not the one at school.
De ce alegeti mereu calea usoara?
Why do you always choose the easy way?
Patrulati in 4 labe, v. ati pierdut umoru
You patrol on all fours, you've lost your sense of humor
Plangeti toti ca niste pzde, columpus [?!] taiati sonoru
You all cry like whores, you cut the rocking chair on the sound
Esti erou in Romania
You are a hero in Romania
Esti un soclu de muste
You are a pedestal of flies
Ai ceva nespus de bun de spus. vor sa te. mpuste
You have something incredibly good to say. they want to shoot you.
Posteritate ane va intoarce posterioru′
Posterity will turn its back on you
Si atunci fiind foarte praf o sa. i dam cu picioru'.
And then being very dusty we will kick it.
Esti erou in Romania
You are a hero in Romania
Esti un soclu de muste
You are a pedestal of flies
Ai ceva nespus de bun de spus. vor sa te. mpuste
You have something incredibly good to say. they want to shoot you.
Posteritate ane va intoarce posterioru'
Posterity will turn its back on you
Si atunci fiind foarte praf o sa. i dam cu picioru′.
And then being very dusty we will kick it.

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