Patron - Kalbin Pili Bpmde - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Patron - Kalbin Pili Bpmde

Kalbin Pili Bpmde
Kalbin Pili Bpmde
Fuck rap benim işim türk rapinin gelişimi
Fuck rap is my thing, the development of Turkish rap
Hiphopa laf söyleyenler ta kendisi delirmişin
Those who talk smack about hiphop are crazy themselves
Hisset ritmin fişi kibrit çöpün bitmiş ise
Feel the rhythm, if your matchstick is finished
Film gibi beatim hem de kalbin pili BPMde!
My beat is like a movie, and the heart's pacemaker in BPM!
Fuck rap benim işim türk rapinin gelişimi
Fuck rap is my thing, the development of Turkish rap
Hiphopa laf söyleyenler ta kendisi delirmişin
Those who talk smack about hiphop are crazy themselves
Hisset ritmin fişi kibrit çöpün bitmiş ise
Feel the rhythm, if your matchstick is finished
Film gibi beatim hem de kalbin pili BPMde!
My beat is like a movie, and the heart's pacemaker in BPM!
Insanlar hala sallanır dinlerken beni
People still sway while listening to me
Yani hissettikçe elektrik gibi sarar seni abi
When you feel it, it envelops you like electricity, my dear
Kıpır kıpır beatim track başında DP
My beat is lively, DP at the beginning of the track
Yayıldıkça kudurtur kulaklara akan her melodi
It spreads and drives you wild, every melody that flows into your ears
Drumlarla rap mix fun eşittir funk party
Drums and rap mixed with fun equals a funk party
Etnik sentez estetik dans eksik verece de seksi
Ethnic synthesis, aesthetic dance missing, it will give you sexiness
Zıplamazasan nerde kaldı tüm bu rapin
If you don't jump, what's the point of all this rap
Desteği sol sinyali ver sollaman gerek her kösteği
Support, give the left signal, you need to overtake every corner
Hayata bi kez geldin her şeyden keyif al
You only come to life once, enjoy everything
Samimi ol yeter ki hisset hızlı ya da duygusal
Just be sincere, feel it fast or emotionally
Bu kafiyeler kurgusal durgun sularda korkular
These rhymes are fictional, fears in stagnant waters
Kalmasın aklında ne bi iz ne de zihinde tortular
Don't let there be a trace in your mind, nor sediment in your thoughts
Milyonca konudan aklında gece dolunay
Out of millions of topics, the full moon at night is on your mind
Yorgun kafamda sorun var cevaplanmamış sorular
There are unanswered questions in my tired head
Unut da yorulma stresten uzak korunman
Forget it and don't get tired, stay away from stress
Gerekli bence çoğundan müzikse çeksin kolundan
I think it's necessary for most people, if it's music, let it pull you by the arm
Fuck rap benim işim türk rapinin gelişimi
Fuck rap is my thing, the development of Turkish rap
Hiphopa laf söyleyenler ta kendisi delirmişin
Those who talk smack about hiphop are crazy themselves
Hisset ritmin fişi kibrit çöpün bitmiş ise
Feel the rhythm, if your matchstick is finished
Film gibi beatim hem de kalbin pili BPMde!
My beat is like a movie, and the heart's pacemaker in BPM!
Fuck rap benim işim türk rapinin gelişimi
Fuck rap is my thing, the development of Turkish rap
Hiphopa laf söyleyenler ta kendisi delirmişin
Those who talk smack about hiphop are crazy themselves
Hisset ritmin fişi kibrit çöpün bitmiş ise
Feel the rhythm, if your matchstick is finished
Film gibi beatim hem de kalbin pili BPMde!
My beat is like a movie, and the heart's pacemaker in BPM!
E yow yow baylar bayanlar izninizle!
Hey ladies and gentlemen, with your permission!
Bir süre sil her şeyi kafandan bu müziğe
Clear everything from your mind for a while, give yourself up to this music
Odaklan odana kapanma yandıysa mazi sobanda
Focus, don't shut yourself in your room, if your past is still glowing in the stove
Kolayca pes eden ruhunla boğuşmam
I won't struggle with your easily defeated soul
Gerekli parçamla barışmam ve kendimle konuşmam
I need to make peace with my part and talk to myself
Alkışlar kulaklarında çınlar ve bakışlar
The applause rings in your ears and the glances
Ya bayları kaybederken sözün baya akışkan
Oh the ladies, you lose them while your words are so smooth
Gizlice alışkanlık yaparsa karışmam
I won't get involved if it secretly becomes a habit
Dış tarafta danışmam rahatla raple yarışma
Don't consult with the outside world, relax and don't compete with rap
Düşünmeden geçen zamanı mutlu say ve dinle
Think of the time that passed without thinking, count it as happy and listen
Karamsarca kapanırsan barışamazsın kendinle
If you shut yourself down gloomily, you won't be able to make peace with yourself
Gözyaşın akarsa eğer kurusun mendilde
If your tears flow, let them dry on your handkerchief
Patron kulağa hoş gelir dinlerler inan her dilde
Patron sounds good to the ear, everyone listens in every language
Strese sokmasın seni aldığın duyumlar
Don't let the rumors you hear stress you out
Yanında kalır anlayan zaten huyundan suyundan
The one who understands you will stay by your side, knowing your moods and your nature
çıkman gerek oyundan farkın yoksa koyundan
You need to get out of the game if you don't stand out from the sheep
özgür ol yaşa biraz dünya alçak kalsın boyundan
Be free, live a little, let the world be humble before your stature
Fuck rap benim işim türk rapinin gelişimi
Fuck rap is my thing, the development of Turkish rap
Hiphopa laf söyleyenler ta kendisi delirmişin
Those who talk smack about hiphop are crazy themselves
Hisset ritmin fişi kibrit çöpün bitmiş ise
Feel the rhythm, if your matchstick is finished
Film gibi beatim hem de kalbin pili BPMde!
My beat is like a movie, and the heart's pacemaker in BPM!
Fuck rap benim işim türk rapinin gelişimi
Fuck rap is my thing, the development of Turkish rap
Hiphopa laf söyleyenler ta kendisi delirmişin
Those who talk smack about hiphop are crazy themselves
Hisset ritmin fişi kibrit çöpün bitmiş ise
Feel the rhythm, if your matchstick is finished
Film gibi beatim hem de kalbin pili BPMde!
My beat is like a movie, and the heart's pacemaker in BPM!

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