Pekado - Ella Se Llama Tentacion - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pekado - Ella Se Llama Tentacion

Ella Se Llama Tentacion
She Is Called Temptation
No importa el año
It doesn't matter the year
No importa el lugar
It doesn't matter the place
Tampoco importan las personas
People don't matter either
Solos tu y yo
Just you and me
Un amplio vacío en una habitación con paredes frías
A vast emptiness in a room with cold walls
Un techo inalcanzable y esa puerta que evita que sonrías
An unreachable ceiling and that door that keeps you from smiling
Esa libertad que tanto ansias
That freedom you long for so much
Atrás ahí un pasado con lugares que has pisado
Back there a past with places you've stepped on
Con personas que has besado
With people you've kissed
Sabes que, te has equivocado cuantas veces
You know you've been wrong so many times
Si de verdad elijes serían estas palabras las que escribes
If you truly choose, these would be the words you write
Finges a solas ya no te sientes bien
You pretend to be alone, you don't feel good anymore
Y lo sabes que a estas edades
And you know that at these ages
Siempre se buscan las verdades
Truths are always sought
Y es lo que importa la existencia es corta
And that's what matters, existence is short
Y hay que dejar huella
And you have to leave a mark
Pero en este mar de dudas no hay mensajes en botellas
But in this sea of doubts there are no messages in bottles
Caminas a ciegas sin saber a lo que juegas
You walk blindly without knowing what you're playing
No querrás ser una estrella
You don't want to be a star
Puesto que todas estallan
Since they all explode
Y sabes que a donde vayas estará ella
And you know that wherever you go she will be there
Y que por mucho que te niegas
And that no matter how much you refuse
Siempre dejas que te diga lo que quiera
You always let her say what she wants
Porque despegas de tu mundo mentiras
Because you take off from your world of lies
Porque respiras de su aire
Because you breathe her air
Busca pareja para el baile
Looking for a partner for the dance
Y siente que te mira pero giras la cabeza y no hay nadie
And you feel that she is looking at you but you turn your head and there is no one there
Tu saben bien quien es y el porqué de su visita
You know well who she is and the reason for her visit
La quieres volver a ver porque quizás la necesitas
You want to see her again because maybe you need her
Como se explica cuando todo se complica
How do you explain it when everything gets complicated
Y más lejos de olvidarla sigues esperando la próxima cita
And further from forgetting her, you keep waiting for the next date
Es la angustia provocada cuando todo esta peor
It's the anguish caused when everything is worse
Entre gotas de sudor solo en mi habitación
Between drops of sweat, alone in my room
Resistiendo, para paliar el dolor
Resisting, to alleviate the pain
Reconociendo, que surge de mi interior
Recognizing that it comes from within me
Porque se que ya es la hora de que acuda de visita
Because I know it's time for her to come visit
Porque atesora lo que crees que necesitas
Because she treasures what you think you need
Y no hay opción no responde el corazón
And there's no option, the heart doesn't respond
Ya no hay razón, ella se llama tentación.
There's no reason anymore, she is called temptation.
Cuando respirar cada minuto
When breathing every minute
Es un debate con tu cuerpo frente a un espejo
It's a debate with your body in front of a mirror
Dibujabas con aliento lo que eras
You drew with your breath what you were
Buscando fuera lo que tenias en casa
Looking outside for what you had at home
Alimentabas la ira que creció dentro de ti
You fed the anger that grew inside you
Como salir fue fácil
How easy it was to get out
En forma de recuerdos que creías ya olvidados
In the form of memories that you thought were already forgotten
En forma, de malos momentos que tenias ya superados
In the form of bad moments that you had already overcome
Remarcando las palabras que quisieron hacer daño
Highlighting the words that wanted to hurt
Y en tus sueños, todos tus miedos reflejados
And in your dreams, all your fears reflected
Y es cierto, que hubo momentos
And it's true, there were times
En los que te sentiste tan poco valorado
When you felt so undervalued
Es los que deseaste nunca haber comenzado
That you wished you had never started
Y notabas, como tu alma se agrietaba
And you noticed how your soul cracked
Nada, de lo que buscabas lo encontrabas
Nothing you were looking for could be found
Dabas, todo por perdido sin dar oportunidad
You gave everything up for lost without giving it a chance
Sentado al lado de la luna y en la total oscuridad
Sitting next to the moon and in total darkness
Con la ausencia que quisiste imaginar
With the absence you wanted to imagine
Sabes, que no podías ganar
You know you couldn't win
Pero, pensaste que los sueños se harían realidad
But, you thought that dreams would come true
Pensaste que de engaño se viste la verdad
You thought you saw the truth in deception
Deseabas, aclarar tus dudas pero no a solas
You wanted to clear your doubts but not alone
que duele y eso nadie lo controla
I know it hurts and no one controls that
Mientras se derrumbas esperanzas
While hopes collapse
Sigues siendo preso de la desconfianza
You remain a prisoner of distrust
Es la angustia provocada cuando todo esta peor
It's the anguish caused when everything is worse
Entre gotas de sudor solo en mi habitación
Between drops of sweat, alone in my room
Resistiendo, para paliar el dolor
Resisting, to alleviate the pain
Reconociendo, que surge de mi interior
Recognizing that it comes from within me
Porque se que ya es la hora de que acuda de visita
Because I know it's time for her to come visit
Porque atesora lo que crees que necesitas
Because she treasures what you think you need
Y no hay opción no responde el corazón
And there's no option, the heart doesn't respond
Ya no hay razón, ella se llama tentación.
There's no reason anymore, she is called temptation.
En un mundo en donde todo vale, no te detuve
In a world where everything goes, I didn't stop you
No eras inmune y no lo supe ver
You weren't immune and I didn't see it
Demasiado dulce para que supiera bien
Too sweet to taste good
Te dijo ven y pensaste que era tu último tren
She told you to come and you thought it was your last train
Ella, te lo propuso tu le hiciste caso y pasó
She proposed it to you, you listened to her and it happened
Sin tiempo para descansar, todo era un poco más real
No time to rest, everything was a little more real
Y te dejaste llevar, fue como volar y respirar
And you let yourself go, it was like flying and breathing
El aire puro sigue siendo tu hogar
The fresh air is still your home
Pero te ves con más futuro
But you see yourself with more of a future
Aunque eso nadie lo asegura y por un segundo
Although nobody ensures that and for a second
Vuelven aquellas dudas del pasado
Those doubts from the past return
Vuelves a caminar por terreno minado
You go back to walking on mined ground
Estabas, donde siempre habías soñado
You were where you had always dreamed of being
Pero hoy te ha parecido ser un desconocido antes tus ojos
But today you have seemed to be a stranger before your eyes
Y ante el espejo discutiendo contra tus complejos
And in front of the mirror arguing against your complexes
Estas muy lejos por no haber seguido los consejos
You're too far away for not having followed the advice
Del alma joven que se esconde, dentro de tu cuerpo viejo
Of the young soul that hides inside your old body
Y es que los días sin ella te dijeron más que todos en su compañía
And it's that the days without her told you more than all in her company
Quien diría que lo harías, tanto desconfiaste de los demás
Who would say you would do it, you distrusted others so much
Que no es casualidad que hoy seas el que rompas los esquemas
That it's no coincidence that today you are the one who breaks the schemes
Porque no erais tan distintos ni tampoco almas gemelas
Because you were not so different nor were you soul mates
Hoy ya todo acabó aunque te duela...
Today it's all over even though it hurts...
Es la angustia provocada cuando todo esta peor
It's the anguish caused when everything is worse
Entre gotas de sudor solo en mi habitación
Between drops of sweat, alone in my room
Resistiendo, para paliar el dolor
Resisting, to alleviate the pain
Reconociendo, que surge de mi interior
Recognizing that it comes from within me
Porque se que ya es la hora de que acuda de visita
Because I know it's time for her to come visit
Porque atesora lo que crees que necesitas
Because she treasures what you think you need
Y no hay opción no responde el corazón
And there's no option, the heart doesn't respond
Ya no hay razón, ella se llama tentación.
There's no reason anymore, she is called temptation.

Writer(s): Miguel Francisco Becerra

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