Pil C - Mám Piči - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pil C - Mám Piči

Mám Piči
Fuck the b****
Ok zmrdi, Comebackgang zmrdi!
OK f***ers, Comebackgang f***ers!
Raperi majú veľké reči, ale málo povedia,
Rappers talk a lot but say little,
A ja som prišiel a vyhodil im tie kariéry do povetria.
And I came and blew their careers to the wind.
Vyjebaní v repe študenti, a ja som prodekan,
F***ing students in rap, and I'm the dean,
Málo z nich vie, čo je to obeta.
Few of them know what sacrifice is.
Za jeden rok som prešťal to, čo oni budovali rokov desať, desať, desať.
In one year I've surpassed what they've built in ten years, ten years, ten years.
A ty víš kokot o tom, či som rapoval 5 rokov, deň alebo mesiac, mesiac, mesiac.
And you know c**t about whether I've been rapping for 5 years, a day or a month, a month, a month.
A ja mám piči, budem tu navždy. Navždy budem kecať, kecať, kecať.
And I don't give a f***, I'll be here forever. I'll always be talking, talking, talking.
A mám piči, že hovoria, či som pil a že som feťák, feťák, feťák.
And I don't give a f*** that they say, whether I drank or whether I'm a junky, a junky, a junky.
(Zkurvysyni vyjebaní)
(F***ing lousy b******)
Ja sa starám iba o seba a ostatných možem jebať.
I only care about myself and I can f*** the rest.
Som vyrovnaný sám so sebou ako Jedi,
I am balanced with myself like a Jedi,
Ty si len šteňa, tu máš kosť a behaj!
You're just a puppy, here's a bone and run!
A kde je problém, iba pýtaj sa sám seba.
And where's the problem, just ask yourself.
A ja mám piči Lokal TV,
And I don't give a f*** about Lokal TV,
Nech si Kroner robí čo len chce, ďakujem za to PR.
Let Kroner do whatever he wants, thanks for that PR.
A ja mám piči, povedal som si, že bež sám,
And I don't give a f***, I told myself to go alone,
Navždy verný svojim ľuďom ako Ned Stark.
Always faithful to my people like Ned Stark.
A ja mám piči celý parlament,
And I don't give a f*** about the entire parliament,
Oni nevládnu pre ľudí, nedočkáš sa zmien.
They don't govern for the people, you won't wait for change.
A ja mám piči zlato, daj mi ešte chvíľu,
And darling I don't give a f***, give me a little more time,
Zabil som toľko riadkov, že ma odsúdia za genocídu.
I've killed so many lines that they'll sentence me for genocide.
A ja mám piči vaše narážky v tých trackoch,
And I don't give a f*** your leads in those tracks,
Moje výsledky pevné ako betón.
My results are as solid as concrete.
Traperom vadilo, že prečo som dal Epos
Trappers minded that I gave Epos
A stokárom, že som faded a že prečo.
And the hundred-year-olds, that I faded and why.
A ja mám piči, dávno som s tým prestal, ona je môj detox (Nat) rap game Luke Besson,
And I don't give a f***, I stopped doing it long ago, she's my detox (Nat) rap game Luke Besson,
Pozeraj, že kde som.
Look where I am.
Z hlasov kokotov, čo pochybovali, ostal iba šepot.
From the voices of c**ts who doubted, only a whisper remains.
Oni neverili, vraveli, že chlapec ty tam nechoď.
They didn't believe, they said, boy don't go there.
Neverili, vraveli, že nikto taký nebol.
They didn't believe, they said, that nobody was like that.
Neverili, uverili, že prejdem aj peklom.
They didn't believe, they believed, that I'll go through hell too.
Balrog Defon, Spanky zabi ich v tých skrečoch.
Balrog Defon, Spanky kill them in those scratches.

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