Piter-G - Solo Amigos - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Piter-G - Solo Amigos

Solo Amigos
Just Friends
Te conocí como lo haría cualquiera
I met you like anyone else
Pero como nadie yo te fui sincero
But no one has ever been as honest with you as I was
Tener miedo es normal, lo que no fue normal
It's normal to be afraid, what wasn't normal
Es que me dejes por tener miedo
It was you leaving me because you were afraid
No me acostumbro a verme tan sólo
I'm not used to being alone
Nadie me ha enseñado a echarte de menos
No one has taught me to miss you
Todos dicen que olvidé, pero como olvido
Everyone says that I've forgotten, but how do I forget
Algo que me tuvo tan lleno
Something that filled me so much
No encuentro salida ni quiero salir
I can't find my way out and I don't want to
Yo tanto por ti tan poco por mi
I did so much for you and you did so little for me
Hay trozos de mi que todavía no encuentro
There are pieces of me that I still haven't found
Se fueron el día que te perdí
They left the day I lost you
Pa' mi tus defectos son efectivos
To me, your flaws are effective
Contigo invencible sin ti vencido
With you I was invincible without you, I was defeated
Te dije te quiero y tuvo sentido
I told you I love you and it made sense
Ahora no qué quiero ni porque vivo
Now I don't know what I want or why I live
Que alguien me enseñe a dormir tranquilo
Can someone teach me how to sleep peacefully
Después de perder to' lo que he perdido
After losing everything I've lost
Nunca dejé migas por el camino
I never left crumbs along the way
Porque a lo de volver no le vi sentido
Because I didn't see the point in coming back
Si cada mañana verte dormida
If every morning to see you sleeping
Y despertarte de un beso me daba vida
And to wake you up with a kiss gave me life
Dime como supero lo que he perdido
Tell me how to overcome what I have lost
Como supero lo que he perdido
How to overcome what I have lost
Yo no puedo
I just don't
Ser testigo
Stand as a witness
De que el tiempo provoque tu olvido
To time causing you to forget
No me pidas
Don't ask me
Solo amigos
Just friends
No imagino un futuro sin ti
I can't imagine a future without you
Solo contigo
Only with you
Solo contigo, yeh
Only with you, yeah
Dicen que me cambie que tengo que despedirte
They say that I should change, that I have to say goodbye to you
Y yo que solo me gusto si voy de luto
And I say that I only like myself if I'm in mourning
Antes contaba los minutos que faltaban para verte
Before I counted the minutes until I could see you
Y ahora no te veo ni un minuto
And now I can't see you for a minute
No te pares
Don't stop
Me decían
They told me
No te pierdas por quien ya no da por ti
Don't lose yourself over someone who doesn't care about you
Me refugio en la tristeza porque es la única manera
I take refuge in sadness because it's the only way
De sentir que sigues aquí
To feel that you are still here
Yo no puedo
I just don't
Ser testigo
Stand as a witness
De que el tiempo provoque tu olvido
To time causing you to forget
No me pidas
Don't ask me
Solo amigos
Just friends
No imagino un futuro sin ti
I can't imagine a future without you
Solo contigo
Only with you
Solo contigo, yeh
Only with you, yeah

Writer(s): Pedro González Martos

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