RADWIMPS - G行為 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction RADWIMPS - G行為

まだ まだ できるんだ 俺にゃまだまだ力あるんだ
I can still do it, I still have power left in me
こんなもんじゃないんだ 元来の俺の力を発揮したならば
This isn't all I've got, if I unleash my true potential,
その気になったらばドカンと デカイことすぐさまでもできんの
If I set my mind to it, I can do something big right away
ただ 今じゃない「いつ?」まだ「すぐ?」いつかのため蓄えんの
But not now, "when?" not yet, "soon?" I'm saving it for someday
どこのどいつも なぜ見くびんの? 勝手に低く俺を見積もんの
Why does everyone underestimate me? They arbitrarily assess me so low
何も 分かっちゃいない 成っちゃいない もうやってらんないっちゃありゃしないっちゃ
They don't understand anything, they haven't achieved anything, I can't stand it anymore
もう ねっちゃ くっちゃ 口ん中 なんだか 粘着質になってきちゃっちゃ
My mouth is getting all sticky and gooey
そんなこんなで 改めて 慰めて 好きなだけ 俺褒めて
So, once again, comfort me, praise me all you want
G行為 G行為 G行為 G
G-Act G-Act G-Act G
G行為 G行為 G行為 G
G-Act G-Act G-Act G
ちっこい↑ちっこい ちっこい 自慰
Tiny↑ tiny tiny masturbation
G行為 G行為 G行為 G
G-Act G-Act G-Act G
分かってる 俺は 分かってるよ やればできる子なの 知ってるよ
I understand, I understand, I know I can do it if I try
You have a fearsome power hidden within you if you give it your all
まだ本気を出していないだけ みんなは本気出しても あんだけ
You just haven't gone all out yet, everyone else is just like that even when they try their best
あぁ 楽しみだ 楽しみだな とんだ大物に化けるかなぁ あぁ
Ah, I'm excited, I wonder if you'll transform into something big, ah
成功者がよく語るじゃない 下積み 自慢げに 話すじゃない
Successful people often talk about their struggles, they boast about their humble beginnings
君にとって 今がその時なんじゃない? そうじゃない? きっと
Maybe this is your time, isn't it? Surely it is
そうなんじゃない? パナイじゃない? そうだったらヤバイじゃない
Isn't it? It's amazing, isn't it? It would be crazy if it were true
今が美談になんじゃない 今が辛いほどいいんじゃない?
Maybe this is the time to make a beautiful story, the harder it is now, the better, isn't it?
It's delicious, isn't it? Aren't there too many "isn't it"s?
i understand that your complainant and understood with
I understand that your complainant and understood with
your clean opinion all you need is a satisfaction
your clean opinion all you need is a satisfaction
so please feel free let's masturbation
so please feel free let's masturbation
何よ ほんと近頃の男 ちゃんと一物がついてんの
What the hell, guys these days, do they even have a proper one?
飾りでついてるだけじゃないの 中身すっからかんなんだわきっと
It's not just for decoration, right? They must be empty inside
見るからに自らに明らかに 自信満々な あんな女に
I can't understand how they fall for such women who are clearly full of themselves
入れあげるなんて気が知れない あーヤダヤダもう殺してやりたい
Ugh, I hate it, I want to kill them
今日のあいつもそうよ 何よ せっかくの下着台無しよ
That guy today too, what the hell, he ruined my nice underwear
ホントの私を知らないからよ ホントの私を知っちゃったらもう
He doesn't know the real me, if he knew the real me,
食いついてくるわ 抱きついてくるわ イヤと言ったとこで泣きついてくるわ
He would cling to me, he would embrace me, even if I said no, he would cry and cling to me
泣きついてきたら許したげるわ 私はいい女だから ドカン
If he cried and clung to me, I would forgive him, because I'm a good woman, boom
全く以て同感です あなたのおっしゃる通りです
I completely agree with you, you are absolutely right
test test test test マイクのtestです
test test test test Mic test
俺はゲスです クズです イエスレッツ!
I'm a scumbag, I'm trash, yes let's!
君が生まれた時代が違えば こんなはずじゃなかったんだ
If you were born in a different era, things wouldn't be like this
If it were a different time, you would be standing on a completely opposite stage
間違いない 不甲斐ない男に惑わされるこたない
There's no doubt, you wouldn't be fooled by incompetent men
奈良時代 その界隈じゃ モテて仕方なかったんじゃない?
In the Nara period, you would have been so popular, wouldn't you?
それ褒めてんの? ねぇナメてんの? バカにしてんの? ナメてほしいの!
Is that a compliment? Are you kidding me? Are you making fun of me? I want you to make fun of me!
だめだめそんなナメナメ言ったら もうオブラートが溶けていっちゃうよー
No, no, if you keep talking like that, the sugar coating will melt away
んなわけあるかボケ そこドケおののけ人の皮をかぶったこの物の怪
Don't be stupid, get out of the way, you monster in human skin
例え何度生まれ変わったとて お主にゃチャンスなんざないんじゃ
No matter how many times you are reborn, you have no chance
その手と手取り合って 手っ取り早くテンポよく諦めんのがええどすえ
It would be best for you to give up quickly and efficiently
エトセトラと性行為とオサラバ こっちこいG行為
Farewell to etcetera and sex, come here G-Act
G行為 G行為 G行為 G
G-Act G-Act G-Act G
G行為 G行為 G行為 G
G-Act G-Act G-Act G
こっちこい こっちこいこっちこいこっち
Come here, come here, come here, come here
ちっこい ちっこいちっこい
Tiny tiny tiny blood
でもね でもね でもでもね でもね でもね でもでもね
But you know, but you know, but but but but but
でもね でもね でもでもね でもね でもね でもでもね
But you know, but you know, but but but but but
私かねがね思ってたことが一つあんだが ちょっといいかな
I've been thinking about something for a while now, can I say something?
今日もどこかでその手でその身を慰めてらっしゃる 子羊よ
You little lambs who are comforting yourselves with your own hands somewhere today
どうせだったら結ばれちゃえばどう? 羊同士合体したらばどう?
Why don't you just get together? What if the sheep unite?
さすればこう 世界はもうちょっと 優しい色になることでしょう
Then the world would become a little kinder, wouldn't it?

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