Rambo Amadeus - Biologija, neurofiziologija - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rambo Amadeus - Biologija, neurofiziologija

Biologija, neurofiziologija
Biology, Neurophysiology
Tandrlagi, tandrlagi
Tandrlagi, tandrlagi (nonsense word)
Biologija, neurofiziologija
Biology, neurophysiology
Moral demagogija, pedagogija
Moral demagoguery, pedagogy
Velika riba guta manju
The big fish swallows the small one
Al' i manja veću, ako je u stanju
But the small one can swallow the big one too, if it's able
Odiseju šaltuj, važna je navigacija
Turn on your Odysseus, navigation is important
I na Silu i na Haribdu vuče gravitacija
Gravity pulls you both to Scylla and Charybdis
Bar si siguran da Penelopa
At least you're sure that Penelope
Neće pasti na šarm Kiklopa
Won't fall for the Cyclops' charm
Dok si mlad ništa ne mora,
When you're young, nothing is a must,
Ništa ne treba,
Nothing is necessary,
Po koja piva i džabe treba
A few beers and even free ones are unnecessary
Ni krevet, jer moš' s noga
Nor a bed, because you can sleep standing up
Biologija radi za tebe
Biology works for you
Anarhija je cool
Anarchy is cool
Because nothing to lose
Because nothing to lose
Anarhija je cool
Anarchy is cool
Because nothing to lose
Because nothing to lose
Lautrec (reference to the painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec)
Tandrlagi, tandrlagi
Tandrlagi, tandrlagi
Biologija, neurofiziologija
Biology, neurophysiology
Moral demagogija, pedagogija
Moral demagoguery, pedagogy
Velika riba guta manju
The big fish swallows the small one
Al' i manja veću, ako je u stanju
But the small one can swallow the big one too, if it's able
Odiseju šaltuj, važna je navigacija
Turn on your Odysseus, navigation is important
I na Silu i na Haribdu vuče gravitacija
Gravity pulls you both to Scylla and Charybdis
Bar si siguran da Penelopa
At least you're sure that Penelope
Neće pasti na šarm Kiklopa
Won't fall for the Cyclops' charm
Onda si se zaljubio,
Then you fell in love,
Stomak dozubio,
Got a potbelly,
Troškovi rastu, prioriteti se mijenjaju
Expenses grow, priorities change
Vrtić, škola, dječiji dispanzer,
Kindergarten, school, children's clinic,
Uletiš u sistem,
You get caught in the system,
Papirologija, birokratija,
Paperwork, bureaucracy,
Ta kukaš đe je demokratija,
You whine about where democracy is,
Pravo na rad,
The right to work,
Pravo na život,
The right to life,
Pravo na to da te glupa masa nadglasa
The right to be outvoted by the stupid masses
Tandrlagi, tandrlagi
Tandrlagi, tandrlagi
Napokon si savladao pravila igre
You finally mastered the rules of the game
Pa te krenulo
And things started going your way
Našao si pravila unutar pravila
You found the rules within the rules
Odradio si akciju
You pulled off the deal
Sad treba sačuvati kombinaciju
Now you need to keep the combination safe
Kuća, bazen, stomak, šofer,
House, pool, belly, chauffeur,
Ljubavnice, ženini jebači,
Mistresses, your wife's lovers,
A sve to košta, burazere,
And all that costs, brother,
Pa loša ti je demokratija,
So democracy is bad for you,
Još gora anarhija
Anarchy is even worse
Da te ne bi plašila mafija
To avoid being scared of the mafia
Treba ti oligarhija
You need an oligarchy
Sve si veći, sve si jači,
You are getting bigger and stronger,
Ljudi ti se dive,
People admire you,
Monopol na tržištu,
Monopoly on the market,
Sva obradiva i zelena površina je tvoja,
All arable and green areas are yours,
šumski turistički kompleksi
Forest tourist complexes
Ušća, bare, izvori,
Estuaries, ponds, springs,
Gasovodi, kanalizacija,
Gas pipelines, sewage systems,
Akcije u zdravstvu i školstvu,
Shares in healthcare and education,
Asfaltna baza parlament držiš u šaci
You hold the asphalt base parliament in your fist
Ti si car, imperator, vođa i kralj,
You are the emperor, the leader, and the king,
Tad ti ne valja ni oligarhija,
Then even oligarchy is not good enough for you,
Još gora je anarhija,
Anarchy is even worse,
Ti si car
You are the emperor
I treba ti monarhija
And you need a monarchy
Biologija, neurofiziologija
Biology, neurophysiology
Moral demagogija, pedagogija
Moral demagoguery, pedagogy
Velika riba guta manju
The big fish swallows the small one
Al' i manja veću, ako je u stanju
But the small one can swallow the big one too, if it's able
Odiseju šaltuj, važna je navigacija
Turn on your Odysseus, navigation is important
I na Silu i na Haribdu vuče gravitacija
Gravity pulls you both to Scylla and Charybdis
Bar si siguran da Penelopa
At least you're sure that Penelope
Neće pasti na šarm Kiklopa
Won't fall for the Cyclops' charm
Mog'o bih da nastavim da pjevam
I could continue singing
Šta se dalje zbiva
What happens next
Kad starost krene guzicu da steže
When old age starts to tighten your ass
Ali nisam Gete, treba ipak neko
But I'm not Goethe, someone still needs to
Omladini da prodaje kasete
Sell cassettes to the youth
Tandrlagi, tandrlagi
Tandrlagi, tandrlagi

Writer(s): Antonije Pusic

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