Redimi2 - Intro Fenomeno - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Redimi2 - Intro Fenomeno

Intro Fenomeno
Intro Phenomenon
////Fenomeno, fenomeno, fenomeno////
////Phenomenon, phenomenon, phenomenon////
Es redimi2 men
It’s Redimi2 men
Bendiciones Jetson
Blessings Jetson
El Supersonico
The Supersonic
Bienvenidos a la introduccion
Welcome to the introduction
Redimi2 el Phenomenon Edition
Redimi2 the Phenomenon Edition
Que nadie me priende con priedas por el frente
Don't let anyone light me up with stones in front
Menos que quiera chocar contra el omnipotente
Unless they want to crash into the Almighty
Necesito lentes para ver claramente
I need glasses to see clearly
Pero en la vista del reino tengo vista veinte veinte
But in the sight of the kingdom I have 20/20 vision
Ja, eso es lo que causa comeson
Ha, that's what causes the itch
Que lo mio no les sabe no les huele a religion
That mine doesn't taste or smell like religion to them
Yo se, yo me expreso con la combiccion
I know, I express myself with the conviction
De que yo se que represento y se cual es mi posicion
That I know what I represent and what my position is
Descubri mi identidad y con ella mi autoridad
I discovered my identity and with it my authority
Un cambio de mentalidad poderosa capacidad
A change of mentality powerful capacity
Espiritualidad que pintan de carnalidad
Spirituality that they paint with carnality
Por que yo no respeto la imagen de falsa humildad
Because I don't respect the image of false humility
No me parezco a sus sistemas soy como un extraterrestre
I don't look like their systems, I'm like an alien
Traigo la verdad de arriba a la vida terrestre
I bring the truth from above to earthly life
Y no soy el fenomeno por que me crea el mejor
And I'm not the phenomenon because the best creates me
Soy el fenomeno por que Cristo me saco de lo peor
I am the phenomenon because Christ took me out of the worst
////Fenomeno, fenomeno, fenomeno////
////Phenomenon, phenomenon, phenomenon////
Sera que la palabra fenomeno les suena mutante
Could it be that the word phenomenon sounds mutant to them?
O sera que fenomeno suena muy entanero
Or could it be that phenomenon sounds too stoner-like?
Sera que esta palabra no les suena muy cristiana
Could it be that this word doesn't sound very Christian to them?
O sera que tienen el autoestima bajo cero
Or could it be that they have self-esteem below zero?
Ya son extraños que tengo en mi fusion
They are already strangers that I have in my fusion
Y aprendi que cada quien tiene su propia opinion
And I learned that everyone has their own opinion
Cuando lanzas la vision viene la perseccion
When you launch the vision comes the persecution
Pero Dios puede escurillar y ver el corazon
But God can scrutinize and see the heart
La intencion y el enfoque
The intention and focus
Y es imposible que el se equivoque
And it is impossible for him to be wrong
Y si trabajo pa su gloria y su reino el pone el toque
And if I work for his glory and his kingdom he puts the touch
Que me lleva a otro nivel sin importar a quien le choque
That takes me to another level no matter who it shocks
Sangre derremada, tumba vacia
Blood spilled, empty tomb
Resureccion al llegar al tercer dia
Resurrection on reaching the third day
Me libro de la agonia y me dio la garantia
He freed me from agony and gave me the guarantee
Que nadie es contra mi si el es mi compañia
That no one is against me if he is my company
////Fenomeno, fenomeno, fenomeno////
////Phenomenon, phenomenon, phenomenon////
Soy dominicano con aceite claro el de la uncion del santo
I am Dominican with clear oil, the one of the anointing of the saint
Represento a mi pueblo aqui en la isla del encanto
I represent my people here on the island of enchantment
Como pierdo a aquel que cambio por baile mi llanto
How I lose the one who changed my weeping for dancing
Aquel que me hizo redimi2, por el que vivo, por el que canto
The one who made me Redimi2, for whom I live, for whom I sing
Digame usted si usted como le llamaria
Tell me, how would you call
A este individuo que hundido en le fango se moria
This individual who was sinking in the mud and dying
Que segun la sociedad ya nada lo cambiaria
That according to society nothing would change him
Que segun la sociedad ya nada lo salvaria
That according to society nothing would save him
Pero se encontro con el que todos tienen que encontrarse
But he met the one everyone has to meet
Jesucristo que le dio la gracia de transformarse
Jesus Christ who gave him the grace to transform himself
Lo restauro y con poder lo levanto del piso
He restored him and with power he lifted him from the floor
Y le revelo el proposito por el cual lo hizo
And he revealed to him the purpose for which he made him
Ese soy yo quien nacio para hacer la diferencia
That's me, who was born to make a difference
Rapero del gueto con una nueva conciencia
Ghetto rapper with a new conscience
Determinado a exterminar del genero la peste
Determined to exterminate the plague from the genre
Soy el fenomeno y me perdona al que le moleste
I'm the phenomenon and I forgive whoever is bothered
////Fenomeno, fenomeno, fenomeno////
////Phenomenon, phenomenon, phenomenon////
Esta es la introduccion de mi nuevo disco
This is the introduction to my new album
El numero 6
Number 6
Phenomenon Edition
Phenomenon Edition
Celebrando mis 10 años en la musica
Celebrating my 10 years in music
Mis 10 años en el ministerio
My 10 years in ministry
Espero que este disco sea de bendicion para todos ustedes
I hope this album is a blessing to all of you
Esperando el numero 7
Waiting for number 7
Preparando el camino para...
Preparing the way for...
El Exterminador
The Exterminator
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
You understand
Por que soy el fenomeno
Why I am the phenomenon

Writer(s): Willy “redimi2” Gonzalez

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