Reidu feat. Grepy - spit - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Reidu feat. Grepy - spit

O sa-ți dam de cap
We're gonna make you run
Tu n-ai vestă
You have no vest
Ți-o dăm facem
We'll give you a
Schimb banda că-s
Change the station because I'm
Eu sunt fresh ca menta
I'm fresh as mint
Nu ma vând pe kent
I don't sell for cigarettes
Muie pentru fakeri
Fuck you, fakers
Eu miros a phantom
I smell like a phantom
Pula-n-ele nu le mai suport
I can't stand you bitches anymore
Toate pizdele cu care stau vor să-mi dea bot
All the whores I'm with want to suck my dick
Ma urc in e36 in viteză, dau foc la tot
I get into my BMW, I set everything on fire
O să-i pun stop, capu' lui e cireașa mea de pe tort
I'm gonna put a stop to it, his head is my cherry on top
Las 400, pentru ca nu mai simt nimic
I take 400, because I don't feel anything anymore
Nu mai fut cu orice pizda proastă nu mai am timp
I don't fuck with every stupid bitch because I don't have time anymore
Dacă-mi comentează îi rup gâtu chiar dacă-i amic
If he talks shit I break his neck even if he's a friend
Stop, stop, ca n-am găsit acel clip
Stop, stop, I couldn't find that clip
Ma urai și erai golan
You hated me and you were a hooligan
Acum când auzi ce muzică scot te dai un fan
Now when you hear the music I make you pretend to be a fan
Intru in gagică-ta scufund într-un ocean
I enter your chick, I dive into an ocean
Îi rup gâtu' la femeie simt ca un titan
I break her neck, I feel like a titan
Mișcă ne place
Movement, we like it
Ne batem
We fight
Dau gloanțe
Give bullets
Attracts me
Pe vene îmi place
I like it on my veins
Hai spune cum se face
Come on, tell me how it's done
Am vise întunecate
I have dark dreams
Dracu îmi face afaceri
The devil does business with me
O sa-ți dam de cap
We're gonna make you run
Tu n-ai vestă
You have no vest
Ți-o dăm facem
We'll give you a
Schimb banda că-s
Change the station because I'm
Eu sunt fresh ca menta
I'm fresh as mint
Nu ma vând pe kent
I don't sell for cigarettes
Muie pentru fakeri
Fuck you, fakers
Eu miros a phantom
I smell like a phantom
Mișcă ne place
Movement, we like it
Ne batem
We fight
Dau gloanțe
Give bullets
Attracts me
Pe vene îmi place
I like it on my veins
Hai spune cum se face
Come on, tell me how it's done
Am vise întunecate
I have dark dreams
Dracu îmi face afaceri
The devil does business with me

Writer(s): Reidu Gxd

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