Remik Gonzalez - Con la Mesa Vacía - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Remik Gonzalez - Con la Mesa Vacía

Con la Mesa Vacía
With an Empty Table
Si algo aprendi muy bien fue darle valor al que no me decia
If there's one thing I learned well, it was to value those who didn't speak to me
Y si me siento bien es por aquellos locos que ni salen de dia
And if I feel good, it's because of those crazy guys who don't even come out during the day
Deje carteras vacias
I left empty wallets
Junto con la noche que no te fias pura malandria
Along with the night that you don't trust, pure badness
Cada vez que tope a la pinche policia
Every time I ran into the damn police
Yo de sincho corria
I ran like hell
Si no esa noche en el cemento me dormia
If I didn't, I'd sleep on the cement that night
Pero nunca me alcanzaron con la mesa vacia
But they never caught me with an empty table
La niña blanca sabe a quien se va topar, el dia que no te toque aunque te pongas en charola pa' llevar
The white girl knows who she's going to run into, the day it doesn't touch you even if you put yourself on a tray to go
Yo no creo en la suerte ni el azar, man
I don't believe in luck or chance, man
Cuando me toque no le basatara llevarme pa' callarme
When it's my turn, it won't be enough to take me to shut me up
Le falta mucho para comprender mi vida porque la que mas motiva es gente malagradecida
They have a long way to go to understand my life because the one that motivates the most is ungrateful people
Mi carrera es delictiva
My career is criminal
Mota es cannabis sativa, verde es vida
Weed is cannabis sativa, green is life
Mi ex-mujer la pinche llamada perdida
My ex-wife the fucking missed call
Lo que pida no es pa' la official es pa' la consentida
What I ask for is not for the official, it's for the consented one
Confundida porque fue elegida por rifarse arriba
Confused because she was chosen to fuck up there
Y hasta no ver que rechazo la prohibida
And until you see that I reject the forbidden one
La que me dejo es la chida
The one who left me is the chick
No es pendeja solo vieja arrepentida
She's not stupid, just old and regretful
No hay salida pa' esta pinche vida que me va extrañar
There's no way out of this fucking life that's going to miss me
No molestar no me interesa, como la voy esfumar
Do not disturb me, I don't care, how am I going to smoke it
Alucinar es no pensar en lo facil que es tropezar
To hallucinate is not to think about how easy it is to stumble
Y porque no la piensa mucho el que se que ya se la sa...
And why doesn't he think about it too much, the one who already knows...
Si algo aprendi muy bien fue darle valor al que no me decia
If there's one thing I learned well, it was to value those who didn't speak to me
Y si me siento bien es por aquellos locos que ni salen de dia
And if I feel good, it's because of those crazy guys who don't even come out during the day
Deje carteras vacias
I left empty wallets
Junto con la noche que no te fias pura malandria
Along with the night that you don't trust, pure badness
Cada vez que tope a la pinche policia
Every time I ran into the damn police
Yo de sincho corria
I ran like hell
Si no esa noche en el cemento me dormia
If I didn't, I'd sleep on the cement that night
Pero nunca me alcanzaron con la mesa vacia
But they never caught me with an empty table
Quien te dijo que soy pan comido no me ha conocido
Whoever told you I'm a piece of cake doesn't know me
Quien te dijo que yo soy tu amigo es porque te ha mentido
Whoever told you I'm your friend is because they lied to you
Movido pa' seguir activo, le pongo sentido
Moved to stay active, I give it meaning
Como activo delictivo me describo hacienda ruido
As a criminal asset I describe myself making noise
Mas creativo... escribo, me la vivo en fugitivo
More creative... I write, I live it as a fugitive
Y me reactivo recordando lo aprendido y sin cupido
And I reactivate myself remembering what I learned and without guilt
Lo aprendido me da orgullo porque nunca me he rendido
What I've learned makes me proud because I've never given up
Lo ensalivo y se muy bien en donde estoy pero perdido
I drool over it and I know very well where I am but lost
La gente podra ser lo que tu quieras menos mensa
People can be whatever you want, but not dumb
Cada intento deja presidentes muertos pero ni uno es pa' la prensa
Every attempt leaves dead presidents but none is for the press
Piensa, la vida en lo que nunca ha sido extensa
Think, life is what it has never been extensive
Nada me interesa mientras wache hand up
I'm not interested in anything as long as wache hand up
No pongo un pero pa' poner la cosa tensa
I don't put a but to make things tense
Dance or I will be fucking ass without ofenza
Dance or I will be fucking ass without ofenza
Tu comienza que yo esta noche cierro con despensa
You start that tonight I close with pantry
Componerla pesa, pero con su canto recompensa
Composing it weighs, but with its singing rewards
Nada mas para que ya se pongan a hacer lo suyo
Just so they can get on with their business
Pendejos hay los dejos y de eso yo no tengo nada de pellejo
There are idiots, the leftovers, and I have no skin in that
Rolando Hits, Rap Trap Records
Rolling Hits, Rap Trap Records
Rap Trap Records
Rap Trap Records
Si algo aprendi muy bien fue darle valor al que no me decia
If there's one thing I learned well, it was to value those who didn't speak to me
Y si me siento bien es por aquellos locos que ni salen de dia
And if I feel good, it's because of those crazy guys who don't even come out during the day
Deje carteras vacias
I left empty wallets
Junto con la noche que no te fias pura malandria
Along with the night that you don't trust, pure badness
Cada vez que tope a la pinche policia
Every time I ran into the damn police
Yo de sincho corria
I ran like hell
Si no esa noche en el cemento me dormia
If I didn't, I'd sleep on the cement that night
Pero nunca me alcanzaron con la mesa vacia
But they never caught me with an empty table

Writer(s): Remik Gonzalez

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