Rex - Rex 2018 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rex - Rex 2018

Rex 2018
Rex 2018
Ey folkens, Rex e her.
Hey ladies, Rex is here.
Konga av byen det e Rex som styre.
We run this town, Rex is the king.
Resten ligg å søv mens vi sørge for syre.
The rest of you sleep while we bring the hype.
Uten kongeblod i kroppen e det bare å glæm.
Without royal blood in your veins, forget it.
Bare pass dæ, det e Rex som kjæm.
Just watch out, 'cause Rex is coming.
Rex e topp mens resten visne.
Rex is on top while the rest of you fade.
Synonym for oss e perfeksjonisme.
Perfectionism is our game.
Veit dokker prøve inderlig vel, m
I know you try so hard, but
En i forhold te oss e dokker småmakrell.
Compared to us, you're just small fry.
Alle andre sole i prakta, alt dæm vil e å trone med makta.
Everybody else is basking in the glory, all they want is to rule with power.
Men makta i byen e det vi som har
But we're the ones who have the power in this town
Tatt, monarkiet i Trondheim e endelig satt.
Taken, the monarchy in Trondheim is finally set.
Diss oss sjøl, men satt det vent, o
We would diss ourselves, but we put it on hold,
G når vi skull gjør det va det lite å hent.
When we were gonna do it, there was nothing to find.
Vanskelig å diss en gjeng av magi, kremen av Trondheim, det e vi.
It's hard to diss a group of magic, the cream of Trondheim, that's us.
Rex ska herje, det e itj tvil.
Rex will party, there's no doubt about it.
Etter 13 år tar vi mai med stil.
After 13 years, we're taking May in style.
Vorse med oss e jævli bra stemning,
Hanging out with us is a great time,
Når nashet kjæm e vi helt uten hemning.
When the nashes come, we go all out.
Vi har sagt det før, du veit at det stemme.
We've said it before, you know it's true.
Etter en natt med oss vil du aldri glæm det.
After a night with us, you'll never forget it.
Vi kjæm inn festen, stemninga topp,
We come to the party, the atmosphere is great,
Flaska i været du vil aldri nok.
Bottle in the air, you'll never get enough.
Strinda please, æ like fuktig klima.
Strinda please, I like a humid climate.
Tåle itj at presten blir bort i nånn tima.
Can't stand it when the priest gets lost for a while.
Kjæm te oss og overreagere.
Come to us and overreact.
Prøve å meld, responsen variere.
Try to message, the response varies.
Kamikaze, dokker e et null.
Kamikaze, you're a zero.
Masse kølla, men ingen hull.
Lots of clubs, but no hole-in-ones.
Jobbe som faen for å det på,
Working like hell to get it on,
Synd for dokker, det bli itj nå.
Too bad for you, it's not gonna happen.
Fuck Rex, har visst blitt en hobby.
Fuck Rex, it's become a hobby.
Skikkelig sjarm guttan i Dobby.
Real charm on the guys in Dobby.
Et glass her og et glass der,
A drink here and a drink there,
Her e gutta som ikke kan å lær.
These are the guys who never learn.
Guttan Strinda stolt over tassen,
The guys in Strinda so proud of their balls,
Kjipt dokker sleike Rex i rassen.
Too bad you lick Rex's ass.
Mamma, det e viktig æ treng dæ,
Mommy, it's important, I need you,
Rex e her, kan du please kom å redd mæ?
Rex is here, can you please come and save me?
Damerne i sidepool leve i skyggen av oss,
The ladies in the side pool live in our shadow,
Skjønne det når det e Rex som e boss.
Understand it when Rex is the boss.
Legg skylda oss sir at den e god,
Blame it on us, say it's good,
All PR skape kongeblod.
All the PR creates royal blood.
Men det her ekke verdig dissemateriale,
But this isn't worthy of these materials,
Når Rex sjøl ty te samfunnsurinalet.
When Rex himself has to resort to public urinals.
Når drikken går ned, da blir vi vill.
When the drink goes down, we go wild.
Prøv å styr oss da, du får det ikke til.
Try to control us, you won't be able to.
Vin vin her e det vodka som går ned.
Wine after wine, here's the vodka going down.
Fyll og fest e hverdagskost det.
Drinking and partying are everyday life for us.
Bare rølp og shit i glasset,
Just nonsense and shit in the glass,
Det e det vi kalle for klasse.
That's what we call class.
Regjere østsida fra Marka te Lade,
Reigning on the east side from Marka to Lade,
Kløbben fest vi veit du vil ha det.
The club at the party we know you want it.
Veit dokker synes vi e alt for my,
I know you think we're too much,
Men vi e jo herredømmet over Trondheim by.
But we're the masters of Trondheim.
Veit dokk sjalu a, jekk dokker ned.
I know you're jealous, ladies, calm down.
Ikke rart vi e cocky dokker gir oss ikke fred.
No wonder we're cocky, you won't leave us alone.
Men dessverre, her e det ikke plass.
But unfortunately, there's no room here.
Ikke alle e ment te å vær i et palass.
Not everyone is meant to be in a palace.
Vi har sagt det før, du veit at det stemme.
We've said it before, you know it's true.
Etter ei natt med oss vil du aldri glæm det.
After a night with us, you'll never forget it.
Kjæm inn festen, stemninga topp.
We come to the party, the atmosphere is great.
Flaska i været, vil aldri nok.
Bottle in the air, you'll never get enough.

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