SEAMO - 不景気なんてぶっとばせ!! - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction SEAMO - 不景気なんてぶっとばせ!!

Oh Honey Don't Mind the Recession!! (Rough Translation)
突然の事で立ちすくむ やがてその場に座り込む
I was dumbfounded by this suddenness; I had to sit down where I was
泣き出す様に降り出した雨 傘を失って もう行く当てもない
The rain started pouring like I had started crying; having lost my umbrella, I had nowhere to go
霧でその先も見えない すぐにはその傷消えない
The fog made it impossible to see ahead; it would take some time for these wounds to heal
誰にも言えない 今すぐここから逃げたい
I couldn't tell anyone: I wanted to get away from there as fast as possible
そして 何も変わらない世の中 何色?
And, oh honey, the world didn't change; what color is the sky?
くすんでいて しかも地面はぬかるんでいて
It's murky, and the ground is muddy
でも 自分だけじゃなくて やはり僕にはここしかなくて
But it's not just me: this is the only place I have
もう少し頑張ろう 自分にしかないものがあんだろう?
I'll keep trying a little longer; there must be something I can do that no one else can
何とかなるさ 何とかしような こんな時だから夢を見ような
It'll all work out somehow; let's buckle down; it's times like these that dreams are for
この僕にしか 出来ない事が きっとあるさ
There must be something that only I
踏み出す Dreamer Dreamer Dreamer
Can do, my love
今日がダメでも明日はすぐに来る 今日のダメは今日中にシャッフル
Even if today is bad, tomorrow will come quickly; let's wipe today's troubles away today
明日は明日の花が咲き 今日とは違った風がまた吹き
Tomorrow will have its own flowers; tomorrow will have different winds to blow
いつかは変わる風向き その時までひらすらにひたむきに行け
Someday the wind will change; until then, just keep going without giving up
つまずいたって問題ない 大きな声で自分にどんまい
It's okay to stumble; you're my dearest; it's understandable
不景気なんて吹っ飛ばせ! 不景気なんてぶっ飛ばせ!
Let's blow this recession away! Let's blow this recession away!
悪い流れをぶっ壊せ! 宇宙の果てにバイバイバイ All Right
Let's destroy this negative energy! Bye-bye to the end of the universe All right
何をそんなに恐れてる? その不安が聴こえて音に出る
What are you so afraid of, love? I can hear the anxiety in your voice
覚えてる? 少年の時 毎日が夢にあふれドキドキ
Remember when you were a little girl, every day was full of dreams and excitement?
何になりたいか はっきり 声に出して言えた バッチリ
You could always say out loud what you wanted to be
それに比べ今の僕 何か詰まってるよ心の奥
I feel like I've lost that now; there's something heavy in my heart
「何の為に?」乗り越える為 「誰の為?」明日の自分の為
"Why?" I do it to overcome it; "for whom?" for the me of tomorrow
生きてる意味を見つけたい 素晴らしい景色を見つめたい
I want to find meaning in life; I want to see the beautiful view
生きてる事が儲けもん そう考え楽しんでいこう
Being alive is a gift; let's enjoy it
昨日よりも今日は良い日々 そして明日はさらに良い
Today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be even better
何とかなるさ 何とかしような こんな時だから夢を見ような
It'll all work out somehow; let's buckle down; it's times like these that dreams are for
この僕にしか 出来ない事が きっとあるさ
There must be something I can do that no one else can
踏み出す Dreamer Dreamer Dreamer
Can do, my love
どうにかしなきゃと もちわかってる 自分変えたいといつも思ってる
I know I have to change things somehow; I've always wanted to change myself
でも不安が邪魔をし 僕の中で臆病が囁き
But my anxiety gets in the way, and the little coward inside me whispers
体と心 追いつかない いつだって僕 自由なのに
My body and heart aren't in sync; I'm supposedly free
焦らなくてもいいんだぜ 自分が行ける時に行くだけ
It's okay to take your time; just go when you're ready
不景気なんて吹っ飛ばせ! 不景気なんてぶっ飛ばせ!
Let's blow this recession away! Let's blow this recession away!
悪い流れをぶっ壊せ! 宇宙の果てにバイバイバイ
Let's destroy this negative energy! Bye-bye to the end of the universe
不景気なんて吹っ飛ばせ! 不景気なんてぶっ飛ばせ!
Let's blow this recession away! Let's blow this recession away!
悪い流れをぶっ壊せ! 宇宙の果てにバイバイバイ All Right
Let's destroy this negative energy! Bye-bye to the end of the universe All right

Writer(s): Takada Naoki, Growth Izutsu Shintaro

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