Samey - 1 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Samey - 1

Zažil som toho dosť
I've been through a lot
No kto mi podal ruku, keď som žiadal o pomoc
But who lent a helping hand when I asked for help?
Ja viem, viem
I know, I know
Každý toho dosť
Everybody's got their own problems
No zrazu chcú byť vedľa odkedy mám hotovosť
But all of a sudden, they want to be close since I've got cash
Som sám, tak sám medzi ľudmi
I'm alone, so alone among people
Tak sám aj v partii
So alone even in a group
Tak sám aj v obklopení ľudí na party, yeah
So alone even surrounded by people at a party, yeah
A teda myslím na teba
And so I think about you
Vždy, mám chuť sa najebať
All the time, I feel like getting drunk
Tak ak na chvíľu zabudnem, tak nalievaj, nie, nie
So if I forget for a while, pour me a drink, no, no
Zas je to o tebe a preto si zoberiem to dievča ku mne domov
It's about you again, and that's why I'm taking that girl home with me
A vlastne, kde mám v kurve domov
And actually, where the hell is home?
A vlastne, ja ešte nechcem domov
And actually, I don't want to go home yet
Tak ženy krúťte bokmi v tomto klube po tme
So ladies, shake your hips in this club in the dark
Aj keď je asi tak pol druhej a chcela by ísť domov
Even though it's probably about half past one and you want to go home
Tak ona vie, že pôjde, ale so mnou
So she knows she's coming, but with me
A na druhý deň sa zobudím a nebude tam
And the next day I'll wake up and she won't be there
Nebude tam nikto iba ja
Nobody will be there but me
Mohlo to byť - my dvaja
It could have been - the two of us
Ty si bola jediná, čo ma prijala
You were the only one who accepted me
A teraz tu sedím zas sám
And now here I am sitting alone again
Koniec, aj keď si sa vyliala
It's over, even though you spilled it all out
Koniec, aj keď si sa vyliala
It's over, even though you spilled it all out
Je koniec, aj keď si sa vyliala
It's over, even though you spilled it all out
Tak tu sedím zas sám
So here I am sitting alone again

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