Santa Fe Klan feat. Anthony Sanchez - Ayer - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Santa Fe Klan feat. Anthony Sanchez - Ayer

Rap Track Records
Rap Track Records
Ayer volví a pensar en ti
Yesterday I thought of you again
que no eras para
I know you weren't meant for me
Yo que un tonto fui
I know I was a fool
De enamorarme de la persona que no debí
To fall in love with the person I shouldn't have
Ayer volví a pensar en ti
Yesterday I thought of you again
que no eras para
I know you weren't meant for me
Yo que un tonto fui
I know I was a fool
De enamorarme de la persona que no debí
To fall in love with the person I shouldn't have
Ayer me acordé de la vez que te hice mujer
Yesterday I remembered the time I made you a woman
Quise olvidarte, pero el cora' no quiere entender (No)
I tried to forget you, but my heart doesn't want to understand (No)
Ya no hay nada que hacer, solo las fotos ver
There's nothing left to do, just look at the photos
Cicatrices que ni con alcohol sanaré
Scars that I won't even heal with alcohol
Se acerca Navidad y yo quería estar contigo
Christmas is coming and I wanted to be with you
¿Por qué te has ido?, pregunto dolido
Why have you gone? I ask myself in pain
Con guitarra y vino, ni así te olvido
With guitar and wine, I still can't forget you
Siento como que estoy muerto, pero vivo
I feel like I'm dead, but alive
Me enamoré de un personaje que no tiene corazón
I fell in love with a character who has no heart
El payaso más tonto siempre fui yo
The dumbest clown was always me
Doctor, deme una receta pa' este dolor
Doctor, give me a prescription for this pain
¿O no hay curación?, dígamelo por favor
Or is there no cure? Please tell me
Espero que estés bien recordando mis besos
I hope you're well remembering my kisses
Yo que también me piensas en momentos
I know you think of me too sometimes
Nada es eterno, sigo amándote en silencio
Nothing is eternal, I keep loving you in silence
¡Ah! (Sigo amándote en silencio)
Ah! (I keep loving you in silence)
Ayer volví a pensar en ti
Yesterday I thought of you again
que no eras para
I know you weren't meant for me
Yo que un tonto fui
I know I was a fool
De enamorarme de la persona que no debí
To fall in love with the person I shouldn't have
Ayer volví a pensar en ti
Yesterday I thought of you again
que no eras para
I know you weren't meant for me
Yo que un tonto fui
I know I was a fool
De enamorarme de la persona que no debí
To fall in love with the person I shouldn't have
Pasan las horas y los segundos
The hours and seconds pass
Sigo fumando en este loco mundo
I keep smoking in this crazy world
Miro la luna y puedo recordar
I look at the moon and I can remember
Tus caricias en el viento mi cuerpo acariciar
Your caresses in the wind caressing my body
Ayer pensé en ti y sentí un no qué
Yesterday I thought of you and I felt a certain something
Y recordé cuando mis labios toqué
And I remembered when I touched your lips
Sabes muy bien que no te olvidé
You know very well that I haven't forgotten you
Como no olvidas las noches que te entregué
Just like you haven't forgotten the nights I gave you
Hoy solo miro las fotos del muro
Today I just look at the photos on the wall
Tu linda sonrisa mi corazón mató
Your beautiful smile killed my heart
Busqué una solución para esta situación
I looked for a solution to this situation
Entre besos de María mi mente se elevó
Among Mary's kisses, my mind soared
Pensé en ti, en esos besos
I thought of you, of those kisses
Cuando volábamos bajo sábanas por el cielo
When we flew under the sheets through the sky
No eran de verdad tus sentimientos
Your feelings weren't real
Me di cuenta que tenías un corazón de hielo
I realized you had a heart of ice
(Un corazón de hielo)
(A heart of ice)
Ayer volví a pensar en ti
Yesterday I thought of you again
que no eras para
I know you weren't meant for me
Yo que un tonto fui
I know I was a fool
De enamorarme de la persona que no debí
To fall in love with the person I shouldn't have
Ayer volví a pensar en ti
Yesterday I thought of you again
que no eras para
I know you weren't meant for me
Yo que un tonto fui
I know I was a fool
De enamorarme de la persona que no debí
To fall in love with the person I shouldn't have
Volví a pensar en ti y ahora el recuerdo me devasta
I thought of you again and now the memory devastates me
Siento frío el cuerpo, tu calor ya no me abraza
My body feels cold, your warmth no longer embraces me
¿A dónde fue lo que un día y yo planeamos?
Where did what you and I once planned go?
Cicatrices no han sanado porque no estás a mi lado
Scars haven't healed because you're not by my side
Y al carajo, le pregunto a mi agonía
And to hell with it, I ask my agony
Desahógandome con tinta, un tabaco y sin compañía
Unburdening myself with ink, a cigarette and no company
Recordando aquel momento como cuando fuiste mía
Remembering that moment when you were mine
Corre más el tiempo y mi alma sigue vacía
Time runs faster and my soul remains empty
Le pido a Dios que te bendiga en donde estés
I ask God to bless you wherever you are
Si no estoy yo no la dejes a merced
If I'm not there, don't leave her at the mercy
Última carta con tema no volveré
Last letter with the theme "I won't return"
Se cerró la historia y lo tendré que comprender
The story is closed and I'll have to understand
Me enamoré de la persona equivocada
I fell in love with the wrong person
Le entregué mi alma y vi que ella no era mi amada
I gave her my soul and saw that she wasn't my beloved
La dama fue la que prefirió partir
The lady was the one who preferred to leave
Me despido con postdata: nunca fuiste para
I say goodbye with a postscript: you were never meant for me
Ayer volví a pensar en ti
Yesterday I thought of you again
que no eras para
I know you weren't meant for me
Yo que un tonto fui
I know I was a fool
De enamorarme de la persona que no debí
To fall in love with the person I shouldn't have
Ayer volví a pensar en ti
Yesterday I thought of you again
que no eras para
I know you weren't meant for me
Yo que un tonto fui
I know I was a fool
De enamorarme de la persona que no debí
To fall in love with the person I shouldn't have
Me enamoré de la persona equivocada
I fell in love with the wrong person
Quise olvidarte, pero el cora' no quiere entender
I tried to forget you, but my heart doesn't want to understand
Sigo fumando en este loco mundo
I keep smoking in this crazy world
Yo que un tonto fui
I know I was a fool
Rap Trap Records
Rap Trap Records

Writer(s): alan rodrigo ledesma, angel quezada

Santa Fe Klan feat. Anthony Sanchez - Ayer (feat. Anthony Sanchez)
Ayer (feat. Anthony Sanchez)
date de sortie

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