Saykoji - Ulangan Dadakan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Saykoji - Ulangan Dadakan

Ulangan Dadakan
Sudden Quiz
Hari Sabtu matematika jam terakhir
Saturday, last period math class
Penat sekolah sepanjang minggu hampir berakhir
A week of school fatigue is almost over
Tiba-tiba ibu guru bilang, "Kita ulangan"
Suddenly the teacher says, "We have a quiz"
Ah! Mendadak merusak semua ketenangan
Ah! Suddenly ruining all the peace
Minjem bolpen, pensil, penghapus, sama tip exs
Borrowing pens, pencils, erasers, and tip exs
Langsung bikin contekan rumus biar rileks
Immediately make a cheat sheet of formulas to relax
Karna bakal mati-matian, ini matematika
Because it will be a death match, this is math
Asal nilai nggak di bawah enam lupa etika
As long as the grade is not below six, forget ethics
Sambil gaya gue nulis nama lama-lama
While I write my name long
Biar kelihatan serius kaya rangking pertama
To look serious like the first rank
Nomor satu, ets, soal trigonometri
Number one, ets, trigonometry problem
Tenang, ada contekan walau gua kagak ngerti
Relax, there's a cheat sheet even though I don't understand
Meraba-raba kertas di kantong celana
Feeling the paper in my pants pocket
Sambil ngintip gerak-gerik Bu guru yang di sana
While peeking at the movements of the teacher over there
Ok, tenang dia lagi liat ke arah lain
Ok, relax she's looking the other way
Tapi buset, contekan gua kecil bukan main! Ahhhh
But damn, my cheat sheet is really small! Ahhhh
Mmm, gokil soalnya susah-susah ada sepuluh
Mmm, gokil the problems are hard there are ten
Esai semuanya waduh bikin gua ngeluh
All essays, wow, make me complain
Jantung berdetak dag dig dug, wajah penuh peluh
Heart beats dag dig dug, face full of sweat
Celingak-celinguk kepala gua garuk melulu
Looking around my head scratching
Oh no, sumpah, nih soal gua kagak ngerti
Oh no, I swear, this problem I don't understand
Sama sekali gua nggak tau harus ngapain lagi
I have absolutely no idea what to do anymore
Otak stagnan gilanya gua nggak punya contekan
Brain stagnant crazy I don't have a cheat sheet
Ya udah gua nunggu aja kiriman dari teman
Well, I'll just wait for a shipment from a friend
Man! Gila, Igor kok ngerjainnya lancar
Man! Crazy, Igor is doing it smoothly
Wah pasti nih anak semalam udah belajar
Wow, this kid must have studied last night
Ngeliatin dia lancar jantung gua makin berdebar
Seeing him fluent my heart beats faster
Tapi tetap aja gua masih harus bersabar
But still I still have to be patient
Waktu di jam dinding terus berjalan
Time on the clock keeps running
Makin keringetan nggak tahan kaya mau pingsan
Getting sweaty can't stand it like I'm about to faint
Hati nggak karuan udah semakin belingsatan
The heart is not chaotic, it's getting more and more glassy
Menatap masih kosongnya nih kertas jawaban
Staring at this still blank answer sheet
Ulangan dadakan di hari Sabtu
Sudden quiz on Saturday
Bikin semangatku langsung jatuh
Make my enthusiasm immediately fall
Terpaksa pakai skill kebetan yang kupunya
Forced to use the skill of luck that I have
Kagak pernah belajar kena batunya
Never learned hit the rock
Ulangan dadakan di hari Sabtu
Sudden quiz on Saturday
Bikin semangatku langsung jatuh
Make my enthusiasm immediately fall
Terpaksa pakai skill kebetan yang kupunya
Forced to use the skill of luck that I have
Kagak pernah belajar kena batunya
Never learned hit the rock
Gor, kok lu bisa?
Gor, how come you can do it?
Oh lo pake kerpekan ya?
Oh, you use carbon paper, huh?
Ya udah satu sampe sepuluh gue minta jawaban
Okay, from one to ten, I need the answers
Tapi gimana caranya, nih, supaya aman
But how do we do this safely
Masalahnya Bu guru lebih galak dari preman
The problem is, the teacher is fiercer than a thug
Ok, Fiz, lu pura-pura jatohin pensil
Ok, Fiz, you pretend to drop your pencil
Arahin jatohnya deket meja gua nyempil
Direct the fall near my desk tucked away
Sambil nanti gue jatohin kertas contekannya
While I'll drop the cheat sheet
Tapi elo mesti cepet-cepet gocekannya
But you have to quickly grab it
Satu, dua, tiga, ok! Sekarang
One, two, three, ok! Now
Sebelum Bu guru menatap dengan wajah garang
Before the teacher stares with a fierce face
Nah, tuh kan gampang langsung dapet
There, you see, it's easy to get it right away
Loh, kok, Bu gurunya jalan ke sini cepet-cepet, waah (Awas, awas, awas)
Loh, why is the teacher walking over here quickly, whoa (Watch out, watch out, watch out)
Igor! Hafiz! Kalian ngapain? (Gak ngapa-ngapain)
Igor! Hafiz! What are you doing? (Nothing-nothing)
Kalian nyontek, ya? (Enggak, Bu, gak, gak)
You're cheating, aren't you? (No, ma'am, no, no)
Nggak ada alasan! Pulang sekolah kalian ikut ibu ke kantor kepala sekolah
No excuses! After school you guys come with me to the principal's office
Ulangan dadakan di hari Sabtu
Sudden quiz on Saturday
Bikin semangatku langsung jatuh
Make my enthusiasm immediately fall
Terpaksa pakai skill kebetan yang kupunya
Forced to use the skill of luck that I have
Kagak pernah belajar kena batunya
Never learned hit the rock
Ulangan dadakan di hari Sabtu
Sudden quiz on Saturday
Bikin semangatku langsung jatuh
Make my enthusiasm immediately fall
Terpaksa pakai skill kebetan yang kupunya
Forced to use the skill of luck that I have
Kagak pernah belajar kena batunya
Never learned hit the rock
Ye, ini semua gara-gara elo nih
Ye, this is all because of you
Kok gua, sih
Why me?
Elo lagi Fiz
It's you, Fiz
Bukan, enak aja lu
No, it's not fair
Lu pelan banget ngambilnya, lu buru-buru dikit napa, yee
You're too slow to take it, why don't you hurry up a bit, yee
Ye, Gor, gue udah buru-buru, cuma emang dasar lagi apes aje (Yaah)
Ye, Gor, I was in a hurry, but it's just basically bad luck (Yeah)
Lagian lu juga, sih, kurang canggih ngelemparnya (Loh)
And you too, you're not sophisticated enough to throw it (Loh)
Udahlah, ngapain juga main salah-salahan
Come on, what's the point of blaming each other
Ih, gua juga yang bantu
Ih, I helped too
Bad luck
Elu kali
Elo, eeh
You, eh
Elu, blee (blee bleeh)
You, blee (blee bleeh)
Makanya belajar
That's why you should study

Writer(s): Saykoji

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