Scripture Memory Songs - Who Teaches You to Profit (Isaiah 48:17 – NASV) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Scripture Memory Songs - Who Teaches You to Profit (Isaiah 48:17 – NASV)

Who Teaches You to Profit (Isaiah 48:17 – NASV)
Who Teaches You to Profit (Isaiah 48:17 – NASV)
Tu eres mi reina fiel, y con orgullo soy tu reeeey!
You are my faithful queen, and I am your proud kiiiiiing!
Hiciste sueños realidad en miiiii me llenas de felicidaaaad aaaaaaaaa.
You turned my dreams into reality, you fill me with happinesssss aaaaaaaa.
Tu eres mi reeeey yeee.
You are my kiiiiiing.
Yo con orgullo reina fieeeeel
I am your proud faithful queeeeeen
Volviste sueños realidad en miiiii y ahora veo el sol brillar en tu mirar.
You turned my dreams into reality, now I see the sun shining in your gaze.
Sabes que siempre estaremos juntos reiremos juntos.
You know that we will always be together, we will laugh together.
Nuestro clima calentaremos juntos iremos juntos.
We will warm our climate together, we will go together.
Ni la distancia nos separara no vencera.
Not even distance will separate us, it will not conquer.
Por turbulento que este el mar nuestro amor va a navegar
As turbulent as the sea may be, our love will sail.
Tu eres mi reina fiel.
You are my faithful queen.
Con mucho orgullo eres mi rey hiciste sueños realidad en miiii eres mi luz al despertaaaar uuuuhuhu dime cuanto tu me amas dime si me necesitas.
With great pride, you are my king, you made dreams come true in me, you are my light when I awakaaaake, uuuuuuuu tell me how much you love me, tell me if you need me.
Dime cuanto me deseas.
Tell me how much you desire me.
Que yo duerma en tu cama dime si me esperarias por las moches que harias.
May I sleep in your bed, tell me if you would wait for me during the nights, what would you do.
Este amor es eterno.
This love is eternal.
Por mas que traten no lo destruiran.
No matter how hard they try, they will not destroy it.
Woooooo wooo ououououuoooou tu eres mi reina fiel siempre sere tu reina fiel hiciste sueños realidad en miii volviste sueños realidad en mi me llenas de felicidad aououou
Woooooo wooo ououououuoooou, you are my faithful queen, I will always be your faithful queen, you made dreams come true in me, you turned dreams into reality in me, you fill me with happiness aououou

Writer(s): Steven V Taylor, Blair Masters

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