Separ feat. Tina - Cesta (feat. Tina) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Separ feat. Tina - Cesta (feat. Tina)

Cesta (feat. Tina)
Cesta (feat. Tina)
Keď som s tým začal, netušil som jaká zodpovednosť príde,
When I started with this, I had no idea what responsibility would come,
Nevedel som čo mám čakať, nečakal som nič, ten príbeh
I didn't know what to expect, I wasn't expecting anything, that story
Sa začal písať z listu na list, z prípravky, je výber,
Began to be written from sheet to sheet, from preparation, is selection,
Z tretej ligy, prvá, každá skúsenosť sa zíde.
From the third league, first, every experience will come in handy.
Tak diky za ten pestrý život, že som puma a ne bígel,
So thanks for that colorful life, that I'm a puma and not a beagle,
Stále pirát a nemusím čakať, na mesačný prídel.
Still a pirate and I don't have to wait for a monthly ration.
Prajem každému, aby to mohol zažiť,
I wish everyone could experience this,
Robiť love na tom, čo ťa baví, cieľavedomo sa snažiť
Making love to what you enjoy, trying purposefully
Robiť niečo preto, aby si bol pánom svojho času,
Doing something to be the master of your time,
Nemal šéfa, nemal stres a nemal päť kíl na výplatu.
Not having a boss, not having stress and not having five kilos for a salary.
Neohodnotený za drinu jak otrok,
Unvalued for hard work like a slave,
Odrobiť dvadsaťpäť dní v mesiaci a vstávať na siedmu jak kokot.
Work twenty-five days a month and get up at seven like a dick.
Toto nechce podľa mňa nikto, veď vždy je možnosť,
I don't think anyone wants this, there's always a possibility,
Mať čo chceš, (mám čo chcem), more mocnosť,
Have what you want, (I have what I want), more power,
Z ulice na pódia, vďačný sám sebe, top combo,
From the street to the stages, grateful to myself, top combo,
Pirát našiel svoj poklad, tak pumpuje konto.
Pirate found his treasure, so he pumps up the account.
Tie peniaze za to za roky driny,
That money is for years of hard work,
Som zapredaný, trepeš pičoviny.
I'm sold out, you're talking bullshit.
Nevidíš jazvy a nevidíš ani modriny,
You don't see the scars and you don't see the bruises either,
čo ma stálo sa vyhrabať z bačoriny.
what it cost me to get out of the swamp.
Došiel o ľudí, čo boli okolo mňa,
Lost people who were around me,
Zistil, že ne každý kamoš je brat.
Found out that not every friend is a brother.
A neveril, že sa to mne môže stať,
And he didn't believe that it could happen to me,
špiny všade, berem to tak.
Spines are everywhere, I take it that way.
Nech papulu zväzuje ostatným drát,
Let the others tie the chatter wire,
Všetkým, čo mi dobodali chrbát.
To all who stabbed me in the back.
A stále neviem, čo sa vlastne stalo,
And I still don't know what really happened,
No pirát stúpa hore, jak balón.
But the pirate is going up like a balloon.
DMS, ale nemá Gramo,
He has DMS, but he doesn't have Gramo,
No psychiku mu to furt nenabúralo.
But it still hasn't wrecked his psyche.
Stojím pevne, som skala jak bralo,
I stand firm, I am a rock like a rock,
Lebo viem, že som to čo tu roky chýbalo.
Because I know that I am what has been missing here for years.
To všetko spravil sám,
He did it all himself,
Od nuly začínal.
Starting from scratch.
Z ulice ku hviezdam,
From the street to the stars,
Každý vie kto je Separ.
Everyone knows who Separ is.
Čas keď scéne vládne pirát.
Time when the pirate rules the scene.
Nevidím, nepočujem, nechcem nič,
I don't see, I don't hear, I don't want anything,
Falošní ľudia, všade je sliz.
Fake people, slime everywhere.
Jedna vec hudba a druhá je biz,
One thing is music and the other is biz,
Odo mňa nečakaj na podpis
Don't expect a signature from me
Zmluvy, čo mi vyláme zuby,
Contracts that will break my teeth,
Separ je sám, všetko robím na ruby.
Separ is alone, I do everything on rubies.
A mrdám label, nahrávam albumy,
And I fuck the label, I record albums,
Nezaujímajú ma fakeové sumy.
I'm not interested in fake sums.
Lebo predstava, ktorú máš neni,
Because the idea you have is not,
Robím to za love, ale ne pre nich.
I do it for love, but not for them.
Prestaňte mi motať hlavu jak ženy,
Stop messing with my head like women,
Môj postoj k hudbe sa nikdy nezmení.
My attitude to music will never change.
Všetky zmeny cením a chcem ich,
I appreciate all the changes and I want them,
Nešír hate, iba búram steny.
I don't spread hate, I just break down walls.
Nakazený zobudil polku scény,
The infected woke up half the scene,
Nečakám vďaku a nechcem ceny.
I don't expect gratitude and I don't want awards.
Chcem len úroveň, ktorá sa vytratila niekam preč,
I just want the level that went somewhere,
Dneska hocijaký bastard za nič pýta keš.
Today any bastard asks for cash for nothing.
Ja mám byť ticho? To snáď sranduješ,
Am I supposed to be quiet? You must be kidding,
Nemôžem nestínať hlavy pokiaľ sa jedná o rap.
I can't help but protect heads when it comes to rap.
To všetko spravil sám,
He did it all himself,
Od nuly začínal.
Starting from scratch.
Z ulice ku hviezdam,
From the street to the stars,
Každý vie kto je Separ.
Everyone knows who Separ is.
Čas keď scéne vládne pirát.
Time when the pirate rules the scene.
To všetko spravil sám,
He did it all himself,
Od nuly začínal.
Starting from scratch.
Z ulice ku hviezdam,
From the street to the stars,
Každý vie kto je Separ.
Everyone knows who Separ is.
Čas keď scéne vládne pirát.
Time when the pirate rules the scene.

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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