Sivilo - Kompleks - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sivilo - Kompleks

Dva'es mi je godina
I'm twenty years old
I dalje sam nevin
And still a virgin
Ali komsija mi jebac
But my neighbor's a stud
Pa, komso, tvoj zivot zelim
Man, I want your life, dude
Jer pred devojkama uglavnom
'Cause around girls, mostly
Se glupiram, kreveljim
I act stupid, make faces
I govorim "kurva si" kad treba
And call them "whore" when I should
Kompliment da joj udijelim
Be giving compliments
Negiram sto mi je bogom dano
I deny what God gave me
Jer zivim strano
'Cause I live strangely
I sanjam slavno jer
And dream of fame because
Takav zivot izgleda sjajno
That kind of life looks amazing
Pa k'o sve face smrcem
So like all the cool guys, I snort
Krec i pusim origano
Chalk and smoke oregano
Pijano, drogirano, s
Drunk, drugged up,
Time tajne pokrivamo
That's how we hide our secrets
Moj licni trip je da
My personal trip is that
Sam Spartanac iz "300"
I'm a Spartan from "300"
Rasista, nacista
Racist, Nazi
Nasilje u ime Hrista
Violence in the name of Christ
Odradicu svakom ko
I'll pay back anyone who
Mi je ucinio nista
Did nothing to me
Plus pametni popusti pa
Plus, smart guys back down so
Ja ne ispadnem pizda
I don't look like a pussy
Priznajem da je
I admit that this is
Ovo samo verbalno
Just verbal
Jer za fizicko, desetak
Because for physical stuff, I'd need
Drugova bi mi trebalo
About ten friends
Jer sam bi' se prepao
Because I'd be scared
Da zaskoce iz mraka
If they jumped out of the dark
Pa bih trc'o k'o sto trcim
So I'd run like I always run
Ispred svojih postupaka
From my own actions
Kompleks, kompleks
Complex, complex
Ne znam za uspjeh i sex
I don't know success or sex
Pa od straha na svakog
So out of fear, on everyone
Ko zna, bacam bombe k'o Fiex
Who knows, I drop bombs like Fiex
Kompleks, kompleks
Complex, complex
Sex, droga, nasilje, strah
Sex, drugs, violence, fear
Kad sve odnese vrag, treba
When everything goes to hell, you gotta
Znat' ostavit' trag u vremenu
Know how to leave your mark on time
Prod'o sam ti dusu
I sold you my soul
Sad ucini me poznatim
Now make me famous
Bolesni sam narcis
I'm a sick narcissist
I ne daj Bogu da ozdravim
And God forbid I ever get better
Al' daj svim bivsim rak, nek'
But give all my exes cancer, let
Im kosu s glave odstrani
Their hair fall out
Jer nije mi dovoljno
Because it's not enough
Sto ih pojebem i ostavim
That I fuck them and leave them
Pa stavljam ih na kasiku
So I put them on a spoon
Podgrijem ih upaljacem
Heat them up with a lighter
Pecnu me na pocetku
They burn me at first
Ali, sav taj bol prestace
But all that pain will stop
Kazu - drogas, ja kazem
They say - druggie, I say
Da sam neshvacen
That I'm misunderstood
Kako svako vece se budim
How every night I wake up
Jer se gusim dok povracem
Because I'm choking while I throw up
Jos gadljiv sam kad jebem
I'm also disgusted when I fuck
Bosanke, Hrvatice
Bosnian, Croatian girls
Kad to su im cula braca
When their brothers heard about it
Svi podjose po palice
They all went for their bats
Jer post'o sam im mrzan
Because I became hated
Kao beogradske tablice
Like Belgrade license plates
Pa gas do daske jer zurim
So I hit the gas 'cause I'm in a hurry
Da predjem preko granice
To cross the border
Pa paranoja je
Paranoia is
Jedino sto znam danas
The only thing I know today
Jer vjerovatno stradam
Because I'm probably gonna suffer
Zbog stvari sto rekoh na glas
For the things I said out loud
Karma je kucka zbog
Karma is a bitch because of
Koje sad pijem xanax
Whom I now drink Xanax
Kazu - sve se vraca, sve se placa
They say - everything comes back, everything is paid for
Znaj, mrtav si za nas
Know that you're dead to us
Bijedne li su prve dvije
The first two verses of this
Strofe ove pjesme
Song are pathetic
Jos da su o meni, al' o tom
If only they were about me, but about that
Niko saznat' ne smije
No one can know
Jer pogledaj me sad
Because look at me now
Tri cu odjednom da kresnem
I'll fuck three at once
Kazu - mi smo cetverac
They say - we are a foursome
Pa po njima divljam k'o kesten
So I go wild on them like a chestnut
Jer moze mi se, oko
Because I can, chicks
Mene ribe mnoze mi se
Are multiplying around me
Nosem disem koks
I breathe coke through my nose
Sa separea sto ga brisem
From the booth I wipe it off
Niko ne trosi vise
Nobody spends more
Jer se stalno mangupisem
Because I always act tough
Al' lose mi se pise
But I'm in deep shit
Jer me svinje pokupise
Because the pigs picked me up
Boga ubise u mene
They killed God in me
Jer traze odgovore
Because they're looking for answers
'Oce da spijunisem
They want me to snitch
Ili ce da me zatvore
Or they'll lock me up
Ok, ne trazite vise
Okay, look no further
Lik vam se krije dolje
The guy you're looking for is down there
Samo slic da otvorim
Just let me open the zipper
Da biste ga vidjeli bolje
So you can see him better
Pusi ga, inspektore
Suck it, inspector
Dzabe mi se prstis
It's no use fingering me
U kraju kad me vidis
When you see me in the hood
U gacama nuzdu vrsis
You shit your pants
Ja jebeni sam boss
I'm the fucking boss
Mene ne mozes da priustis
You can't afford me
Ok, bicu tvoj junspi
Okay, I'll be your junkie
Samo me pusti
Just let me go

Writer(s): Balša Krkeljić, Slobodan Veljković

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