Sivilo - Mentalitet - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sivilo - Mentalitet

Ne znaš đe si, dozvoli da podsjetim te
You don't know where you are, let me remind you
Pakao na zemlji, džaba tetovirate svetinje
Hell on Earth, it's pointless to tattoo holy images
Tol'ko podcijenjen da saosjećam Cetinje
So underestimated that I feel for Cetinje
Majska nam zora tamna, dozvoli da osvijetlim je
Our May dawn is dark, let me illuminate it
Avetinje od mene veće nije bilo
There hasn't been a bigger ghost than me
Jer od grama hip hop pokušavam stvorit' kilo
Because I'm trying to make a kilo out of a gram of hip hop
Rep premijer, znam da ti je milo
Rap premier, I know you like it
Alo ne Đukanović već vaš čo'ek Sivilo
Hello, not Đukanović, but your man Sivilo
Vaš čo'ek, naš čo'ek i ničiji drugi
Your man, our man, and nobody else's
Balša poslušaj me, sve pesme lirički ubij
Balša, listen to me, kill all the songs lyrically
'Oću al' podrško uvjek kraj mene budi
I want to, but always be my support
Bez tebe je teško bit' pa ponekad poludim
It's hard to be without you, so sometimes I go crazy
Ispizdim, al' onda nastavim da trudim se
I freak out, but then I keep trying
Sad je kasno za predaju pa sve ranije budim se
It's too late to give up, so I wake up earlier and earlier
Ustaj kralju, popišaj i umij se
Get up king, pee and wash your face
Sad uzmi mic u ruke, dokaži im, pobij sve
Now take the mic in your hands, prove them wrong, defeat everyone
To što sanjaš su pusti snovi (daj probudi se)
What you dream of are empty dreams (wake up)
To što radiš kurca ne valja (bolje ubij se)
What you do is worthless (better kill yourself)
Kad ja ne stvaram ko si ti da stvoriš (džabe trudiš se)
When I don't create, who are you to create (you're trying in vain)
Zato shvati, među nama nema publike
So understand, there is no audience among us
Da bodri i slavi kad neko napravi od nečega nešto uspješno (među nama nema publike)
To cheer and celebrate when someone makes something successful out of something (there is no audience among us)
Pa ne bodrim, ne slavim jer je lako napravit' to al' nešto mi rad pada teško
So I don't cheer, I don't celebrate because it's easy to do that, but something about work is hard for me
Jer takav nam je mentalitet Možda mi džepovi od repa nisu debeli
Because that's our mentality Maybe my pockets aren't fat from rap
Al' goro moja shvati da su pjesme moji perperi
But my mountain, understand that songs are my pearls
Neće me shvatit' oni srećni i debeli
Those happy and fat ones won't understand me
Već oni što su od nesreće oslijepljeli, jebem ti
But those who are blinded by misfortune, fuck you
Žmuri, ne gledaj šta ti život pruža
Close your eyes, don't look at what life gives you
Kol'ko god udar'o TV slika je i dalje ružna
No matter how much you hit, the TV picture is still ugly
Pružam ti ruku, znam da si sjeban
I'm reaching out to you, I know you're messed up
Pravite buku, revolucija nam treba
Make some noise, we need a revolution
Gledam te spotove, sve bogati reperi
I watch those videos, all rich rappers
Zato trebam tu paru kao voda na 100 stepeni
That's why I need that money like water at 100 degrees
Hladan kao tri mjeseca posle jeseni
Cold as three months after autumn
Fokusiran sve dok majku i sestru ne razveselim
Focused until I make my mother and sister happy
Sam protiv svih, znate mi pjesme svi
Alone against everyone, you all know my songs
Kol'ko je fer da živim od pjesama besplatnih?
How fair is it that I live off free songs?
Kol'ko je fer cijena da bi s time prestali?
What's the fair price to stop it?
Jer ako ne, i ja ću prestat' s repom, sad se ne šalim
Because if not, I'll stop rapping too, I'm not kidding
To što sanjaš su pusti snovi (daj probudi se)
What you dream of are empty dreams (wake up)
To što radiš kurca ne valja (bolje ubij se)
What you do is worthless (better kill yourself)
Kad ja ne stvaram ko si ti da stvoriš (džabe trudiš se)
When I don't create, who are you to create (you're trying in vain)
Zato shvati, među nama nema publike
So understand, there is no audience among us
Da bodri i slavi kad neko napravi od nečega nešto uspješno (među nama nema publike)
To cheer and celebrate when someone makes something successful out of something (there is no audience among us)
Pa ne bodrim, ne slavim jer je lako napravit' to al' nešto mi rad pada teško
So I don't cheer, I don't celebrate because it's easy to do that, but something about work is hard for me
Jer takav nam je mentalitet Otvori oči, pogle' kakvu pjesmu napravih
Because that's our mentality Open your eyes, look what kind of song I made
Posta' sam zombi jer u pjesmi ja dušu ostavim
I became a zombie because I leave my soul in the song
Posta' sam vampir je živim only by night
I became a vampire because I live only by night
Smeta mi sjaj što ga imam danju, Twilight
The shine I have during the day bothers me, Twilight
Mrzan, jer sam utisak ostavio
I'm hated because I made an impression
Baveći se muzikom što krši svako pravilo
Doing music that breaks every rule
Još armiju nabavio pa ustanak napravio
I also got an army and started an uprising
Jer svaku strofu ubijam, iz principa k'o Gavrilo
Because I kill every verse, on principle like Gavrilo
Još smo vršnjaci pa predstavljam problem svima
We are still peers, so I represent a problem for everyone
Tol'ko dobar da me brkaju sa Montenigersima
So good that they confuse me with Monteniggers
Al' taj proces ima trud, rad i dorade
But that process has effort, work and revisions
Pa svaki uspjeh da mi bolji život, novo poglavlje
So every success should be a better life for me, a new chapter
U kome piše: "Sine bolje bježi odavde"
In which it says: "Son, better run away from here"
Jer suze radosnice ovđe neće pravit poplave
Because tears of joy won't make floods here
Već one obratne, narod takve voli
But the other way around, people like those
Ovđe rane se ne liječe već se na njih stavlja soli
Here wounds are not healed, salt is put on them
To što sanjaš su pusti snovi (daj probudi se)
What you dream of are empty dreams (wake up)
To što radiš kurca ne valja (bolje ubij se)
What you do is worthless (better kill yourself)
Kad ja ne stvaram ko si ti da stvoriš (džabe trudiš se)
When I don't create, who are you to create (you're trying in vain)
Zato shvati, među nama nema publike
So understand, there is no audience among us
Da bodri i slavi kad neko napravi od nečega nešto uspješno (među nama nema publike)
To cheer and celebrate when someone makes something successful out of something (there is no audience among us)
Pa ne bodrim, ne slavim jer je lako napravit' to al' nešto mi rad pada teško
So I don't cheer, I don't celebrate because it's easy to do that, but something about work is hard for me
Jer takav nam je mentalitet
Because that's our mentality

Writer(s): Balša Krkeljić, Danijel Gavrilović

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