Skardu feat. Pragoholik - Status Student - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Skardu feat. Pragoholik - Status Student

Status Student
Student Status
Prezenční výuku a denní potkávání se se studenty nemůže nahradit nic
Nothing can replace face-to-face teaching and daily contact with students
Stejně tam jdeme tak na dva dny, tak uvidíme
We only go there for two days, so we'll see
Status studenta
Student status
Status studenta
Student status
Doma nechtěj dementa
Don't be a homebody
Tak mám status studenta
So, I have student status
Status studenta
Student status
Status studenta
Student status
Prodlužte mi ISICA
Renew my ISIC
to mužů pojebat
So I can take full advantage of it
Status studenta
Student status
Status status studenta
Student status
Doma nechtěj dementa (ne ne)
Don't be a homebody (no no)
Tak mám status studenta (ten mám)
So, I have student status (I do)
Status studenta
Student status
Status studenta
Student status
Prodlužte mi ISICA
Renew my ISIC
to mužů pojebat
So I can take full advantage of it
Jasný status student
Clear student status
Ale do školy nepudem
But we won't go to school
Status student vole
Student status, man
Ten tam bude dokud pude
It'll stay there until it goes
Studijní typ nejsem
I'm not the studious type
Studentky jsou extrém
Female students are extreme
Na koleji vykolejil jsem se jako expres
I got derailed in college like an express train
Who Dat? Who Dat?
Who Dat? Who Dat?
Student ze Sudet
Student from the Sudetenland
Proplouvám tou školou jako lodě Suez
I'm sailing through school like ships through Suez
Základka byla mávačka
Elementary school was easy
Maturita formalita dávačka
Matura was a formality
Brzo ráno žádná vstávačka
No getting up early
Dám referát, to vymáčknu
I'll give a presentation, I can squeeze that out
Někdo na Vysoký někdo jenom high
Some go to university, some just get high
Věř že, po střední to všechno začíná
Believe me, it all starts after high school
Dobrý chvalitební, šikana poznámka
Good honors, bullying remark
Hlavní se to flexí status student
The main thing is to flex your student status
Status studenta
Student status
Status studenta
Student status
Doma nechtěj dementa
Don't be a homebody
Tak mám status studenta
So, I have student status
Status studenta
Student status
Status studenta
Student status
Prodlužte mi ISICA
Renew my ISIC
to mužů pojebat
So I can take full advantage of it
Status studenta
Student status
Status status studenta
Student status
Doma nechtěj dementa
Don't be a homebody
Tak mám status studenta
So, I have student status
Status studenta
Student status
Status studenta
Student status
Prodlužte mi ISICA
Renew my ISIC
to mužů pojebat
So I can take full advantage of it
Mám status student, i když na tu vejšku nechodím
I have student status, even though I don't go to university
Socko, zdrávko neplatím a slevy si rád pofellim
I don't pay social or health insurance, and I'm happy to get discounts
Student life chce dopamin, na Studentský leju gin
Student life needs dopamine, I pour gin on Studentský
Přes den v jobu a i mimo něj ty prachy naháním
I have a job during the day and outside of it, I'm chasing that cash
Čtyry roky na Arabský na programování
Four years of Arabic, programming
V prváku jsem byl jedinej, kdo zažil píchání (šoustej)
In my first year, I was the only one who had sex (I did it)
Měli za feťáka, stejně jsem to dodělal
They thought I was a junkie, but I still finished it
Na sellení skéra jsem váhu z laborky podělal
I screwed up the scale from the lab for selling speed
Když jdu na kalbu, tak to chci vypít VŠE
When I go out, I want to drink EVERYTHING
Kalim na ČVUT kampusu nebo s hoe z konzervatoře
I party on the CTU campus or with hoes from the conservatory
A na gymplu jsem miloval čúzy z ČZU (hnojárna)
And in high school, I loved the chicks from ČZU (shit hole)
Nastavily terč, tak jsem nahned tahal Čezetu (pow)
They set a target, so I pulled out my ČZ (pow)
Status studenta
Student status
Status studenta
Student status
Doma nechtěj dementa (ne)
Don't be a homebody (no)
Tak mám status studenta (yes)
So, I have student status (yes)
Status studenta (ey ey)
Student status (ey ey)
Status studenta (brrr)
Student status (brrr)
Prodlužte mi ISICA
Renew my ISIC
to mužů pojebat
So I can take full advantage of it
Status studenta
Student status
Status status studenta
Student status
Doma nechtěj dementa (ne ne)
Don't be a homebody (no no)
Tak mám status studenta (ten mám)
So, I have student status (I do)
Status studenta
Student status
Status studenta
Student status
Prodlužte mi ISICA
Renew my ISIC
to mužů pojebat
So I can take full advantage of it

Writer(s): Lukáš Svoboda, Matyáš Tecl

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