Skywalkeri - BEZ PANIKE - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Skywalkeri - BEZ PANIKE

O-o-o-oh Buki
O-o-o-oh Buki
Tu bez panike
Don't panic, baby
Hitova je stack, oh radim keš
The stack is hot, I'm making cash
Samo svađam se
Just arguing
Da imam šta za jest, oh dobar tek
So I have something to eat, oh enjoy your meal
Tu bez panike
Don't panic, baby
Hitam ti refren dok kažeš keks
I hit you with the chorus before you say cookie
S nama šališ se jer
You're messing with us because
Nemaš kaj za reć, oh srami se
You have nothing to say, oh shame on you
Tu bez panike
Don't panic, baby
Hitova je stack, oh radim keš
The stack is hot, I'm making cash
Samo svađam se
Just arguing
Da imam šta za jest, oh dobar tek
So I have something to eat, oh enjoy your meal
Tu bez panike
Don't panic, baby
Hitam ti refren dok kažeš keks
I hit you with the chorus before you say cookie
S nama šališ se jer
You're messing with us because
Nemaš kaj za reć, oh srami se
You have nothing to say, oh shame on you
Red dot i tvoje čelo
Red dot and your forehead
Jedno s drugim šaljem te na nebo
One with the other, I send you to heaven
Bez panike i nema stresa
Don't panic and there's no stress
Jer sve što sam mogo, odavno sam sjebo
Because everything I could, I already messed up
Sjebo controller pa warzone uživo
Messed up the controller, so Warzone is live
Metak u čelo pa odem na pivu
Bullet to the forehead, then I'll go for a beer
Dosadno im zato stalno seru
They're bored, so they're constantly whining
Nema panike pa stojim u leru
No panic, so I'm standing idle
Zika grmi pa galama je uh
Zika roars, there's a lot of noise, uh
Alkohol i dobra trava e uh
Alcohol and good weed, uh
Razbijen već sam četiri dana e
I've been broken for four days already, uh
Puno cugam zato srala je uh
I drink a lot, that's why it's a mess, uh
Patnje nema, sada slava je
There's no suffering, now it's glory
Pustim traku na to slaba je
I release the track, it's weak
Vruća stvar pa se hladim ledom
Hot thing, so I cool down with ice
Jer oko mene sada banda je
Because there's a crew around me now
Mala je glatka ko krema, to je ta shema, Ballam ko da sam Benzema
She's smooth like cream, that's the scheme, I'm balling like I'm Benzema
Igram, a nije ni tekma, ništa trema jer bio i osto sam flegma, wow
I'm playing, but it's not a game, no fear, because I was and remain phlegm, wow
Iz ničeg promijenio flow
From nothing, I changed my flow
Igramo pametno i takeamo slow
We play smart and take it slow
Skywalkeri su pičko u gradu
Skywalkeri are bitches in the city
Radim ovo sranje ko da sam pro
I'm doing this shit like I'm a pro
Tu bez panike
Don't panic, baby
Hitova je stack, oh radim keš
The stack is hot, I'm making cash
Samo svađam se
Just arguing
Da imam šta za jest, oh dobar tek
So I have something to eat, oh enjoy your meal
Tu bez panike
Don't panic, baby
Hitam ti refren dok kažeš keks
I hit you with the chorus before you say cookie
S nama šališ se jer
You're messing with us because
Nemaš kaj za reć, oh srami se
You have nothing to say, oh shame on you
Tu bez panike
Don't panic, baby
Hitova je stack, oh radim keš
The stack is hot, I'm making cash
Samo svađam se
Just arguing
Da imam šta za jest, oh dobar tek
So I have something to eat, oh enjoy your meal
Tu bez panike
Don't panic, baby
Hitam ti refren dok kažeš keks
I hit you with the chorus before you say cookie
S nama šališ se jer
You're messing with us because
Nemaš kaj za reć, oh srami se
You have nothing to say, oh shame on you
Jebemu mater, brat je pao, sada pazimo kad i gdje
Damn, my brother fell, now we're careful when and where
Buksamo stash, preokrenemo trep, onda na kraju si uzmemo sve
We stuff the stash, flip the trep, then in the end we take everything
Ponovimo gradivo, opet se razbimo, to nam je cardio, klasika bitch
We repeat the material, break again, that's our cardio, classic bitch
Mene ne zanima, samo mi nasipaj, znam da je loša navika shit
I don't care, just pour it for me, I know it's a bad habit, shit
Vozim u krivoj traci, plavi će me hapsit
I'm driving in the wrong lane, the cops will arrest me
Kaže da sam shiny, mokra ko tsunami
He says I'm shiny, wet like a tsunami
Nemoj se inatit, malu ću vratit
Don't be stubborn, I'll bring the girl back
Ako neko sere, onda shootera cu platit ye
If someone's shitting, then I'll pay the shooter, ye
Hoću fast cash, ti si way back ye, baš beks kaj si last place
I want fast cash, you're way back ye, really pissed you're in last place
Gens from space, duvam embrace, mala daje dobar deepface
Gens from space, I blow embrace, she gives good deepface
Ak nisi naš, si disgrace, centar nam je birthplace
If you're not ours, you're disgrace, our center is birthplace
Gun na meni just incase, nikad ne ostavljam foot trace ne
Gun on me just in case, never leave a foot trace, no
Tu bez panike
Don't panic, baby
Hitova je stack, oh radim keš
The stack is hot, I'm making cash
Samo svađam se
Just arguing
Da imam šta za jest, oh dobar tek
So I have something to eat, oh enjoy your meal
Tu bez panike
Don't panic, baby
Hitam ti refren dok kažeš keks
I hit you with the chorus before you say cookie
S nama šališ se jer
You're messing with us because
Nemaš kaj za reć, oh srami se
You have nothing to say, oh shame on you
Tu bez panike
Don't panic, baby
Hitova je stack, oh radim keš
The stack is hot, I'm making cash
Samo svađam se
Just arguing
Da imam šta za jest, oh dobar tek
So I have something to eat, oh enjoy your meal
Tu bez panike
Don't panic, baby
Hitam ti refren dok kažeš keks
I hit you with the chorus before you say cookie
S nama šališ se jer
You're messing with us because
Nemaš kaj za reć, oh srami se
You have nothing to say, oh shame on you

Writer(s): Ivor Makar

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