Socunbohemio - Conte de Tardor - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Socunbohemio - Conte de Tardor

Conte de Tardor
Autumn Tale
Busco ses paraules
I seek the words
Que s'emporta el vent
That the wind carries away
Busco ses brutícies
I seek the rudeness
Que digueres fa temps
That you used to say long ago
Busco ses mentides
I seek the lies
Ses frases fatals
The fatal phrases
Busco ses ferides
I seek the wounds
Amagades pels anys
Hidden by the years
Busco tes mirades
I seek your stares
Punxants i brutals
Pointed and cruel
Tes pors reprimides
Your repressed fears
Que c'est l'amour, però fa mal
That this is love, but it hurts
Busco sets, històries
I seek your, stories
Des llibres antics
From ancient books
Ses frases solemnes
The solemn phrases
Per oblidar el que porto a dins
To forget what I carry within
I ara m'adono
And now I realize
Que soc aquí sol, plorant
That I'm here alone, crying
I tu tens tes mogudes
And you have your own moves
Tens els teus amics, tens els teus amants
You have your friends, you have your lovers
I ara, qui m'abraça?
And now, who embraces me?
I ara, qui em dirà res?
And now, who will tell me anything?
Si érets tu qui m'hi protegia
If you were the one who protected me
I ara ets tu qui em destrueix
And now you're the one who's destroying me
He comprat
I've bought
Una altra ampolla de vi
Another bottle of wine
I he fumat
And I've smoked
Fins que és meu cap
Until my head
Ha desistit
Has given up
Que això no és viure
That this is not living
Que això no és morir
That this is not dying
Però prefereixo morir-me
But I'd rather die
A preguntar-me per què visc
Than ask myself why I live
Busco ses paraules
I seek the words
Que s'emporta el vent
That the wind carries away
Busco ses brutícies
I seek the rudeness
Que digueres fa temps
That you used to say long ago
Busco ses mentides
I seek the lies
Ses frases fatals
The fatal phrases
Busco ses ferides
I seek the wounds
Amagades pels anys
Hidden by the years
Busco tes mirades
I seek your stares
Punxants i brutals
Pointed and cruel
Tes pors reprimides
Your repressed fears
Que c'est l'amour, però fa mal
That this is love, but it hurts
I ara m'enyoro
And now I miss
De tots els nostres dimarts
All our Tuesdays
Que em fa por que m'oblidis
I'm afraid you'll forget me
Que res va ser i res serà
That nothing was and nothing will be
He comprat
I've bought
Una altra ampolla de vi
Another bottle of wine
I he fumat
And I've smoked
Fins que es meu cap
Until my head
Ha desistit
Has given up
Que això no és viure
That this is not living
Que això no és morir
That this is not dying
Però prefereixo morir-me
But I'd rather die
A preguntar-me per què visc
Than ask myself why I live
Vull sortir d'aquesta cançó trista
I want to get out of this sad song
D'aquest malson que porto a dins
Of this nightmare that I carry within
Ressorgir de cop entre la fosca
To suddenly rise from the darkness
I per fi poder estimar-me a mi
And finally be able to love myself
Vull sortir d'aquesta cançó trista
I want to get out of this sad song
D'aquest malson que porto a dins
Of this nightmare that I carry within
Ressorgir de cop entre sa fosca
To suddenly rise from the darkness
I per fi poder estimar-me a mi
And finally be able to love myself

Writer(s): Artur Ferran

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