TREN LOKOTE - Pablito - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction TREN LOKOTE - Pablito

Esto pasa en las calles, todos los dias,
This happens in the streets, every day,
Todas las noches, todo el tiempo, pero la
Every night, all the time, but the
Gente rica solo wuacha, ellos estan en sus
Rich people just watch, they are in their
Casas tomando te caliente, esta va para mi gente, mal viviente, delincuente para
Houses drinking hot tea, this goes out to my people, lowlifes, delinquents, for
Mi raza
My race
Pablito creció rodeado de pobresa y nada
Pablito grew up surrounded by poverty and nothing
Su gefe se fue cuando ella estaba embarazada lo expulsaron de la escuela
His father left when she was pregnant, they kicked him out of school
Por falta de disciplina se peliaba y la rifaba hasta que un dia llego a una esquina
For lack of discipline he fought and hustled until one day he came to a corner
Conocio la mota, coca y metanfetaminas
He met weed, coke and methamphetamines
Cualquier tipo de quimico ya eran sus
Any type of chemical were already his
Vitaminas las vecinas decian hijo no te
Vitamins the neighbors said son I don't
Quiero ver con ese ya no le decían pablito
Want to see you with that anymore they didn't call him Pablito
Era el Spanky de la 13
He was the Spanky from the 13
Comenzo a alocarse cuando consumio
He started going crazy when he consumed
Pastillas atacaba con filero a integrantes
Pills he attacked with a knife members
De otras pandillas todo comenzaba empezaba a qudarse juido mientras su gefa lloraba viendo en que estaba metido
Of other gangs everything started he started to get lost while his mom cried seeing what he was involved in
Empezo a robar para fumar su docis diaria se fumaba una tras otra como fuese necesaria
He started stealing to smoke his daily dose he smoked one after another as needed
El vato se fue recio verlo loco era de diario
The dude went hard seeing him crazy was daily
Ya no era el Spanky ya era la rata del barrio
He was no longer Spanky, he was the rat of the neighborhood
En la vida hay cosas que no pueden evitarse
In life there are things that cannot be avoided
Lagrimas y sangre que tienen que derramarse
Tears and blood that have to be shed
Corres mañana lloras oras por la madrugada
You run tomorrow you cry hours in the early morning
Al final ninguno tiene la vida comprada
In the end no one has life bought
En la vida hay cosas que no pueden evitarse
In life there are things that cannot be avoided
Lagrimas y sangre que tienen que derramarse
Tears and blood that have to be shed
Corres mañana lloras oras por la madrugada
You run tomorrow you cry hours in the early morning
Al final ninguno tiene la vida comprada
In the end no one has life bought
Ya mas de 20 años qu Spanky dejo la escuela
Already more than 20 years since Spanky left school
Se desvela con adictas con su foco y con
He stays up with addicts with his light bulb and with
Su chela pa' el no habia problemas cuando
His beer for him there were no problems when
Se acababa el varo bastaba quebrar un
The money ran out it was enough to break a
Vidrio y quitarle el sonido al carro una de
Window and take the sound system out of the car one of
Una de tantas noches que ya andaba bien trabado
One of so many nights that he was already well messed up
Vagando wuacho un carro lujoso estacionado
Wandering wasted a luxurious car parked
Quebro la ventana habia vidrios por donde
He broke the window there was glass everywhere
Quiera saco una bolsa parada mas escondida en la guantera
He took out a bag standing more hidden in the glove compartment
Tal fue su sorpresa cuando abrio el paquete
Such was his surprise when he opened the package
Michas de crital, piedra, perico y un billete
Lots of crystal, stone, coke and a bill
Su cara sonrio wuachando que se habia
His face smiled wasted that he had
Cuajado pero en su mente penso que
Scored but in his mind he thought he
Robado el auto equivocado, se perdio
Robbed the wrong car, he got lost
Medio año el vato gozando de la vida se
Half a year the dude enjoying life he
Fumo la droga y cambio el dinero por
Smoked the drug and exchanged the money for
Sida quiso regresar al pueblo con su
AIDS he wanted to return to the town with his
Gefita querida sin pensar, sin recordar que
Beloved mother without thinking, without remembering that
Aqui la mafia nunca olvida
Here the mafia never forgets
En la vida hay cosas que no pueden evitarse
In life there are things that cannot be avoided
Lagrimas y sangre que tienen que derramarse
Tears and blood that have to be shed
Corres mañana lloras oras por la madrugada
You run tomorrow you cry hours in the early morning
Al final ninguno tiene la vida comprada
In the end no one has life bought
En la vida hay cosas que no pueden evitarse
In life there are things that cannot be avoided
Lagrimas y sangre que tienen que derramarse
Tears and blood that have to be shed
Corres mañana lloras oras por la madrugada
You run tomorrow you cry hours in the early morning
Al final ninguno tiene la vida comprada
In the end no one has life bought
Cuando llego se supo que Spanky andaba
When he arrived it was known that Spanky was
Rondando no era la rata del barrio ahora
Hanging around he was not the rat of the neighborhood now
Era el que estaban buscando despues de
He was the one they were looking for after
Seis meses de diario estarla extrañando
Six months of daily missing her
Llego al canton de su gefa la vio y la abrazo llorando
He arrived at his mom's canton he saw her and hugged her crying
Porque robaste al cartel ya te esta buscando el diablo
Why did you steal from the cartel the devil is already looking for you
Toma este dienero y brincate pal otro lado
Take this money and jump to the other side
Yo te doy mi bendicion y que diosito este
I give you my blessing and may God be
A tu lado
By your side
Gefa yo no supe que era el carro de la
Mom I didn't know it was the car of the
Maña por andar de prendido me enrrede
Mafia for being high I got tangled
En su telaraña me despido madre no voy a
In their web I say goodbye mother I will not
Dejar de hablarte
Stop talking to you
Ve con dios pablito nunca dejare de amarte
Go with God Pablito I will never stop loving you
El besa su frente con el llanto en su mirada
He kisses her forehead with tears in his eyes
Afuera de su casa camionetas apostadas
Outside his house vans parked
Gefita esos vatos no tardan en encontrarme
Mom those guys will soon find me
Espero un dia volver a verte madre tengo que marcharme
I hope one day to see you again mother I have to leave
En la vida hay cosas que no pueden evitarse
In life there are things that cannot be avoided
Lagrimas y sangre que tienen que derramarse
Tears and blood that have to be shed
Corres mañana lloras oras por la madrugada
You run tomorrow you cry hours in the early morning
Al final ninguno tiene la vida comprada
In the end no one has life bought
En la vida hay cosas que no pueden evitarse
In life there are things that cannot be avoided
Lagrimas y sangre que tienen que derramarse
Tears and blood that have to be shed
Corres mañana lloras oras por la madrugada
You run tomorrow you cry hours in the early morning
Al final ninguno tiene la vida comprada
In the end no one has life bought

Writer(s): Juan Fidel Jurado Velasquez

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