the Noise - No Te Vayas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction the Noise - No Te Vayas

No Te Vayas
Don't Leave
Cierra los ojos bien
Close your eyes tight
Y solamente pide un deseo
And just make one wish
Para que estés a mi lado
For you to be by my side
Me beses, me acaricies
To kiss me, caress me
Y me des tu calor otra vez.
And give me your warmth once again.
Cierra los ojos bien
Close your eyes tight
Y solamente pide un deseo
And just make one wish
Porque tu madre y tu padre
Because your mother and your father
Dicen que yo soy un maliante
Say I'm a hoodlum
De la calle.
From the streets.
Pero que están equivocados
But they're wrong
No saben lo que dicen
They don't know what they're saying
Están confundidos
They're confused
Yo no soy lo que dicen.
I'm not what they say.
Yo no soy maliante
I'm not a hoodlum
Yo no soy maliante
I'm not a hoodlum
sabes muy bien que yo quiero amarte.
You know very well that I want to love you.
No llores no sueltes una lágrima
Don't cry, don't shed a tear
No te pongas triste que me rompes mi alma.
Don't get sad, you break my soul.
No llores no sueltes una lágrima
Don't cry, don't shed a tear
No te pongas triste que me rompes mi alma.
Don't get sad, you break my soul.
Por siempre yo te amaré
Forever I will love you
Y en busca de ti yo siempre yo estaré.
And I will always be searching for you.
Por siempre yo te amaré
Forever I will love you
Y en busca de ti yo siempre yo estaré.
And I will always be searching for you.
Cierra los ojos bien
Close your eyes tight
Y solamente pide un deseo
And just make one wish
Para que estés a mi lado
For you to be by my side
Me beses, me acaricies
To kiss me, caress me
Y me des tu calor otra vez.
And give me your warmth once again.
Cierra los ojos bien
Close your eyes tight
Y solamente pide un deseo
And just make one wish
Porque tu madre y tu padre
Because your mother and your father
Dicen que yo soy un maleante
Say I'm a hoodlum
De la calle.
From the streets.
Mira lo que hizo tu madre
Look what your mother did
Ella no ve que sola sufres
She doesn't see that you suffer alone
Quiero que sepa que yo te amo
I want her to know that I love you
Y quiero que sepa lo que yo pienso.
And I want her to know what I think.
Yo quiero, yo quiero, yo quiero yo verte, yo verte
I want, I want, I want to see you, to see you
Yo quiero, yo quiero, yo quiero besarte, besarte
I want, I want, I want to kiss you, kiss you
Yo quiero, yo quiero, yo quiero amarte
I want, I want, I want to love you
Pero tu madre dice que soy maliante, maliante.
But your mother says I'm a hoodlum, a hoodlum.
Me siento, me siento, me siento muy solo, muy solo,
I feel, I feel, I feel very alone, very alone,
Me siento, me siento, me siento que me muero, que me muero,
I feel, I feel, I feel like I'm dying, like I'm dying,
Me siento, me siento, me siento muy triste
I feel, I feel, I feel very sad
Y de pensar que más nunca podré sentirte.
And thinking that I will never be able to feel you again.
No quiero, no quiero, no quiero que pase, que pase,
I don't want, I don't want, I don't want it to happen, to happen,
No quiero, no quiero, no quiero que te vayas, que te vayas.
I don't want, I don't want, I don't want you to leave, to leave.
Lo que quiero es poseerte, besarte y acariciarte
What I want is to possess you, kiss you and caress you
Sin que tu madre nos separe.
Without your mother separating us.
Cierra los ojos bien
Close your eyes tight
Y solamente pide un deseo
And just make one wish
Para que estés a mi lado
For you to be by my side
Me beses, me acaricies
To kiss me, caress me
Y me des tu calor otra vez.
And give me your warmth once again.
Cierra los ojos bien
Close your eyes tight
Y solamente pide un deseo
And just make one wish
Porque tu madre y tu padre
Because your mother and your father
Dicen que yo soy un maliante
Say I'm a hoodlum
De la calle.
From the streets.
Y no me importa lo que diga tu madre y tu padre
And I don't care what your mother and father say
Lo que yo quiero es amarte.
What I want is to love you.
Y no me importa lo que diga tu madre y tu padre
And I don't care what your mother and father say
Lo que yo quiero es amarte.
What I want is to love you.
El secreto es el silencio
The secret is silence
Si lo revelas pierdes el deseo
If you reveal it, you lose the desire
El deseo es poderme tener
The desire is to be able to have me
Para besarme y poderme querer.
To kiss me and to be able to love me.
nunca sabrás lo que por ti lloraba
You will never know what I cried for you
Lo que mi alma sentía cuando no estabas
What my soul felt when you were not there
que me amas y que nunca te vas a enamorar
I know you love me and I know you will never fall in love
Como me siento yo solo te sientes igual.
As I feel, only you feel the same way.
eres la rosa que yo quiero
You are the rose that I want
Que con tu aroma me das mi sendero.
That with your scent you give me my path.
eres la rosa que yo quiero
You are the rose that I want
Que con tu aroma me das mi sendero.
That with your scent you give me my path.
Baby Rasta:
Baby Rasta:
Cierra los ojos bien
Close your eyes tight
Y solamente pide un deseo
And just make one wish
Para que estés a mi lado
For you to be by my side
Me beses, me acaricies
To kiss me, caress me
Y me des tu calor otra vez.
And give me your warmth once again.
Cierra los ojos bien
Close your eyes tight
Y solamente pide un deseo
And just make one wish
Porque tu madre y tu padre
Because your mother and your father
Dicen que yo soy un maliante
Say I'm a hoodlum
De la calle.
From the streets.
Dime lo que tengo que hacer
Tell me what I have to do
Para yo verte y poderte tener.
To see you and be able to have you.
Dime lo que tengo que hacer
Tell me what I have to do
Para yo verte y poderte tener.
To see you and be able to have you.
Es triste, es triste saber
It's sad, it's sad to know
Que todo terminó, que todo terminó
That it's all over, that it's all over
Jurame que nunca te irás
Swear to me you'll never leave
Y dime con un beso que me quieres amar.
And tell me with a kiss that you want to love me.
Y dime con un beso que me quieres amar.
And tell me with a kiss that you want to love me.
Y me dices que a ti no te dejan que me ames.
And you tell me that they won't let you love me.
Y me dices que a ti no te dejan que me ames.
And you tell me that they won't let you love me.
Y porqué, porque dicen que soy un maliante.
And why, because they say I'm a hoodlum.
Y porqué, porque dicen que soy un maliante.
And why, because they say I'm a hoodlum.
Te amo, te amo y no lo puedo negarlo se me nota en mis ojos
I love you, I love you and I can't deny it, it shows in my eyes
Cierra los ojos bien, cierra los ojos
Close your eyes tight, close your eyes
Cierra los ojos bien, cierra los ojos
Close your eyes tight, close your eyes
Cierra los ojos bien
Close your eyes tight
Y solamente pide un deseo
And just make one wish
Para que estés a mi lado
For you to be by my side
Me beses, me acaricies
To kiss me, caress me
Y me des tu calor otra vez.
And give me your warmth once again.
Cierra los ojos bien
Close your eyes tight
Y solamente pide un deseo
And just make one wish
Porque tu madre y tu padre
Because your mother and your father
Dicen que yo soy un maleante
Say I'm a hoodlum
De la calle
From the streets

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