Týr - Torsteins Kvaeoi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Týr - Torsteins Kvaeoi

Torsteins Kvaeoi
Torstein's Lament
Vilja tit lýða og ljóð geva mær, eg bróti av bragdartátti
You who will listen and lend me your ear, I'll break out of the poetic pattern
Kongur ráddi for Nøríki, hann tógva synir átti
There was a king who ruled over Norway, he had two noble sons
Rennur og rennur foli mín
My passion flows and flows
Grønari grund og vín bar reyða lund
On greener pastures and wine bore the red grove
Stíg at dansa stund
Take a moment to dance
Kátur leikar foli mín
My passion plays happily
Á grønari grund
On greener pastures
Átt hevur hann sær tógva synir, báðar kann eg væl nevna
He had two noble sons, I can name them both well
Magnus og hann Torstein jall, teir kunna væl
Magnus and noble Torstein, they know well
Dreingjum stevna
To challenge young men
Rennur og rennur foli mín
My passion flows and flows
Grønari grund og vín bar reyða lund
On greener pastures and wine bore the red grove
Stíg at dansa stund
Take a moment to dance
Kátur leikar foli mín
My passion plays happily
Á grønari grund
On greener pastures
Jallurin gongur for kongin inn og sigur honum frá
The noble went before the king and told him
er Torstein, sonur tín, kvittaður londum frá
Now Torstein, your son, has been banished from the country
Rennur og rennur foli mín
My passion flows and flows
Grønari grund og vín bar reyða lund
On greener pastures and wine bore the red grove
Stíg at dansa stund
Take a moment to dance
Kátur leikar foli mín
My passion plays happily
Á grønari grund
On greener pastures
Um hann vil av ríkinum fara, eingin skal honum banna
If he wishes to leave the kingdom, no one shall forbid him
Hann kann ei síni forløg flý, sjálvur hann tað sanna
He cannot escape his destiny, he must prove it himself
Rennur og rennur foli mín
My passion flows and flows
Grønari grund og vín bar reyða lund
On greener pastures and wine bore the red grove
Stíg at dansa stund
Take a moment to dance
Kátur leikar foli mín
My passion plays happily
Á grønari grund
On greener pastures
Tað lovaði eg bæði faðir og móðir, eg í vøggu
I promised this to both my father and mother, when I lay in the cradle
Eg skyldi ei ræðast tann heita eld,
I should not fear the hot fire
Ei heldur tað hvassa stál
Nor the sharp steel
Rennur og rennur foli mín
My passion flows and flows
Grønari grund og vín bar reyða lund
On greener pastures and wine bore the red grove
Stíg at dansa stund
Take a moment to dance
Kátur leikar foli mín
My passion plays happily
Á grønari grund
On greener pastures
Vargurin liggur í vetrarmjøll, staddur í stórari neyð
The wolf lies in the winter snow, in great need
So er tann maður, í víggi stendur, næstan tolir deyð
So is the man who stands in battle, nearly facing death
Rennur og rennur foli mín
My passion flows and flows
Grønari grund og vín bar reyða lund
On greener pastures and wine bore the red grove
Stíg at dansa stund
Take a moment to dance
Kátur leikar foli mín
My passion plays happily
Á grønari grund
On greener pastures
Frúgvin var bæði studd og leidd, inn í sín faðirs veldi
The lady was both supported and led, into her father's realm
Ljómin skein av akslagrein, tað skyggir av tignareldi
The light shone from the ears of corn, it glows with noble fire
Rennur og rennur foli mín
My passion flows and flows
Grønari grund og vín bar reyða lund
On greener pastures and wine bore the red grove
Stíg at dansa stund
Take a moment to dance
Kátur leikar foli mín
My passion plays happily
Á grønari grund
On greener pastures
er hetta kvæðið endað, tað man góðum gegna
Now this song is ended, it will suffice for the good
Torstein tók við ríkjunum baðum so við hvøru tegna
Torstein took over both kingdoms, with every sign
Rennur og rennur foli mín
My passion flows and flows
Grønari grund og vín bar reyða lund
On greener pastures and wine bore the red grove
Stíg at dansa stund
Take a moment to dance
Kátur leikar foli mín
My passion plays happily
Á grønari grund
On greener pastures
8. Grímur Á Miðalnesi
8. Grímur Á Miðalnesi
Gevið ljóðið og lýði á
Give a poem and a verse
Fátt er um at røða
There's little to say
Bóndin fyrstur heimin bygdi
The farmer first built the world
Harum vil eg kvøða
To him I will sing
Vítt um vegir gyltnir hjálmar syngja
Far along the roads golden helmets sing
Stíga á sínar hestar teir springa
Step on their steeds, they jump
Hoyrast kundi langen veg sum teirra sporar ringja
You could hear it a long way as their spurs ring
Vítt um vegir gyltnir hjálmar syngja
Far along the roads golden helmets sing
Frændir teir á skógin ríða
Relatives ride in the forest
Við so góðum treysti
With such good confidence
Sóu brenna heitan eld
They saw a hot fire burning
Og hartil fagrar kostir
And beautiful treasures there
Vítt um vegir gyltnir hjálmar syngja
Far along the roads golden helmets sing
Stíga á sínar hestar teir springa
Step on their steeds, they jump
Hoyrast kundi langen veg sum teirra sporar ringja
You could hear it a long way as their spurs ring
Vítt um vegir gyltnir hjálmar syngja
Far along the roads golden helmets sing

Writer(s): Heri Joensen

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