UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - ノンフィクションコンパス - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - ノンフィクションコンパス

Nonfiction Compass
I hold this indelible feeling as I walk through the city
もやもやミスト空間 ここどこ? わからないけど
A hazy misty space. Where is this? I don't know
Probably just some corner of the world
あやふや fit my think そうして思い込むから
I vaguely fit my thoughts, so I imagine it to be so
自身はどこだろう? 未だ採点不可能です
Where am I myself? Still impossible to judge
Are you looking for a cast list created by someone else to feel safe, sweetheart?
このストーリー描けるのはただ一人だ 中途半端な心構えは要らない
Only one person can write this story. A half-hearted approach won't do
ぐるぐるとかき乱すルーレット さながら回る物語
A spinning roulette, stirring everything up, like a revolving story
Everyone is a protagonist, clamoring about who won and who lost
そう思うと弱気になるよ けど止めらんない
I feel disheartened when I think like that, but I can't stop
I hold this indelible feeling as I walk through the city
My luggage is filled with nothing but genuine feelings and a little overconfidence
情景 桜舞ったコントラスト どうかこの願いも一緒に乗せて
A scene with cherry blossoms dancing in the wind. Please let this wish ride along too
The center of the world is here
A program that links directly to the brain and spits out
心の言の葉 これが最小限で十二分
Words from the heart. This is the bare minimum, and it's plenty
安っぽく聞こえるのはわかってるから 自分だけの価値を付けて
I know it sounds cheap, so give it your own value
オークションで跳ね上がったら ざまあみろってんだ
If it goes up in the auction, good for you
現時点に執着なんてない 僕よ 走れ
I'm not fixated on the present moment. Run, my love
ちらちらと流れ行く背景 巻き込み進め物語
The scenery flows by. Get sucked into the story and keep going
無駄に見えたならmistake 全部がかけがえないエキストラ
If it seems like a mistake, that's fine. Every bit is a priceless extra
壁もある足かせもある 委細が想定内
There are walls and obstacles. It's all within expectations
I hold this indelible feeling as I walk through the city
カメラやド派手なライティング そんなの要らないし興味もない
I don't need or care about fancy lighting or cameras
感情軌道に乗った さあどこへ行こうか
My emotions are on track. Where should we go, my darling?
この願い指し示す方へ 世界の真ん中を動かして
Towards where this wish points. Shake up the center of the world
ちょっとだけ怖いけど 大丈夫だよ ずっと譲らないから 大丈夫だよ
It's a little scary, but it's okay. I'll never give up. It's okay
冷やかすように心 乱暴にknock-knock するのは誰だ
My heart taunts me, knocking rudely. Who is it?
引きずり出してみようとしてもダメなんだって そうだよ
I try to drag it out, but it's no use. That's right
I have to make it come true myself, or it will disappear in an instant
ぐるぐるとかき乱すルーレット さながら回る物語
A spinning roulette, stirring everything up, like a revolving story
Everyone is a protagonist, clamoring about who won and who lost
そんなのもう関係ないよ 僕の道しるべは
That doesn't matter anymore. My guiding star is
I hold this indelible feeling as I walk through the city
At a speed that no one can keep up with
感情軌道に乗って どこまでも行こうか
My emotions are on track. Let's go anywhere, my darling
この願い重ね続ける 世界の真ん中で僕は
I'll keep piling up these wishes. In the center of the world, I am

Writer(s): 田淵 智也, 田淵 智也

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