UVERworld - EN - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction UVERworld - EN

あの日から突然 何もかもが変わってしまった
That day suddenly everything had changed
でも 永遠に抱える価値ある悲しみだと
But still, that grief that I will embrace forever is worthwhile
そう信じて 今日も行こう
That's what I believe in, let's move on.
Yeah 例外ばかりで出来ている世界
Yeah, our world is full of exceptions.
Even when we try to move forward, sometimes we don't know which way is forward.
淡い希望こそが その希望を粉砕
The fragile hope that crushes that hope.
幸せかどうか 良かったかどうか 世界は広いかは捉え方しだい
Whether we're happy or not, whether it was a good thing or not, how big the world is, that all depends on your perspective.
If you're the main character in the story of your life, that's good enough.
誰かを指差し非難する 大概その指はそいつより汚れてる
It's easy to point your finger and blame someone, but more likely, that finger is dirtier than theirs.
俺達が生きてる間に 差別も犯罪も戦争もなくならねぇ
Even while we're alive, discrimination, crime, and war will never disappear.
Today, somewhere, there are children who are starving to death. And God, who could so easily ignore them.
He would never be interested in our dreams!
Make the change yourself, instead of just wishing.
It's gonna be the one 行こう 行こう
It's gonna be the one, let's go, let's go.
We wanna see what's there 行こう
We wanna see what's there, let's go.
I'm gonna go, go
I'm gonna go, go.
Are you gonna go?
Are you gonna go?
It's gonna be the one 行こう 行こう
It's gonna be the one, let's go, let's go.
We wanna see what's there 行こう
We wanna see what's there, let's go.
I'm gonna go, go
I'm gonna go, go.
Are you gonna go?
Are you gonna go?
Yeah 自分自身の価値よりも金の方が価値があると思ってる奴らは
Yeah, for those who think money is more valuable than your own self-worth:
They only ever talk about money.
I will never accept it, even if they promise to give me a lot of money if I just retweet something.
I want my meals to be paid for by the food I earn and eat.
I used to be so afraid of death,
But, if I know you won't be here someday, then I want to die properly too.
That's the purpose of life, finding someone like that.
愛を粗末にする奴は 何に勝ったって一生負け組
Those who neglect love, no matter what they win, they'll always be losers.
Even if I like you a lot, I'll still have the strength to leave someone who doesn't love me properly.
That's the same as cherishing myself.
We will never run out of worries.
でも 10年前の今日何に悩んでたか覚えてる奴なんていない
But still, none of us can remember what we were worrying about 10 years ago today.
Wear what you want to wear, not what suits you.
ひょっとして 差別をしてるのは自分自身?
Could it be that the one who is discriminating is actually myself?
Love what you love.
忘れるな! お前の人生はお前の為のもの!
Don't forget! This is your life and it's for you!
It's gonna be the one 行こう 行こう
It's gonna be the one, let's go, let's go.
We wanna see what's there 行こう
We wanna see what's there, let's go.
I'm gonna go, go
I'm gonna go, go.
Are you gonna go?
Are you gonna go?
It's gonna be the one 行こう 行こう
It's gonna be the one, let's go, let's go.
We wanna see what's there 行こう
We wanna see what's there, let's go.
I'm gonna go, go
I'm gonna go, go.
Are you gonna go?
Are you gonna go?
It's gonna be the one 行こう 行こう
It's gonna be the one, let's go, let's go.
We wanna see what's there 行こう
We wanna see what's there, let's go.
I'm gonna go, go
I'm gonna go, go.
Are you gonna go?
Are you gonna go?
It's gonna be the one 行こう 行こう
It's gonna be the one, let's go, let's go.
また会えるかもしれない場所を探して そこに行く (we wanna see what's there 行こう)
Searching for a place where we might meet again, and I'll go there (we wanna see what's there, let's go).
生き物である以上 明日が来る保証なんて何処にもない (I'm gonna go, go)
As long as we're living beings, there's no guarantee of tomorrow (I'm gonna go, go).
伝えたい事は 今日伝える (are you gonna go?)
I'll tell you today what I want to say (are you gonna go?)
あの日から突然 何もかもが変わってしまった
That day suddenly everything had changed
でも 永遠に抱える価値ある悲しみだと
But still, that grief that I will embrace forever is worthwhile
そう信じて 今日も行こう
That's what I believe in, let's move on.
Ah 偉人の残した名言なんてクソくらえで良い
Ah, to hell with all the famous quotes.
Outlive all those who have hurt you and want you dead.
生きろ! そこがお前の行きたい場所!
Live! That's where you want to go!
来世ではどんな職業に就いて どんな人を愛したい?
What kind of job do you want to do in the next life? What kind of person do you want to love?
You can start doing that right now!
Music is not a business for us!
This is everything in our lives!
Find it!
Your "everything".

Writer(s): Takuya

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