Uchikubigokumondoukoukai - Jack amano - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Uchikubigokumondoukoukai - Jack amano

Jack amano
Jack amano
二兎追うものは一兎も得ずと言うけれども 一兎だけでも捕らえられる気がしない
They say that if you chase two rabbits, you won't catch either one. But I don't think I can catch even one.
うさぎ追わない あきらめ人生
I don't chase rabbits. I give up on life.
マイナス思考の ネガティブ人間
I'm a negative person with a negative mindset.
二兎追うものは一兎も得ずと言うけれども 無理なの承知でやっぱり二兎追いたい
They say that if you chase two rabbits, you won't catch either one. But I'll chase two anyway, even though I know it's impossible.
ゼロか百かの 勝負の人生
My life is a gamble, all or nothing.
常識破りの 冒険人間
I'm an adventurous person who breaks the rules.
馬の耳に向け念仏続行 Let's GO! 意味がわかんない
Let's preach to the horses and they'll keep praying. What does that even mean?
風が吹いたら桶屋をオープン Let's GO! 意味がわかんない
Let's open a barrel shop when the wind blows. What does that even mean?
Let's GO! 意味がわかんない
Let's go! What does that even mean?
案ずるな生め 飼い犬の手を噛みまくれ
Don't worry, give birth, bite the hand that feeds you.
案ずるな生め フィヨルド眺めて一念発起
Don't worry, give birth, look at the fjords and get inspired by them.
背に腹をChange 猿よ木からFalling Down
Change your back to your stomach, monkey, fall down from the tree.
Attack the rice bran with a nail.
Push with your sleeves.
石橋をBreaking Down 犬よ歩いて棒にAttack
Break down the stone bridge and let the dogs walk and attack the sticks.
That's not possible.
That was a bad one.
急いては事を仕損じるというけれども ゆっくりやっても上手くいく気がしない
They say that if you rush things, you'll mess them up. But I don't think I'll do well even if I take my time.
押してもダメで 引いてもダメかも
It doesn't work if you push, and it might not work if you pull.
追われるくらいが ほどよいとこかも
It's probably best if you're chased a little.
急いては事を仕損じるというけれども テキパキやらなきゃ仕事をいただけない
They say that if you rush things, you'll mess them up. But I have to do things quickly or I won't get any work.
急がば回れ 急いで回れ 闇雲に回れ ぐるぐる回れ
If you're in a hurry, go around. If you're in a hurry, go around. Go around blindly. Go around and around.
真珠より豚 小判より猫 Let's GO! 意味がわかんない
Pearls are better than pigs, gold coins are better than cats. What does that even mean?
嫁の晩飯は秋茄子オンリー Let's GO! 意味がわかんない
My wife's dinner is eggplant only. What does that even mean?
Let's GO! 意味がわかんない
Let's go! What does that even mean?
弘法も筆ペン へそで沸かした茶で乾杯
Even Kobo Daishi uses a felt-tip pen. Let's toast with tea boiled in our navels.
弘法も筆ペン へそでボイル へそでボイル へそは熱いうちにボイル
Even Kobo Daishi uses a felt-tip pen. Boil it in your navel, boil it in your navel, boil your navel while it's hot.
背に腹をChange 猿よ木からFalling Down
Change your back to your stomach, monkey, fall down from the tree.
Attack the rice bran with a nail.
Push with your sleeves.
石橋をBreaking Down 犬も歩けば当たるうまい棒
Break down the stone bridge and let the dogs walk and eat the delicious sticks.
カッパ川を流れGo 井戸のかわずも連れて
Flow down the kappa river, take the well frog with you.
海まで流れればいい 思うままにフリーダム
It would be great if you could just flow to the sea with freedom.
三人寄ればUs 雨で地盤 Breaking Down
Three people together, the rain is breaking down the ground.
砕ける覚悟で Attack
Attack with the覚悟 resolution to be crushed.

Writer(s): 大澤敦史

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