Vico C - Yerba Mala - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vico C - Yerba Mala

Yerba Mala
Bad Weed
El que cree que yerba mala no muere... que cuente
He who thinks bad weed doesn't die... let him count
A los que ya se han ido...
Those who are already gone...
Yerba Mala cogio sus metales saliendo es su lexus pa′ la patronales
Bad Weed grabbed his guns, heading out in his Lexus to the festival
A ver si veia a los tipos que habian robao' en su punto
To see if he could find the guys who had robbed his spot
Los busco por las grandes ciudades y cuando se acercaban las navidades
He searched for them in the big cities, and as Christmas approached
Los pudo mandar caminando en la calle a toditos juntos
He managed to send them all walking on the street, together
Y de lejos se oyeron tiros saliendo de la 9 y la 30-30
And from afar, shots were heard coming from the 9 and the 30-30
Yerba mala pudo lograr que la muerte les callera como tormenta
Bad Weed was able to make death fall upon them like a storm
Y un niñito que lo vio todo corrio para esconderse en una tienda
And a little boy who saw everything ran to hide in a store
Yerba mala se fue a cubrir en la 5ta enmiendaaaaa
Bad Weed went to take cover in the 5th amendmentaaaa
El niñito crecio poco a poco y se fue involucrando en ese
The little boy grew up little by little and got involved in that
Mundo loco donde las esquinas apestan a plomo y los cuerpos
Crazy world where the corners reek of lead and the bodies
A sangre...
Of blood...
Le metieron dentro e′ la cabeza los que trabajaban encima
They put it inside his head, those who worked at the top
De la mesa, que para montarse siempre se empieza conociendo
Of the table, that to climb up, you always start by knowing
Al grande
The big man
Y aquel niñito que ya era un hombre no para hasta encontrarse
And that little boy who was now a man didn't stop until he found
Una buena paga, y ese fue lo mejor que hizo pa' poder
A good pay, and that was the best thing he did to be able to
Reencontrarse con yerba mala, yerba mala le dijo pasa
Meet again with Bad Weed, Bad Weed told him come in
Y sientate conmigo aqui en mi sala, y le entro una 45 con
And sit with me here in my living room, and he handed him a 45 with
Muchas balaaaaaas
Many bulletssss
Con el arma el jovencito a yerba mala confronto, y gritando le pregunto
With the gun, the young man confronted Bad Weed, and screaming he asked him
Que si se acordaba, de la masacre que cuando niño en su
If he remembered the massacre that as a child in his own
Propio barrio organizo... Y que su padre entre las victimas se
Neighborhood he organized... And that his father was among the victims
Y apuntando le disparo
And aiming, he shot him
Y yerba mala al piso callo (se murio)
And Bad Weed fell to the floor (he died)
Su pecado no confeso, y su alma no se salvo
His sin not confessed, and his soul not saved
Como podria imaginar que el jovencito le iba a tirar
How could he imagine that the young man was going to shoot him
El mismo dia que le daria la confianza pa' trabajar...
The same day he would give him the trust to work...
El muchacho de ahi salio (se fugo)
The boy left there (he fled)
Y con el punto se quedo (lo cogio)
And with the point he stayed (he took it)
Y todo el mundo lo respeto, al saber lo que sucedio (oigalo)
And everyone respected him, knowing what happened (listen)
Su bandera vino a plantar y quien lo iba a criticar
His flag came to plant and who was going to criticize him
Si los que matan son los que viven y el que esta muerto
If those who kill are the ones who live and the one who is dead
Se va a enterrar...
Is going to be buried...
Yerba mala ya fue olvidado, igual que los que el mismo
Bad Weed was already forgotten, like those he himself
Habia eliminado, y los planes bonitos que habia soñado estan
Had eliminated, and the beautiful plans he had dreamed of are
Bajo tierra...
Y un sobrino que lo idolatraba tremenda venganza ya tiene
And a nephew who idolized him already has a tremendous revenge
Planeada viviendo en el cuento que nunca se acaba
Planned, living in the story that never ends
Y empieza otra guerra
And another war begins
Empieza otra guerra, ohhhh yeah
Another war begins, ohhhh yeah
Que se repite la misma cosa
The same thing repeats itself
Que Yerba mala si muere...
That Bad Weed does die...

Writer(s): Irizarry Suau Paul Frederick, Lozada Luis Armando, Ramos Domingo

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