fabian corrales - La Consentida - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction fabian corrales - La Consentida

La Consentida
The Pampered One
A donde estabas cariñito mio
Where were you, my darling?
Porqué razón nunca nos encontramos
Why did we never meet before?
A donde estabas que yo andaba herido
Where were you when I was wounded,
Buscando una mano para ser curado
Searching for a hand to heal me?
Yo no pensé que iba a ser tan lindo
I never thought it would be so beautiful,
Darte un besito y tenerte en mis brazos
To give you a little kiss and hold you in my arms.
Ahora que todos mis motivos
Now I know that all my reasons
Son de quedarme por siempre a tu lado
Are to stay by your side forever.
Y lo que más me gusta es que de donde vienes
And what I like most is that I know where you come from,
Y lo que más me gusta es que te conocía
And what I like most is that I knew you.
Me alegro que haya durado tiempo sin verte
I'm glad that I spent time without seeing you,
Porque el dia en que te vi sentí que ya eras mia
Because the day I saw you, I felt that you were already mine.
Gracias a Dios por haber cambiado mi suerte
Thank God for changing my luck,
Gracias a ti mi amor por llenarme la vida
Thank you, my love, for filling my life.
Si estamos lejos nunca dejes de quererme
If we are far away, never stop loving me,
Recuerda siempre que eres dueña de mis días
Always remember that you are the owner of my days.
Si estamos lejos nunca dejes de quererme
If we are far away, never stop loving me,
Recuerda siempre que eres dueña de mis días
Always remember that you are the owner of my days.
Ay la verdad es que eres la consentida
Oh, the truth is that you are the pampered one,
Y no te cambio por lo más bello
And I wouldn't trade you for anything more beautiful.
Y es que estoy que me pongo un letrero
I feel like wearing a sign
Que diga "encontré lo que quería"
That says "I found what I wanted".
Y es que estoy que me pongo un
I feel like wearing a sign
Letrero que diga "encontré lo que quería"
That says "I found what I wanted".
Ya me hace tanta falta oir tu voz
I already miss hearing your voice so much,
Ya me hacen tanta falta tus caricias
I already miss your caresses so much,
Que cuando hablamos se me va la vida
That when we talk, my life slips away,
Queriendo estar a tu lado mi amor
Wanting to be by your side, my love.
Para quererlo necesito tiempo
To love you, I need time,
Para quererte solo es que me quieras por eso pienso ser tu
To love you, I just need you to love me, that's why I plan to be your
Por eso pienso ser tu compañero
That's why I plan to be your companion,
El que acompaña contigo las penas
The one who shares your sorrows with you.
No pienses mal de mi porque algo te dijeron
Don't think badly of me because of something they told you,
Tampoco pienses que sigo siendo el de antes
Don't think I'm still the same as before.
Aquella novia para mi es un mal recuerdo
That girlfriend is a bad memory for me,
Que si pudiera nunca volvería a acordarme
That if I could, I would never remember again.
Frente a los dos solo tenemos un camino
Before us, we only have one path,
A donde solamente amor puede sembrarse
Where only love can be sown.
Una semilla hace crecer nuestro idilio
A seed makes our idyll grow,
Y que en el corazón solo puede guardarse
And that can only be kept in the heart.
Una semilla hace crecer nuestro idilio
A seed makes our idyll grow,
Y que en el corazón solo puede guardarse
And that can only be kept in the heart.
Ay la verdad es que eres la consentida
Oh, the truth is that you are the pampered one,
Y no te cambio por lo más bello
And I wouldn't trade you for anything more beautiful.
Y es que estoy que me pongo un letrero
I feel like wearing a sign
Que diga "encontré lo que quería"
That says "I found what I wanted".
Y es que estoy que me pongo un letrero
I feel like wearing a sign
Que diga "encontré lo que quería"
That says "I found what I wanted".
Ella es mi vida, ella es mi amor mi corazón, mi corazón
You are my life, you are my love, my heart, my heart,
Ella es mi vida, ella es mi amor mi corazón, mi corazón
You are my life, you are my love, my heart, my heart,
Ella es mi vida, ella es mi amor mi corazón, mi corazón
You are my life, you are my love, my heart, my heart,

Writer(s): Fabian Corrales

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