Đorđe Balašević - Covek za koga se udala Buba Erdeljan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Đorđe Balašević - Covek za koga se udala Buba Erdeljan

Covek za koga se udala Buba Erdeljan
The Man Buba Erdeljan Married
U Bačkoj Palanci bila je igranka
At Bačka Palanka, there was a dance
Ma lažem, ordinarna pijanka
No, I'm lying, it was a common drunk
Samo smo brljali, kako smo starili
We just rambled on about how old we were getting
Sve smo surovije tezgarili
And we were increasingly rioting
Posle se kajali, sve šatro čudili
Afterwards we repented, we were all amazed
Dokle smo stigli
How far we had come
I kraj kojih smo se krokodila budili
And next to which crocodiles we woke up
Nešto pre fajronta prišla mi tipčina
Just before closing time, a chick came up to me
S onim hitlerskim brčićima
With that Hitler mustache
Pečatnim prstenom, kravatom labavom
Signet ring, loose tie
Da časti oduševljen zabavom
To honor the enthused party
Al ja baš nisam fan napadnih pedera
But I'm just not a fan of aggressive faggots
Što večno jure konobarice
Who are always chasing waitresses
I mirišu na berbere
And smell like barbers
Al ajde...
But come on...
Bio sam umoran, rekoh tom paunu
I was tired, I told that peacock
Majstore, ja sam u nokdaunu
Master, I'm in a knockdown
Grebem po žicama, tamburam danima
I'm playing on wires, I'm playing the tambourine for days
Ubi me dim po restoranima
The smoke is killing me in the restaurants
Sad vidiš promaja pod ovim šatorom
Now you see the draft under this tent
On reče: čekaj malo,
He said: Wait a minute,
Ti si bio dobar s mojom matorom
You were good with my old lady
Old lady...?
Da, onda sam ga poznao tek
Yes, then I only recognized him
Pa nije čudo prošo je vek
No wonder, a century has passed
Za tog se dripca udala Buba Erdeljan
Buba Erdeljan married this drip
Šta ti je trebalo to, mali mišu moj
What did you need that for, my little mouse
Da pođeš za takvu barabu
To go for such a creep
Što nisi pazila
Why didn't you watch out
Što si princa preobrazila
Why did you transform the prince
U ovu žabu
Into this frog
Voleo bi da znam
I would like to know
Bila si kći tatina, ja vucibatina,
You were the daughter of a father, I, a rascal,
Blesavko sa senom u kosi
An idiot with hay in her hair
Uzmi il ostavi,
Take it or leave it,
Ko je mogo da pretpostavi
Who could have guessed
Đavo ga nosi
The devil take him
Tip reče: Ovde sam s dve fine ženice
The guy says: I'm here with two fine chicks
U, dve opake raspuštenice
Oh, two wicked loose women
Namignu mangupski: Svi malo šaramo
They wink roguishly: We all fool around a little
Namignuh i ja, kao, naravno
I wink too, like, of course
Seo sam tako s njim i onim guskama
I sat with him and those geese
A on je samo brbljao,
And he just babbled on and on,
O dal je poljubi tim usnama
O gave those lips a kiss
Ma ne...
Oh no...
Konobar što zastajkuješ
Waiter, what are you stopping for?
Dal i ti možda štrajkuješ
Are you maybe on strike too?
Daj dečko odma flašu svirni
Come on, boy, order a bottle right away
Pa smo mirni
Then we'll be calm
Prošo sam sever i jug
I crossed the north and the south
Širom pa u krug
Wide and in a circle
I čega sam ostao željan
And what am I still longing for?
Pa ne baš mnogo tog
Not so much of that
Bršljana s jednog zida visokog
Ivy from a tall wall
I Bube Erdeljan
And Buba Erdeljan
E voleo bi da znam
I would like to know
Šta ti je trebalo to,
What did you need that for,
Moja lepojko
My beauty
O bila si dukata vredna
O, you were worth a ducat
Što si pustila
Why did you let
Da te ovaj tu izgustira
This guy here exhaust you
Budalo jedna
You fool
E moji lanski snegovi
Oh my last year's snow
Šta ti je trebalo to,
What did you need that for,
Mali mišu moj
My little mouse
Da pođeš za takvu barabu
To go for such a creep
Što nisi pazila
Why didn't you watch out
Što si princa preobrazila
Why did you transform the prince
U ovu žabu
Into this frog
Da mi je da znam
I wish I knew
Prošo sam sever i jug
I crossed the north and the south
Širom pa u krug
Wide and in a circle
I čega sam ostao željan
And what am I still longing for?
Pa ne baš mnogo tog
Not so much of that
Bršljana s jednog zida visokog
Ivy from a tall wall
I Bube Erdeljan
And Buba Erdeljan
E, da...
Oh, yes...

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