平井 堅 - 君が僕に憑依した!! - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 平井 堅 - 君が僕に憑依した!!

You've Possessed Me!!
ある日君は笑って 僕の胸を奪った
One day, you came with a smile, and stole my heart
追いかける でも逃げ足がたけに 速い
I chased you, but you were too fast, you quickly got away
もし君が幽霊でも いつでも会いに来ていいよ
Even if you're a ghost, you can always come and visit me
怖がりな 僕をおどかしにおいで
I'm a scaredy-cat, come and scare me
もっと近くなって ぎゅっと抱き合えから どんな温度かな
Get a little closer so I can hug you tight, what would it feel like?
とんでもないこと しでかしたのに 知らんぷりかい?
You did something terrible, and now you pretend you don't know me?
憑りつちゃっているんだ 君が四六時中僕の中で
You're possessing me, you're inside me 24/7
棲みついているんだ 寝ても醒めても君に夢中さ
You're living in me, I'm obsessed with you even when I'm sleeping or awake
I guess this is what they call love
その日君は笑って 僕に魔法をかけた
That day, you came with a smile, and cast a spell on me
解けずに 胸がズキズキとやけに痛い
I can't break it, my heart throbs and aches so much, it's killing me
もし僕が幽霊なら 君の夢の中に
If I were a ghost, I would sneak into your dreams
忍びこみ 甘い Love storyを描こう
And draw a sweet love story
もっと深くなって ずっと触れ合たら どんな匂いかな
Get a little deeper, and if we kept touching, what would it smell like?
妄想の酔いしれて 勝手に高まって ひとりよがり
I'm drunk with fantasy, I'm getting carried away, I'm being selfish
憑りつちゃってから 僕ら二度と離れないのさ
Since you possessed me, we'll never be apart again
かきむしるんだ 寝ても醒めても君が好きさ
I'll scratch and claw at you, even when I'm sleeping or awake, I love you
I don't want this to end as a dream
もって強くなって きっと奪い返す 君の心ごと
I'll grow stronger, and I'll surely take back your heart
冷静を装った その横顔を 振り向かせる
I'll pretend to be calm, but I'll make you turn around and face me
憑りつちゃっているんだ ホラ 君が四六時中僕の中に
You're possessing me, hey, you're inside me 24/7
棲みついているんだ 寝ても醒めても君に夢中さ
You're living in me, I'm obsessed with you even when I'm sleeping or awake
憑りつちゃってから いっそ四六時中僕の中に
Since you possessed me, stay inside me 24/7
かきむしるんだ 寝ても醒めても君が好きさ
I'll scratch and claw at you, even when I'm sleeping or awake, I love you
I want to nurture this into love

Writer(s): 平井 堅, Akira, 平井 堅, akira

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