許哲珮 - Daylight Lover - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 許哲珮 - Daylight Lover

Daylight Lover
Daylight Lover
晴空下 隨著微風流浪
Beneath a clear sky, I wander with the breeze
紙飛機飛過 一整片溫柔彩霞
A paper airplane flies through a gentle, colorful sunset
你說 走吧 一起去流浪
You say, "Let's go, let's wander together,
當作我們的 蜜月旅行吧
Let this be our honeymoon."
你像太陽 總貼心溫暖
You're like the sun, always warm and comforting,
是你給的愛 那麼深刻又實在
Your love is so deep and real.
天生 浪漫 星空下燭光晚餐
Innate romance, candlelit dinners under the stars,
世界因為你 散發著光彩
The world glows because of you.
像春天的花香 是夏日的艷陽
Like the fragrance of spring flowers, the radiance of the summer sun,
愛悄悄的開花 綻放
Love blooms quietly, blossoming.
秋天曬曬月光 冬夜飄下雪花
In autumn, we bathe in moonlight; in winter, snowflakes fall
Creating a tapestry of our love.
一陣風吹起浪花 編織我的白紗
A gust of wind creates waves, weaving my wedding dress,
擁抱暖暖日光 親吻泛紅的臉頰
Embracing the warm sunlight, kissing flushed cheeks.
Love is so easy and natural,
有愛就不孤單 呼吸多簡單
With love, we're not alone; breathing becomes effortless.
你是風輕輕吹散 我心頭的煩亂不安
You're the gentle breeze that scatters the worries in my heart,
陽光多麼溫暖 愛像片蔚藍大海
The sunshine is so warm, love is like a vast, blue ocean,
Swirling around us.
飛揚的裙擺 愛的好簡單
My skirt billows, love is so simple.
像春天的花香 是夏日的艷陽
Like the fragrance of spring flowers, the radiance of the summer sun,
愛悄悄的開花 綻放
Love blooms quietly, blossoming.
秋天曬曬月光 冬夜飄下雪花
In autumn, we bathe in moonlight; in winter, snowflakes fall
Creating a tapestry of our love.
做你的日光 戀人分不開
Be my daylight lover, inseparable,
做我的日光 戀人不分開
Be my daylight lover, eternally entwined.

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