鄭少秋 - 帝女花 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 鄭少秋 - 帝女花

Imperial Flower
女:落花满天蔽月光 借一杯附荐凤台上
Lady: Flowers fall, blocking the moonlight, may I offer a cup of wine to the phoenix on the stage?
帝女花带泪上香 愿丧生回谢爹娘
The Imperial Flower offers incense with tears, wishing to die to repay her parents' kindness.
偷偷看 偷偷望 佢带泪带泪暗悲伤
I sneak a peek, I steal a glance, she sheds tears in secret sorrow.
我半带惊惶 怕驸马惜鸾凤配
I am half alarmed, I fear the prince will cherish the phoenix and its mate.
Unwilling to die for love and accompany me to the grave.
男:寸心盼望能同合葬 鸳鸯侣相偎傍
Gentleman: I hope with all my heart that we may be buried together,鸳鸯侣相偎傍鸳鸯, a pair of mandarin ducks, cuddling up to each other.
Build a new bridal chamber on the grave.
In the underworld, I will find the Pingyang alley again.
Lady: Alas, those who cherish flowers are willing to die with them.
It is difficult to drink poisoned wine for the prince on the wedding night.
男:江山悲灾劫 感先帝恩千丈
Gentleman: The country is in mourning, I am grateful for the emperor's boundless kindness.
My wife and I bow together to ask after the emperor's well-being.
Lady: Alas, I hope to share white hair with you on our wedding night.
Who would want to see the wedding candles turn into bloody waves?
Alas, I have wronged you and dragged you into this trap.
It is fitting to bow deeply to the wedding candles.
Join the cups together to become husband and wife, with the tomb as our bridal chamber.
Let the songs of a thousand autumns praise the prince on the spirit tablet.
男:将柳荫当做芙蓉帐 明朝驸马看新娘
Gentleman: I will make the shade of the willow tree my bridal canopy, and tomorrow the prince will see his bride.
In the middle of the night, I will light a lamp and carefully apply my makeup.
Lady: Through the ages, the phoenix and the roc will be eternally devoted.
May I拜相交杯举案拜相交杯举案, bow to my husband, raise our cups together, and serve him food.
Gentleman: I pass you the golden cup, take a sip and taste it slowly.
With tears, I put the poison on the grapes.
Lady: I will醉梦乡醉梦乡, get drunk and dream with you.
Gentleman: Let us drink together until the night is over.
Lady: Alas, the crown of a hundred flowers replaces my burial clothes.
Gentleman: The prince's tomb will be my final resting place.
Lady: Embrace me.
Gentleman: Hold me close.
Together: The two branches of the tree will reveal the fragrance of the Imperial Flower.
Gentleman: Imperial Flower
Lady: Forever with my beloved.
Together: When a couple dies, the trees will also have the same appearance.

鄭少秋 - compilation

1 冬恋
2 命运游戏
3 天大地大
4 摘星
5 倚天屠龙记 live
6 岁月无情 无线电视剧 大时代 主题曲
7 思念
8 帝女花
9 岁月无情 音乐
10 巨浪 大时代
11 大时代过客 铃声
12 摘下满天星 dj
13 dj 摘下满天星弹版陈公子
14 印证 50秒铃声版
15 十八铲
16 初恋
17 友情乐章 30秒铃声版
18 只有缘未有份
19 上海滩
20 三潭印月
21 一触惊魂
22 一声声叹息
23 不想再见
24 不要讲
25 保家卫国
26 天涯孤客
27 半夜歌声
28 决战前夕 live
29 写不出的歌 45秒铃声版
30 再度重逢
31 再会
32 双雄结拜 “楚汉骄雄”纯音乐
33 不介意 56秒铃声版
34 不介意
35 不了情 live
36 倚天屠龙记 音乐
37 不该辜负我 31秒铃声版
38 劲草娇花
39 初会
40 双飞蝴蝶
41 倾心一笑中
42 上海滩 live
43 一心爱着你 48秒铃声版
44 不死的真爱 live
45 你我有别 28秒铃声版
46 你在何处
47 但我不怪谁
48 伤心路 46秒铃声版
49 像雾像电像春雷
50 伤心路
51 勇者无惧
52 劫后情
53 分别
54 出走
55 写不出的歌
56 一缕情
57 一双眼睛
58 medley 陆小凤 书剑恩仇录 无敌是最寂寞 楚留香 倚天屠龙记
59 不是我的错
60 友情乐章
61 千忆 “血荐轩辕”纯音乐
62 凯旋歌 39秒铃声版
63 决不能没有你 26秒铃声版
64 三笑姻缘主题曲音乐
65 一切是缘份
66 《新上海滩》主题曲音乐
67 何处觅知音 35秒铃声版
68 从无后悔爱你
69 人在世间
70 二堂放子
71 丰收
72 两地相思
73 令我心温暖 38秒铃声版
74 一千一亿世纪
75 愿多一个我
76 想当初
77 一生拖你手
78 心暖心乱
79 无奈
81 小路旁
82 名剑
83 浮云

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