齊豫 - 八聖吉祥祈請文 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 齊豫 - 八聖吉祥祈請文

Eight Auspicious Noble Ones Prayer
八聖吉祥祈請文(& 張淑蓉)
Eight Auspicious Noble Ones Prayer (& Zhang Shurong)
經文:米滂仁波切 འཇམ་མགོན་མི་ཕམ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ།
Scripture: Mipham Rinpoche འཇམ་མགོན་མི་ཕམ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ།
製作人:齊豫 Yu Chyi、張淑蓉 Sophie Chang
Producers: Chyi Yu, Sophie Chang
現有自性清淨任運成, 安住十方吉祥剎土中
In their naturally pure and spontaneous state, residing in the ten directions' auspicious pure lands
諸佛正法僧伽聖者眾, 頂禮一切願我等吉祥
The assembly of Buddhas, Dharma, Sangha, and noble beings, I bow to all, may we be auspicious
燈王佛賢勇義成就佛, 慈嚴德佛善名勝德佛
Dipamkara Buddha, the valiant and accomplished Buddha, the compassionate and majestic Buddha, the Buddha of excellent reputation and virtue
一切義持廣大名稱佛, 如須彌山聖力名德佛
The Buddha upholding all meanings, with a vast and renowned name, the Buddha with the power and virtue like Mount Sumeru
垂念一切眾生名德佛, 威力吉祥名稱遂願佛
The Buddha who cares for all sentient beings, the Buddha whose power, auspiciousness, and name fulfill wishes
僅聞聖名增德增吉祥, 吉祥八大善逝敬頂禮
Just hearing their holy names increases virtue and auspiciousness, I respectfully bow to the eight auspicious Tathagatas
文殊童子具德金剛手, 聖觀自在怙主慈氏尊
Manjushri, the youthful and virtuous, Vajrapani, the holy Avalokiteshvara, the protector, the noble Maitreya
地藏菩薩並與除蓋障, 聖尊普賢菩薩虛空藏
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, along with Sarvanivarana-Vishkambhin, the noble Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and Akashagarbha
青蓮金剛白蓮那伽樹, 如意摩尼寶劍日月輪
The blue lotus, the vajra, the white lotus, the nagakesara flower, the wish-fulfilling jewel, the sword, the sun and moon discs
持善標幟吉祥殊勝德, 八大菩薩勇士敬頂禮
Holding the banners of goodness, with auspicious and supreme virtues, I respectfully bow to the eight great bodhisattva heroes
殊勝寶傘吉祥黃金魚, 如意寶瓶悅意妙蓮花
The supreme precious parasol, the auspicious golden fish, the wish-fulfilling vase, the delightful and wondrous lotus flower
悅音海螺圓滿吉祥結, 不朽勝幢自在金輪寶
The pleasing sound of the conch shell, the perfect auspicious knot, the indestructible victory banner, the sovereign golden wheel treasure
殊勝標幟八勝吉祥寶, 供養十方三世一切佛
These supreme symbols, the eight auspicious treasures, are offered to all Buddhas of the ten directions and three times
僅念嬉女聖眾即增祥, 八大吉祥天女敬頂禮
Just thinking of these joyful goddesses increases auspiciousness, I respectfully bow to the eight auspicious dakinis
大梵大自在天遍入天, 千目帝釋與持國天王
Mahadeva, Ishvara, and the pervasive deities, the thousand-eyed Indra and Dhrtarastra
增長天王龍王廣目天, 多聞天王各持天寶物
Virudhaka, the dragon king Virupaksa, Vaishravana, each holding their heavenly treasures
輪三叉戟短槍金剛杵, 琵琶寶劍寶塔勝寶幢
The wheel, the trident, the spear, the vajra, the lute, the sword, the stupa, and the victory banner
三界增上善妙與吉祥, 世間八大護法敬頂禮
Enhancing the three realms with goodness, wonder, and auspiciousness, I respectfully bow to the eight worldly protectors
我等如今所作諸事業, 一切障難惱害悉消泯
May all obstacles and harms in the endeavors we undertake now be completely eradicated
順緣增長所願如意成, 祈願吉祥如意悉圓滿
May favorable conditions increase and our wishes be fulfilled, I pray that all auspiciousness and good fortune be perfectly complete

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