A-Mei Chang - 血腥愛情故事 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни A-Mei Chang - 血腥愛情故事

Bloody Love Story
你嚐過的那些甜頭 都是寂寞的果實
Savor the sugary fruits of your folly
那是活生生 從心頭裡割下的我
The tender flesh I severed from my heart
一塊肉像一個贈品 從來都不假思索
A piece of meat, a trinket so free
你銳利 我就腥風血雨 洋洋灑灑當個寫手
Your piercing wit, my wounds, a symphony
就讓我緊跟著你 起承轉合
Let me follow your every twist and turn
讓我為你寫一本 恐怖小說
Penning a chilling tale for you alone
誰可疑 誰可憐 誰無辜 誰茍活
Who's suspect, who's pitied, who's innocent, who endures
The ending, oh, I foretell it all
就讓我來代替你 承先啟後
Let me be your proxy, guiding your hand
刻骨銘心像一本 情愛小說
A love story etched with blood and longing
越血流 越手酸 心越空 肉越痛
The more the blood, the more I bleed
千刀萬剮的感情 才生動
A thousand cuts, a vibrant tale indeed
不要還給我 不要還給我
Keep it, I beg you, keep it, my love
再去捉摸 都太遲了
Too late for regrets, the die is cast
手心肉的牽連 早已沒有用了
The connection severed, a thing of the past
I watch you now, a soulless shell
Two haunted souls, a living hell
再去著墨 都太多了
The ink runs dry, the story's done
再轟烈的故事 都算太俗氣了
An epic tale of love too undone
寫到哪裡 能剛好就好
Where to end this tale, I ponder deep
To leave you hanging, on the edge to leap
A love that kills, a love that bleeds
Let me follow your every twist and turn
Penning a chilling tale for you alone
誰可疑 誰可憐 誰無辜 誰苟活
Who's suspect, who's pitied, who's innocent, who endures
The ending, oh, I foretell it all
Let me be your proxy, guiding your hand
A love story etched with blood and longing
越血流 越手痠 心越空 肉越痛
The more the blood, the more I bleed
A thousand cuts, a vibrant tale indeed

Авторы: Jia Wei Chen, Jonnic Thompsett

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