Ai Higuchi - ココロジェリーフィッシュ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ai Higuchi - ココロジェリーフィッシュ

Jellyfish Heart
予報はずれの雨の日は 透明のくらげがただようよ
On an unexpectedly rainy day, transparent jellyfish drift aimlessly.
苦し紛れについたウソ 心に雲を運んでる
Amidst the clouds created by my desperate lie, torment brews in my heart.
いつもより静かな街は 色をかすかに残しているよ
The usually bustling city is quieter now, retaining only faint hues.
君が忘れた黒い傘 いつまでもかわいたまんま
Your forgotten black umbrella remains dry, as if waiting eternally.
ねえ こんなことやめようよ 2人傷つくだけだよ
Hey, let's put an end to this, it only hurts us both.
As the distance between us grows, we cling to a fading hope.
ねえ いつだっけ約束した2人の未来は雨でにじんで
Our promised future, once so clear, now blurred by rain.
見えないうちに 背を向けてしまおう
Unnoticed, we turn our backs to each other.
ココロジェリーフィッシュ つながった気持ちは
Heart jellyfish, our connected emotions
Always take the shortest path.
でも今は届かない 聞こえない そんな鼓動さえも
But now, they fail to reach, unheard, even the echo of our heartbeats.
海の中 ゆらゆらと揺れては
Floating gently in the depths of the sea,
With darkness as our bed and stars as our canopy,
会えるなら会いたい 素直な気持ち
I long to see you, my honest heart's desire.
あれから途絶えた連絡 つぶやいたメールは減ってくよ
Since that day, our contact ceased, and whispered messages dwindled.
Will it naturally fade away?
Forever unanswered,
ねえ こんなことやめたいよ ほんとはただ逃げたいの
Hey, I want to end this, I just want to run away.
I long to know where my heart belongs.
君もジェリーフィッシュ 寄せては返すよに
You're a jellyfish too, surging back and forth,
Our connection is as ambiguous as the jellyfish itself.
誰が悪者になれば あたしが傷つくだけですむの?
Who would be the villain if that would save me from pain?
Floating weightlessly in the sea,
Surrendering to the currents,
知らぬ間に 君の隣に 流れ着きたい
Unbeknownst to you, I yearn to drift next to you.
いつかジェリーフィッシュ 失ってしまえば
Perhaps one day, the jellyfish will vanish,
The lines connecting us reduced to mere dots.
向こうから続く足跡 波がさらっていくよ
The footprints left behind will be washed away by the relentless waves.
Still, my body longs to escape, my limbs twisted and contorted,
To be with you.
もういちど 君に気持ち伝えて
Once more, I'll convey my feelings,
As if starting anew.
I can't utter those words now, imprisoned by my fragile pride.
海の中2人で泳いだね きらきら揺れる波に向かって
Together, we swam through the depths,
戻りたいなんて言わない 欲しいのは未来
Riding the shimmering waves.

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