Alberto Cortez - El amor desolado (Live 85) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Alberto Cortez - El amor desolado (Live 85)

El amor desolado (Live 85)
Desperate Love (Live 85)
Yo puse el esfuerzo
I poured out my efforts
Y ella la desgana
And she, her apathy
Yo el hondo silencio
I offered thoughtful silence
Y ella la palabra
And she, her empty chatter
Yo senda y camino
I gave path and direction
Y ella la distancia
And she, the distance
Yo puse los ojos
I offered my eyes
Y ella la mirada
And she, her glances
Quise entre mis manos
I yearned to hold the water
Retener el agua
In my very own hands
Y sobre la arena
Yet, on the shifting sands
Levanté mi casa
I built my home
Me quedé sin manos
Bereft of hands
Me quedé sin casa
My home left desolate
Fui raíz oscura
I became the hidden root
Y ella tronco y rama
And she, the trunk and branch
Para que la cuenta
So that our love's balance
Del amor sumara
Could grow and flourish
Ella puso el cuerpo
She gave her body
Yo el cuerpo y el alma
I gave my body and soul
Era toda viento
She was a restless wind
Yo todo montaña
I, a stoic mountain
Yo pura resina
I was the purest sap
Y ella pura llama
And she, the burning flame
Una noche oscura
One fateful, dark night
Se fue de mi casa
She left my home
Cegaron mis ojos
My eyes now blinded
Para no mirarla
To prevent me from seeing her
Para no seguirla
From following her
Cerré las ventanas
I sealed the windows
Clausuré las puertas
Bolted the doors
Para no llamarla
To keep her out
Puse rosas negras
I placed black roses
Sobre nuestra cama
Upon our bed
Sobre su memoria
On her memory
Puse rosas blancas
I placed white roses
Y a la luz difusa
In the muted light
De la madrugada
Of approaching dawn
Me quité la vida
I took my own life
Para no matarla
To spare hers
Yo lo puse todo
I gave it all
Vida, cuerpo y alma
My life, my body, and soul
Y ella, Dios lo sabe
And she, as God is my witness
Nunca puso nada.
Never gave a thing.

Авторы: Jose Alberto Garcia Gallo, A/k/a Alberto Cortez, Jose Fernando Dicent Sanchez

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