Andreas Scholl - Cum dederit dilectis suis somnum (Nisi Dominus, RV 608 - Vivaldi) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Andreas Scholl - Cum dederit dilectis suis somnum (Nisi Dominus, RV 608 - Vivaldi)

Cum dederit dilectis suis somnum (Nisi Dominus, RV 608 - Vivaldi)
Cum dederit dilectis suis somnum (Nisi Dominus, RV 608 - Vivaldi)
In vanum laboraverunt qui ædificant eam.
In vain have they labored who build it.
Nisi Dominus custodierit civitatem
Unless the Lord keeps the city
Frustra vigilat qui custodit eam.
He who guards it remains on alert in vain.
Vanum est vobis ante lucem surgere:
It would be futile for you to get up before daybreak;
Surgite postquam sederitis,
Get up after you have done sitting
Qui manducatis panem doloris.
You who eat the bread of sorrow,
Cum dederit dilectis suis somnum.
When he shall give sleep to his beloved.
Ecce hæreditas Domini, filii:
Behold, the inheritance of the Lord are children,
Merces fructus ventris.
The fruit of the womb is his reward.
Sicut sagittæ in manu potentis:
Like arrows in the hand of a mighty man;
Ita filii excussorum.
So are children of shaking.
Beatus vir qui implevit desiderium suum ex ipsis:
Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them;
Non confundetur cum loquetur inimicis suis in porta.
He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.
Psaume 127 (126)
Psalm 127 (126)
Psaume des montées, par Salomon.
Song of Ascents, by Solomon.
Si l'Eternel ne bâtit la maison,
Unless the Lord builds the house,
Ceux qui la bâtissent travaillent en vain;
Those who build it labor in vain;
Si l'Eternel ne garde la ville,
Unless the Lord guards the city,
Celui qui la garde veille en vain.
The watchman stays awake in vain.
En vain vous levez-vous matin,
It would be futile for you to get up early,
Vous couchez-vous tard,
Stay up late,
Et mangez-vous le pain de douleur;
And eat bread earned in anguish;
Il en donne autant à ses bien-aimés
Even as he gives to those he loves
Pendant leur sommeil.
When they are asleep.
Voici, des fils sont un héritage de l'Eternel,
For behold, sons are the Lord's heritage,
Le fruit des entrailles est une récompense.
Offspring are a reward;
Comme les flèches
Like arrows
Dans la main d'un guerrier,
In the hand of a warrior,
Ainsi sont les fils de la jeunesse.
So are the sons of one's youth.
Heureux l'homme
Happy is the man
Qui en a rempli son carquois!
Whose quiver is full of them;
Il ne sera pas confus,
He shall not be put to shame
Quand des ennemis seront à la porte.
When he contends with his foes in the gate.

Авторы: Antonio Vivaldi

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